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Allie tightly grasped the wooden cylinder that fit in her palm before putting it inside her pocket. She swallowed, feeling nervous. With her was Mera who alone was tending to her while everyone else was out. Allie held her hands together to stop their shaking.

A glass of water was then suddenly placed on the table in front of her. Curious, she shifted her gaze towards Mera.

“It looks like you need a drink,” said the maid.

Allie formed a strained smile and drank the water from the glass. She was intending to drink only a small amount, but to her own surprise, she drank all of it. Perhaps because of her nervousness.

It should be anytime now that she should be leaving. She was instructed what to do, but how long will her pretending last? Would she be exposed? What will be done to her if she was seen through?

Calm down, it’s not the first time you tried hiding something.

She told herself.

That aside, she had been feeling rather curious about how her friends have been holding up all this time. Were they still truly here in the city? She would like to ask them why they didn’t try to save her. However, that would be hard to do, especially with the current situation.

They must have a reason, as all things do. However, it was still cruel of them.

This is going to be a long day.

A long day of uneasiness and restlessness. Indeed, it was so pressuring. But she had to do this. Although, there was still the matter of if she messed things up. She just had to hope that something bad wouldn’t happen and work hard.

It had also been a long time since she came to the city. With all the people there and being outside again, it would certainly overwhelm her. But that was not that big of an issue that it would obstruct her task.

Time passed, and Mera spoke.

“It is time.”

Allie nodded and stood up with a deep breath. Mera led her out until they reached the palace doors. There, she saw the eldest prince, Eleden, standing by the wall. He didn’t seem to be intending on doing anything. Also, the rest of the royal family was not around.

It would seem they were wary as ever.

Mera opened the door and led Allie to the gates where they approached the small door beside it. Allie touched the door as her heart grew heavy.

Mera stared at her before saying softly with a neutral expression. “Good luck.”

Receiving this different treatment from before, this small kindness, brought Allie a little sense of relief. “Thank you.” she said with a smile.

Instead of a common guard, a knight watched the door and opened it. Allie stepped inside, and after passing through the wall interior, the last door opened. And finally, she was outside. Subsequently, the door behind her closed.

She was alone now.

The sun and the scene in front of her were both beautiful and brilliant. The blue sky, the arching bridge, and the rooftops of the city from afar. Her heart raced as if she was relieved of the chains that once wrapped around her, and was finally freed from her prison. But that was merely an illusion, for now.

She began walking, her eyes peering all around, taking in all that her eyes could see. The river sparkled in translucent blue beneath the bridge, fishes swam merrily. The air was fresh and sweet, so calming as the gentle wind touched her skin.

She kept walking with a lightened heart. Her steps pranced a little.

It took a while, but she arrived at the city. People were already crowding the streets. There was too much noise that it disturbed her, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She made her way to her first destination, the market.

As she walked, she looked around anxiously. She didn’t know whether the princess’s soldiers were watching her, but they should be, although she was not sure. But the princess did say that her people will be around, so there must definitely be some watching her from afar. She just couldn’t notice.

There were a variety of fruits on the stalls, street foods, and many nice things that she would like to try. But she had no money in her pockets. Although, this made her feel nostalgic, and she began to imagine what she would do once she was truly free to do whatever she wanted. She knew that she had to succeed in this task to even start touching that future even for just a little.

She walked towards the middle of the street, it was how she usually did it. She stood there for a while, but no one came for her. The princess mentioned that they would be confused and shocked at first if they ever saw Allie, which may cause a delay in their response. Thus, she must wait and walk around a bit, acting naturally.

When she began walking again, it felt like her legs had softened, or weakened, probably because of the intense anxiety. The thought of failure crossed her mind, causing her to lose a bit of her remaining confidence. But the princess advised her to breathe calmly and think positively, to channel that anxiety into something that would enhance herself in her endeavors of any kind.

She stopped by a stall of fruits, then by another, then by a corner of a store. She waited and waited for several minutes. The plan was to wait for about half to one hour and move on to the next place.

However, suddenly, a hand grasped her wrist. She almost yelped in fear and frantically turned her head to face whoever’s hand it was.

“Allie? How…”

There was a hooded man, covered in his cloak. A man she was familiar with, one of the people that saved her that time, a beastman. Underneath the shade of his cloak were his widened eyes, confused to see her.

“Evry,” Allie muttered his name.

“What is going on here?”

Allie swallowed in an attempt to rid herself of her anxiety and gather her courage.

“I-I need to t-talk.” she said, her eyes pleading deeply.

The beastman, Evry, looked around the market before nodding. “Not here.”

He pulled her by the wrist and brought her behind the buildings, through the narrow alleyways. Eventually, they arrived at a place where there was no one around, for now at least. If there was, he would either make them leave or change locations. Either way, they now have a place to speak.

Evry pushed her into the wall and it hurt her a bit. But not enough to make a bruise at least.

“What’s going on here? We assumed Oryn is dead with the loss of communications.”

“H-He…” she tried speaking out with a shaking voice. “He is dead…”

“What the fuck happened?”

“...He was killed by the people in the palace, he was exposed.”

“Dammit, of course he would. He even failed… And how are you still alright? Where were you all these months?” he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Allie subtly gulped in fear. “I-I did what was ordered to do, but it was a failure. I failed.”

“The poison? Shit. Seeing that you’re still here in front of me, why didn’t you try again, hm? You just wasted that much time to do your task?!”

“I… I.”

“What? Can’t answer? Or were you perhaps exposed as well?”

“That’s…” she pursed her lips.

“Hm? No, if you were exposed, then you would have been killed already or imprisoned…… Allie, why didn’t you just got out of the palace immediately?” he took in a deep breath as if trying to calm himself down.


“...You could have received new instructions or at least help us know your situation.”

His gaze was stern. However, Allie felt a little puzzled. There was a trace of concern in his voice and eyes.

As if regaining his calm, Evry took a step back. “I’m sorry, I was just agitated and confused after seeing you. I assumed you were dead, so you might have been an illusion.”

Allie remembered how he was as a person. He was a person with a short temper, and when worked up, he exactly wouldn’t hold back his physical strength as a beastman. Given that she was not hurt much after he pushed her, Allie felt thankful that he held back his strength.

“Evry… I… I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For failing…”

“... Nothing can be done about it now… at least you’re still breathing, that’s one less casualty to think about.”

“Thank you… for your concern.” Allie thinly smiled.

“Concern? Mm. Although tell me, Allie, how did you fail?”

“... The princess…. Did not eat the poisoned food.”

“... I see. So perhaps you’ve run out then.”

“... Yes, I did run out.”

He gently nodded before continuing. “Oryn… how did he die?”

“The prince fought with him. Only after did I discover what happened to him…”

Allie lowered her gaze, and Evry closed his eyes.

“I see… he will be remembered… He must be remembered in the homeland for his sacrifice.”

Allie rubbed her thumbs together before uttering. “Evry… help me…”


“Get… me… out.”

“What are you…?” he sensed something was wrong with Allie’s plea, and he stepped back a little.

“Oryn’s ‘betrayal’ in the palace did not spare me, Evry.”

Evry wrinkled his brow. “Is that why you were unable to get out of the palace…?”

She meekly nodded. “It was… it was painful, Evry. Help me please, I don’t want to stay there anymore…”

“... Allie… are the humans… suspicious of you? Then… your presence here is not safe…” he looked around and shook his head. “No… I sensed that no one followed us here, so there shouldn’t be anyone…”

“Evry,” Allie reached out for his hand. “I beg you, please, get me out.”

“.... Allie, I can’t just take you to our safehouse, especially after all that happened. It’s too risky for us. And suddenly taking you in, it’s not up to me.”

The corners of her eyes were starting to dampen in tears as if her hope was starting to crack apart. “... T-Then please call Arnaut… I want to talk to him. Please, let me talk to him.”

Evry placed a hand on his forehead, deliberating. “..... Shit… Fine… I’ll bring Arnaut, but stay here. And don’t do anything else. I will be back soon.”

“Thank you…”

Just as he was about to begin walking away, Allie continued speaking.

“Be careful on the way, Evry. Be very careful.”

Evry looked around the area again before nodding in acknowledgment. Allie on the other hand placed a hand on her chest and lowered her gaze. What she was doing must be right… indeed, it should be the right thing to do.


Jonathan Wint

Well, thats working very well.