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Hey Patrons!

Here's an updated lineup of some different print concepts. I posted something like this a few months ago, but after I went digging through some files I found even more unfinished print concepts, haha. You should click the image to get a better view.

My print lineup for the shop and for conventions has grown a bit stale. Half of it's old stuff, and the other half are single-character pinups. So I'd like to start on an entire new lineup. But these kinds of illustrations take a lot of time, so it's gonna be a pretty gradual thing. I can't draw them all at once.

If possible I'd like to complete at least one in October, with enough time to order it for AnimeNYC in mid November. At the moment, I'm leaning towards Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Akira, or Dragon Quest 11, since it's an Anime con.

I'd love to hear what you all think of these sketch ideas! I'm actually gonna post a poll too, just to gauge interest. If you're in one of the voting tiers, look out for that post soon!



John Domino

Holy shit the Yuyu Hakusho looks amazing


I REALLY want to have the Yu Yu, Tron Bonne, and Dragon Quest prints!