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Here are some more sketches and stuff for the main cast of Doki Doki Demon Dungeon!

I'll go over them in order:

  • Giri - Her design has remained the same, but I cleaned up the drawings a little bit. I also added a sketch of her "Monster Queen" outfit. Here's a little bit of her backstory: Giri was once the Monster Queen of Dinner Forest. She built a great army of monster people, but was dethroned by a team of knights from Breakfast Kingdom known as the "Bad Axes". Their leader, Sangria, gave her the scars on her face and stomach. With her army defeated and scattered, Giri lost everything and hid away in an empty boss room inside the Skeleton Dungeon deep in Brunch Mountains. After being defeated again, this time by the Skeleton hero, Giri joins his quest with hopes to use the Skeleton's strength to reclaim her throne.
  • Skeleton - (technically genderless. I'd like the player to be able to choose their pronouns. By default I refer to them as he/him) Here you can get a look at what the Skeleton looks like without the cloak. He's a pretty standard low-level skeleton enemy, who dreams to become much more! He gets the cloak and sword from the body of a hero who died in their quest to save the princess. But he immediately trips and breaks the tip off of the sword... hey does that sword have an eye on it??
  • Gotchapon - Everyone's favorite Slime/Mimic! Like I said in the previous post, I dropped the handles from the treasure chest because they were in the way. During the majority of the story, she'll have her treasure-pants hiked up. Some story context for her: The Skeleton meets Gotchapon in the first Monster town he visits. She's an outcast who gets framed for a crime she didn't commit! (even though she has committed many other crimes...) The Skeleton helps clear her name, but she decides to leave town anyway and join his quest.
  • S'Crow - Cool spooky scarecrow person. Here you can get a look at their alternate forms. Story spoilers ahead >> Part one takes the Skeleton and friends through the Skeleton Dungeon and has the party face off against 4 bosses before reaching the Skull King. These 4 bosses are the former party members of the hero who died at the beginning of the story! They were cursed and transformed by the Skull King. The 4th and final one turns out to be S'Crow! They fought off the Skull King's influence, but it becomes too overwhelming and they transform into the more monster-y forms on the top right for a big boss battle. You have to defeat them and restore S'Crow's sanity.
  • Princess Pancake - Princess of Breakfast Kingdom and Waffle Castle. Her full name is Princess Pancake Syrup Waffle. But please just call her "Pan" for short. The Skull King has been holding her captive inside a crystal ball, but when that crystal is shattered during the boss fight, Pan joins the Skeleton and friends to fight alongside them! She remains in the party (against the King's wishes) and gives the Skeleton group their own house in Breakfast Kingdom. Pan and S'Crow were good friends, even before S'Crow was turned into a monster.
  • Sangria - The final party member and a recurring boss, until the King forces him to join the party. The team has to learn to get along with Sangria, which proves to be difficult at first. But eventually Sangria finds himself making friends with everyone and having to make a difficult choice between his new friends and old teammates. He's the Hendrik/Magus/Vincent Valentine of  the group and uses a lot of offensive dark magic and attack buffs. The outfits on the left are what he wears when he joins the team. I'm still working out the uniforms for his "Bad Axes" team.
  • Extras - A very rough concept sketch for the Hero that dies at the beginning of the story and an updated design for the Skull King (which I might have shared already? I forget). The hero is a homage/mash up of Erdrick and Cloud.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I love talking about this project and I'd be happy to discuss it further in the comments if you have any questions or anything!



D. A. Campisi

I would love the hell out of this game…