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Hello patrons and newcomers!

I can't believe it's already June. Time's moving fast!

Here's the monthly news and updates;

  • This Month's rewards are now live! You can see them on a previous post. There are three stickers and 2 tcg cards this month. The theme is Summertime Baddies! The first of a few swimsuit themes I wanna do.
  • Moving forward this month; I've got a TON to do. First priority is gonna be packing and mailing everyone's orders from the shop. By the time this post is live, I should be making some decent progress on packing everything up. Next priority is getting at least 2 new prints ready for Anime Expo on July 1st! Aside from that I'll have the usual updates and some NSFW content to share this month.
  • The next merch theme should be up soon! We're continuing the summertime pinups 😎🌴
  • The promo Gotchapon stickers are going out soon!
  • Store update: It's gonna be closed until the halloween sale. Sorry to anyone who missed out this time, but I'm gonna restock the newer items that I had.
  • General life/work update: I've got Anime Expo and C2E2 coming up, but aside from that I'm just clearing out the rest of my schedule so I can focus on the Skeleton Hero game concept.
  • The next new art posts will be up in the later half of next week!

That's about all for now! Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Thank you for your support!


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