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Well.. good news and bad news.

The new Halloween stickers (minus the patron-reward designs) showed up, but they messed up the colors pretty badly. Everything's pink. But hey, here's a sneak preview of the new designs, haha.

I contacted stickerapp to see if they can replace them, but I doubt I'll get them soon. Unfortunately I think this means the Halloween sale's gonna be late. Maybe last week of the month. 

I'm very sorry about this, but between misprints and delayed mail, too much has been out of my control.

I'm still waiting on the patron-reward stickers to arrive, and I'm really hoping they didn't have the same error occur. We'll have to wait and see.

(I suppose if I don't need to return these, I could use them as freebies or variants or something, lol)




Actually, they look a lot cooler with the pink

Djinn and Tonic

...the pink doesn't look too bad on those


The pink looks pretty cool honestly


They look pretty nice! I’d be up for some misprint sticker packs, like 1 or 2 of each in grab bags?? Maybe it could be possible, it would suck for those to go to waste.


I'd happily take a pink Eda and give her a home alongside the regular Eda I plan on purchasing when the sale starts.


Thanks for the kind words! I do agree that some of them look good with the pink coloring, but obviously I wanna get the real, intended colors before I put anything up for sale, haha. Also, it might not come across in this photo, but closer up, a few of them don't look so great. I think what happened is somehow they turned off the Blue color channel on the files, and the result is that a few of the designs almost appear sun-bleached when looked at more closely.


That's a fair assessment of what probably happened. Either that or someone wasn't paying attention and printed off a TON of stickers without any blue.