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Hey! I've got a new exclusive offer for Patrons only!

I'm offering a FREE Gotchapon sticker to any subscribers who buy a plushie! But only if the plushie hits 100% of the preorders and gets funded.

  • Preorders can be made here: makeship.com/products/gotchapon-plush 
  • You'll need to provide a receipt for both the plushie and a patreon subscription (from February through May) So you should save those receipts somewhere if you have em.
  • The contact form/email will be available at a later date. I'll most likely make a separate email to keep things organized. Don't email me about it until I announce the form is live. I'll make a few updates when I'm ready to gather the receipts.
  • The stickers will be mailed out at a later date, closer to the Plushie's production/shipping date (June 5th)
  • The sticker will be sent in the mail, similarly to how I mail the usual reward letters.

You can preorder the plushie here: makeship.com/products/gotchapon-plush

The campaign is at nearly 50% right now and it's got about 2 weeks left to go! I know we can get this gooey girl funded!




I really hope the plush gets funded, it’d be pretty cool to have just chilling somewhere in my room or something. I really like their design.


Just got mine. I love mimics and slimes. She was actually the first sticker of yours I bought.