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Here's the 3rd Metal Gear Standee concept! The last one for now, until I have time to design more.

The color palette on this one was pretty hard to figure out! I might still go in and make some changes to Snake and Liquid. I may also need to brighten parts of the background pieces. I'm gonna try and order samples of these last 2 to make sure they look good.

This one won't be available in the shop this month, but the Gray Fox standee will be!

Anyway, I hope you like it! I plan to make some more stuff like this in the future!




Sorry for the dumb question but do you have an estimate of price and when they will be available?


Availability: The Gray Fox standee will hopefully be available with everything else late this month. The other 2 might not be ready until Spring. Pricing: I'm still working that out, but they'll be in the range of $20+