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I hummed a song, a lullaby. I like lullabies, they’re peaceful songs. Not because my mother often sang to me when I was a kid. In fact, I liked lullaby-like songs in my past life too. I just love the slow and soft melody and the lyrics were beautiful also.

Anyway, I was humming comfortably on my chair, staring at the outside view — here in my office. Waiting for the guests to arrive. And who were those guests? Nothing too serious, but also important. Remember, it’s almost my debut!

You know what that means. I have to look good. And to look good, I have to wear the most amazing and beautiful dress in the world! Yes, it’s my measuring day! I still grow, you know. And as far as I know, the great clothes maker, Mervizo, already had some sketches prepared for me. He already knew that my debut was coming, so of course he already had some idea of what I could wear.

Actually, I’m feeling quite excited. Also nice to know how I have grown. I think I had a little increase in height. But we’ll see. I also didn’t get fat or anything, so nothing to worry about that part. Except for the muscles though, I grew a little.

The guests should come in shortly. I could have read a book, but not in the mood. The winter view was beautiful, anyway. I wonder if the winter’s gonna stop on my birthday. It’s usually spring during my birthday. But there’s just a shift in the world. I could feel the crawl on my skin. Weird, ain’t it? My godly senses were tingling.

Came knocking from the door. With a happy smile, I gestured for Vernon to check it out. Once confirming it was the guests, he allowed them inside.

Mervizo, with a smile, approached and bowed. “Your highness, it is the greatest pleasure to see you again.” He wore an extravagant and eccentric outfit, as always.

His companion, the girl Kali, bowed beside him and stayed silent.

“Mervizo,” I gave him a soft smile. “How are you?”

“Incredibly fine, princess. Life is good.”

I glanced at Vernon. “Call Mother.”

After he left, I rose from my seat and spoke to the guests. “You may rise. You can start preparing your things and take my measurements.”

“Very well. Kali.”

Kali moved to the table by the couches and opened up a suitcase with their equipment inside. As she did, Mervizo leaned close to me, placing his hand on his chin, scrutinizing me. That made me feel a bit concerned.

“You certainly have grown, your highness. In fact, your shoulders have broadened ever so slightly.”

“Really? I didn’t think it would be noticeable.”

“I see little details, is all. In any case, you have grown even more beautiful!” He stepped behind me. He touched and lifted a handful of my hair. “Your hair has grown more lustrous and white since I last saw it.”

“T-Thank you?”

“That said, they’re awfully long. Are you not concerned? I can arrange for an excellent professional to cut them.”

“No. I would like to keep them.”

He frowned in puzzlement. “Princess, you will still be pretty if you lose some of your hair.”

“No, I like them this way.”

“... Hm, very well.” He leaned close to my ear. “By the way, princess. What happened to the secret outfit I made for you?”

I furrowed and looked at him from the corner of my eyes. “I would appreciate it if it is never ever mentioned.”

He grinned. “Of course, of course. I do hope you have tried it, though. It was one of my finest.”

Kali brought her measuring tape, and she began measuring me.

Mervizo went for their suitcase and pulled out a notebook. “I have ten outfits sketches ready for you to see, princess. Once your measuring is done, you may choose. Or if her majesty arrives.”

“I would like it if I have the final say.”

“Of course.”

As Kali measured my waist, the door opened. Vernon and my mother have arrived.

Mervizo bowed. “Your majesty.”

“Oh my, Mervizo, it’s been a while. Still as pretty, I see.”

“Hehe, not as pretty as you, my queen.”

Mother chuckled bashfully. “... So, shall we discuss my daughter’s clothes?”

“Certainly. What theme do you have in mind?”

They sat down on the couches.

“Estelia is a treasure, as further proven by her wonderful and unique appearance. So I’m thinking that it suggests treasure.”

“Hair as fine as platinum, and a form as bright as gold. Eyes glimmering like jewels. Indeed, I have plenty of ideas already.”


“But first, look at these rough gown designs.”

While they went on to talk, Kali moved to measure my arms. Yes, I indeed have grown on my torso, waist and above. But not too much, just a little, apparently. Wew.

From behind me, I could hear Kali breathing, quite strangely heavy. Hm? I think she was like this last time as well. Am I really that hot?

I heard a tiny groan. I sensed that something was coming close to my neck. Like there was some sort of danger coming. I was more confused. I abruptly shifted to the side and turned my head towards Kali. At the moment, I think I saw her close her mouth.

She lowered her gaze and slowly wrote in her notebook.

“Are you alright, Kali?”

“Uh? Y-Yes, I’m alright…”

Huh, was she sick or something?

“... How much did my body change?”

“N-Not much, princess.”


What a weird girl.

She was sweating though, like she was restless or scared or something. Still, I disregarded her and let her finish my measurements. Once that was done, and after writing all the notes, she gave the notebook to Mervizo.

Mervizo read through the numbers and grinned. “Perfect figure, princess!”

Hearing that and his enthusiastic announcement, I couldn’t help but blush.

“You also got an inch taller.”

Oh wow!

Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, I got taller! That’s an achievement! Give the Pure Princess a round of applause!

“But as I always say, princess, don’t become bigger… or wider.”

I pouted. “I don’t.”

“We’ll add a little extra in the measurements, of course. Your debut is still some time away. Anyhow, please have a look at my concepts.”

Hmph. It hurt a bit that he would put extra numbers in, but I guess that’s to be expected. Whatever…

I sat down beside my mother and looked through the sketches. From the sketches alone they were quite detailed and extravagant. The designs were top notch, truly one of the best designers out here. In fact as I flip through them, I kinda want them all to be made so I can wear them all.

These dresses, I want them all. Sadly, I could only choose one. I must choose something that fits me and to my liking.

I paused flipping on one drawing in particular. Hm…

“Look at this one, Estelia.” Mother flipped back to one specific gown. “The sleeves are a little fluffy, but the flowery shapes are endearing. The skirt patterns are pretty too. Overall, extravagant.”

Given that there was no color, it would be pretty hard to judge if it would be great on me. But if it’s Mervizo, we can be confident that he’ll do well.

“I think this would look good on you.”

Indeed. However, I realized something when I saw another dress. It almost had that simplicity, yet there was grandeur. I came to realize what I wanted to show everyone. What I truly was.

I had no need for the largest and most extravagant dress or gowns. I want the slender of simple yet glimmering. Mine was a form beyond the common. I was someone like no other.

That despite my simple-shaped dress, I was utterly beautiful. A peerless beauty. Where even if the inferiors wear the most sophisticated and extravagant dresses, they still couldn’t hope to match me, me who need not to wear such outfits to surpass the lesser.

I am the most beautiful woman in the world. And I shall glow and glimmer like a thousand treasures, filled with golds, silvers, and diamonds. I shall shine like the stars in the darkest night, and as magnificent as the illuminating moon. I shall be more mesmerizing than the setting sun at sea. More overwhelming than the hundreds of falling stars in the sky.

Hm, thinking about it, it didn’t sound simple. Anyways, I liked this one dress. Even I knew if one dress was too much and unnecessary, when I could bring a better message with another one.

I flipped through the pages, back to the one I chose. I pointed at it. “I want this.”

“That?” said Mother. “Not as sophisticated as what I suggested. But it’s good.”

Mervizo smiled excitedly. “If that is what you choose, princess. I shall make it. You shall walk with elegance and dance with grace. And I assure you, the final product will be much better.”

“Yes. Improve the design until I am the most valuable treasure in all the world.”

“Hehehehe. It shall be done. Quite exciting. This will be my finest masterpiece. Wearing it is the most wonderful subject I have ever seen.”

Mother patted my head and said to him, “We’ll be relying on you, Mervizo.”

“I promise you, you are in good hands.”



Sometime after the guests left the palace, I left my office for the meantime and went straight for the knights’ training grounds. It was for business, it was for family affairs. Of course, I caught the eyes of the knights, but I was not here for them.

I called for my brother, Estevan. And with no moment’s delay he answered and rushed over to me.

“Brother, I see that you’re not with Mother.”

“Mother said she could handle the work for today.”

I nodded.

“You need help with something, sister?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Oh! What is it?”

I glanced at the knights. “Can we walk while we talk?”

“... Sure.”

We walked together, with me leading the way. I had no destination in mind, but I was going to the quiet side of the palace. It just had nothing to do with strangers’ ears.

Once there were no people around, I spoke. “I need your advice, brother.”

“Mm, is it about Eleden?”

“How did you guess?”

“Well, it’s the most recent problem you’re facing.”

“I see. Indeed.”


I touched my hands together. “Eleden wouldn’t talk to me. I don’t know what to do.”

“What is the problem between the two of you? I should know that first before I can help, shouldn’t I?”

“I… can’t tell it.”

“... I see, then I wouldn’t know what to advise you Estel but to solve and settle your problem.”

I sighed. “The problem cannot be solved, it is too… complicated. Hard to do. It is something that must proceed.”

“Why don’t you start by apologizing? I mean, truly apologize. Do something for him. Just like I did for you.”

I grimaced. “That isn’t fair! I did nothing wrong. It’s not my fault.”

And he dares going broody about it? Absurd.

“Why should I apologize?”

Estevan scratched the back of his head. “Is it anyone’s fault?”

“... No… No one’s at fault. There’s just a difference in goals.”

“And Eleden is deeply hurt by the decisions made, I take it?”

“Yes. What we’re going to do, will be akin to doing nothing to protect someone he valued so much.”

“I see.” He paused for a moment, as if thinking. “Sounds to me Eleden needs time to himself.”

“So you mean I do nothing?”

“For now.”

“But how long? I have given him enough time.”

“Sister, be patient. He’ll come around.” He patted my head. “Although, I suggest showing him you’re giving the effort of talking to him. Effort is what’s important.”

“Would that work? I… I don’t want us fighting even in my debut…”

“It will. Because in the end, you are our dear sister. We siblings can’t sulk with each other for too long. We’ve been together most of our lives. Isn’t that right?”

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. “Yes.”

“You two will be alright.”

“Thank you, brother.”

“Anytime. If you need help with this, feel free to ask me.”



I love how vain she is. The dichotomy of a foul soul in a pretty shell is always fun to read about.

Jonathan Wint

Some constructive criticism. First I love this book. And I like the Slice of life but.... You got a world of Dungeons and Vampires Demons and werewolves and Elves you Crafted us.. And we are stuck in the Castle with the Princess picking out dresses! Reminds me of Batman Run a few years ago wear the writer just did Bruce Wayne for 5 books straight, no fighting just boardroom stuff. No Batman fight seens. There needs to be a balance and that balance should not be 50% Slice of life but more like 10%.. I do not need to know 90% of Estelia normal life. Some of it's fun but it's starting to feel like when my Goddaughter want me to Play tea party. Falling Asleep reading. Do not get me wrong the Slice of life some best stuff remember 5 Books straight of Bruce Wayne? More Fantasy in Fantasy Please! I want Epic Battles! You left us in suspense with Demons Planning a Kidnapping of a Royal a Post Vampires POV after the Battle All these Epic Characters and I can barely remember their names! Seriously Any other Reader remember the Immortal Guy's name ? You got all these plots you left Hanging and we are forgetting them! To much Slice of life. It works better in small often doses. I like it but you neglect the rest of the world and the plots focusing on a dress. I want to Explore your Wonderful World.... I apologise if I offended you in Anyway. But you got I count over a dozen Plot threads going and left us hanging witch can be good... but there hanging and then there Hanging hanging Hanging.....And Hanging and more Hanging with a slice of Hanging.. And my Eyes Bleed Hanging..Waiting for a Pot thread to get picked up on. P.S. She been sloppy Mervizo can not keep his mouth shut after he makes her dress he needs an accident. And I love your WORK!

Tearing Sanctuary

No worries. It's only gonna be this section cause it's needed. It could be thought as the calm before the storm. I believe it will all be worth it.