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Hey patrons! Here are 2 of the stickers for next month's reward bundle! 

The last one will be ready on the 30th. This wound up being a busier month than I realized 💦

Anyway, Mai's pose is based on a piece of official art, but I gave my own spin on it. I've been wanting to draw the Harpie Ladies for a long while! If I ever get around to another set of monster-card stickers, they'll probably be a part of that.

The Professor Sada design is a bit of a spoiler, but I think enough time has passed. For the sticker, I'm gonna go with the normal-eyes version. Also yet again I'm like a year late to drawing a meme, lol.

I hope you like em! 


The final sticker will be ready on the 30th! And the reward info post will be up on the 31st. I'm getting ready to reopen the store next month, but I'll go into detail about that in a February update post!




Wait, what meme are you referencing?

Jeff B. Hughes

can I say one thing: RUN!!!!🏃