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Step-by-step process for the Carrot pinup. This time in Gif form!

This one was pretty straightforward. The only big changes were resizing Carrot and the BG circle to better fit the canvas.

If you have any questions about a specific part/step, feel free to ask in the comments! I'll get back with an answer as soon as I can.




Hi! I was curious about how you handled resizing various parts of Carrot when doing the linework, and also how you organized your color layers so that you could easily add in parts later such as the extra part of her dress in the alternate drawing


For resizing stuff, I did it the easy way; Command+T. It didn't mess up the sketch lines at all. The final lines I didn't resize (even though it looks like I did in this gif). And the BG circle I finished before resizing so it didn't matter if it became antialiased.


For managing the colors and etc; I drew her body first with nothing, then drew the clothes in a separate layer group above the line art. It's trickier than it seems, and I had to carefully arrange it to not cover up her hand. For the dress alt I duplicated that layer group and adjusted the drawing as needed.


Okay, I think I get what you mean. So from what I gather you do a rough sketch layer, then a refined sketch layer which you adjusted and resized, and then did the finalized lineart above that? Also regarding the clothes being on a separate layer, is that just regarding the colors? Or did you do the lineart of the clothes completely separate from the lineart of her body?


Okay, I think I get it. I guess I was just confused because I figured if you drew the lineart for the clothes separate that there would be gaps in the lineart for the body. Thanks for the tips.