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It was afternoon, and the sun was close to setting, while I was feeling impatient. I was waiting for the answer to my question, an answer that would come from the prisoners. Perhaps someone would think I would let another day pass by to have a little rest for everyone, but no. Why should I slow down when they are within my grasp?

I stood by the window, staring outside, counting the time that passed. It was taking a while, they wouldn’t even give the answer that easily? Are they trying to mentally torture me? Pieces of shit.

I sighed in hopes of releasing some of the pent-up stress and impatience.

I subtly glanced at the two servants in my study room, Mera and Rogan. Vernon was there with the prisoners to hear the answers.

My presence there would be nice, but a dungeon was no place for someone like me. And also, too dangerous to get near those that were trying to kill me, especially if they were getting hurt there.

Speaking of trying to kill me, I have been wondering why my first plan in the festival didn’t work. A target walking around in public without a care in the world, I find it baffling that no attempt was even made, no matter how minor, and considering how strong they were.

What were they doing? Hm… Well, they have tried killing me once through Allie… with poison…

Poison. A special type of poison, and… I found two. One from my former chef and the other… from the Marquis.

I don’t recall any information or knowledge that there were any non-humans that were coexisting in other nations. But, the non-humans, and the Empire were definitely working together. Same type of poisons. Were they closely coordinating? Don’t seem like it, we didn’t find the ones that met with the Marquis. Allie also never mentioned them.

Still, am I not their primary target? Why did they ignore me at the festival? Unless… could it be? Me… the attempted poisoning in the arena… Two different prime targets? One was just me, while the other… the royal family, or specifically first my father.

But now that the first attempt failed… no, the non-humans hadn’t attempted to attack me before that. Then, could it be that they were waiting? Not for an opportunity to smoothly kill me, no I think it’s something else. Reinforcements? After the men that they lost?

They’re working with or for the empire, the empire that wants to conquer the land, pressuring other nations. One that also desired our land.

What better way to damage a nation than to kill the king and the royal family? No, there must be something else, something more…

But both the forces of the empire and the non-humans…

Powerful adversaries.

War… inevitable.

But… but with this… yes, they should be delayed. That’s right… e-everything should be fine… for now. Nothing to be so worried about yet. No biggy, we just gotta face powerful beasts, elves, and an empire that had half the continent under their control with who knows how many soldiers in their ranks.


How do I solve that shit? We have some greedy ass motherfuckers and murdering psychopaths intent on killing me! Fuuuck…! Shit shit… Too many to worry about…

“Milady, are you okay?”

When I turned to face Mera, she flinched in the face of me. I immediately regained my composure.

“Nothing… just nothing. Just a bit tired of waiting, that’s all.”

“Princess, you should sit down.” Rogan pulled a chair by the table.

“Yes… I will do that.”

I went and sat down on the chair, and when I did, I felt as if a heavy weight had just been removed from my legs and shoulders.

I am… surrounded on all fronts.

I laid my elbow on the table. Suddenly I’m more tired than before.

Why was this happening?

Then came the knocks on the door. Rogan checked and opened it, from which afterwards, Vernon entered.

The door closed.

Vernon was wearing a stiff expression, and he lowered himself before me, genuflecting. That’s weird.

“Princess... I have returned.”

“... Y-Yes… so… did you get the answer that I wanted?”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Then, why do they hunt me?”

“It’s…” he lowered his head, hesitating.

I leaned a little closer.

“It’s what?”

“Princess… they hunt you because of a prophecy…” the moment he said so, the other two servants, Mera and Rogan, jerked in surprise.


While I alone was confused.


“Did you just say prophecy? Did I hear that… right?”

“Yes, it’s because of a prophecy.”

I resisted gritting my teeth. “And what does this prophecy entail? Tell me exactly.

He closed his eyes. “The one with hair as white as the winter snow…eyes as crimson as blood, and beauty which encompasses all… will cull and spill the blood of the race of mystic. Bringing an end to the golden era, and the genesis of slaughter. The blood of magic that is to be drawn shall purify the river of life of its impurities. And yet, thirty days after the one’s sixteenth year of birth, thy one shall perish.”


“The prophecy speaks that you… one with the same appearance as you… will destroy them.”

My lower right eye twitched. “... A prophecy? They… went after me… because of a prophecy?”

Vernon looked up at me, and his eyes widened.

“A prophecy… prophecy… Ha-ha…” I placed a hand on my forehead, muttering in disbelief.


“Prophecy…” my hands trembled, not of fear or laughter, but with — “THAT IS BULLSHIT!”

My fist slammed to the table with uncontrolled strength as I abruptly rose from my seat, it was blown to smithereens, debris flying in all directions.


I heard the calls and cries of my servants, but I ignored them. I kicked the chairs near me, some were blown away without even me touching them. My servants were sent flying to the walls.

“Princess, please calm down!” Vernon yelled.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down? Ha-ha…” I walked towards the window and took a brief glance at the view outside, trying to keep it all in. “And how the fuck do I do that, huh, Vernon?” I returned my gaze to him. “A prophecy? They want to kill me because of a fucking prophecy? That’s the stupidest shit I have heard my entire life! Who the fuck are they? I don’t know them! I never did shit to them!”

He placed a hand to his chest, as did the others. “P-Princess… p-prophecies are s-special.”

“Who are they to decide my fate? My path in life?!”

Out of my control, I slammed my fist into the wall, blasting a hole through it. Still, it was not enough for my blazing emotions, and I slammed my foot against the same wall, again, and again. All the emotions that I have bottled up inside for months, all burst out after hearing the absurd reason. The reason that I have been wanting to know for a long time.

“P-Princess… Please stop.” the sound of Rogan as if being choked reached my ears. But I ignored it.

I slammed my foot again.

“To think…” to think all of it, all my hardships, hard work, the stress, the irritation, the annoyance, the thinking, the scheming, the sleepless nights, was all because of a prophecy… A prophecy where I am said to destroy people I do not know about?

“Ridiculous… So stupid!”

I gazed up at the view outside. A bird flew by.

I could have been out there, having the time of my life. Where I can have peace. Where I can do what I want, where I can have a good time. Nothing to worry about. Just out there, to enjoy the view, to enjoy and experience this new world where I was finally free from the chains that once bound me.

And yet… all of it… was being slowly taken, being obstructed because of them… Because of a stupid prophecy, I was being robbed of my wish to live…

The more I think about it, the more rage grows within me… but that was not all… for there was also… sadness.

I rubbed the moisture off my eyes. My breath was shaking.

I’m tired…

I just want to rest.

To sleep peacefully.

To laugh heartily.

To… have fun.

Oh… my friends… where are you when I need you…?

I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them again. The castle was shaking, I did not notice it at first.

“P-Princess, p-please stop!” Vernon choked out a shout.

“M-Mera!” Rogan cried.

I slowly turned to look at them. They were all lying on the floor as if having difficulty breathing and in pain. Rogan was tending to Mera, who was suffering the most.

My mana was, like me, raging. It was overwhelming and overtaking the air itself.

I took a deep breath and tiredly lowered my gaze. My mana gradually vanished from the air. And my servants breathed heavily, catching their breath. They will all be alright.

I looked around the room, all the furniture was obliterated. No chair for me to sit, where I can rest my tired legs.

I waved my hand. A chair, made up of ice but without the cold, appeared. My magic, my design.

I slowly sat down and laid my arms on the armrests while I faced them, looking at them emptily as they slowly got up. At that moment, knights appeared from the broken door, followed by my father… no, not just him, but the rest of my family as well.

“Daughter?! What happened here?” Father looked at the chaos in the room.

“Estelia… are you alright?” Mother asked warily as she slowly stepped inside.

My two brothers looked at me with concern, waiting for an answer.

I couldn’t smile at the moment, and thus I merely looked at them with a blank expression as I replied. “Better than before… It is really good to release some pent-up feelings sometimes.” I lowered my gaze. “Indeed, I feel a bit better.”

For now I know what to do.

I’ll just do what I’m good at. What I was nurtured for…

They troubled me and thus those prisoners will have to pay the price… the source of my pain.

For my own sake…

They need to die.

As I am taught to do… grant death.


Jonathan Wint

{For my own sake… They need to die. As I am taught to do… grant death.} VERY SAURON La Dr. Doom!! Hmm Now will she think to ask about the old guy in the Cloak that became Smoke? Not something I think she miss. She knows there are more than one group competing for her, One claiming to be allies, lets hope before she does anything permanent she thinks to ask.


Honestly this was just so amazing !! I am not lying when i say i read this chapter at least 4 times just because how good it is ! The next chapter cant come soon enough xD thank you for the awesome chap !