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Hello everyone. I have not been able to update as I used to. In truth, I have been feeling incredibly sick these past couple of weeks, and I can't work much as I used to.

I always feel dizzy every day and every moment, and body is always tired and heavy. What makes it worse is that every time I fall asleep I get nightmares and have to force myself to wake up, always end up an hour later when I started to sleep.

It sucks.

I really want to keep writing, but it's so hard. I don't want to force myself and messing up the story (and end up killing myself or something XD). And thus I have to rest. I think I may need rest for a week and a half.

I'm so sorry about this.

As we are already here, I hope to share my plan for Royal Princess of Blood. I plan to start rewriting some parts of volume 1 in preparation for self publishing in amazon or something. I hope to start the rewrite somewhere in August (I hope my condition gets better before this). I found an affordable service for editing, and I need only save up to 1000 usd, hope they don't change prices. I also have a day job now, and I plan to also get funds from that (sick while working is just terrible, but have to.)

And that is all from me. Again, I'm so sorry for this, but I just desperately need the rest. Thank you so much for supporting me this far.

Hoping to see you in around a week and a half! :)


Jonathan Wint

Use GPT for editing its cheaper. I hope your health improves.

Jonathan Wint

Never mind found out some people getting in trouble with Amazon using GPT to edit because they think it did the whole thing.