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The next theme is gonna be...

Princesses in swimsuits!

Name some princesses you wanna see in bikinis and swimsuits! Any kind will do. You can go with popular picks like Peach or disney, or obscure like Princess Daphne. Anything's good.

I'll take some of the suggested characters, put them together in a poll, and then draw some of the winners! (Mainly for the next reward set, but hopefully for some extra pinups too)

Comment below with your character suggestions! I'll start with one of my own: Xena, Warrior Princess.




Tiger lily! Daphne, Kida, Xena, or Giselle would be good too. Maybe Eilonwy, but I'm not sure she's the swimsuit type.


Princess Daisy, Kitana from Mortal Kombat, and Jasmine from Aladdin, Vivi from One Peace