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Estevan and Rogan arrived at the princess’s study room, of course however, it was not used for that purpose currently. In fact, her lessons were postponed for now with no clear date of when they would resume. At the moment, the princess seemed to be writing something on sheets of paper.

She covered the sheet with her hand the moment she realized the two men arrived. “Everything went smoothly? No violent reactions?” she smiled as if she was being humorous.

“No, everyone had no problems with being appointed. However, everyone else is still being called for the briefing,” Estevan answered.

“Good, good. I’ll be relying on you for that short briefing. And brother, make sure they keep their swords sharp, okay? Our enemies have plenty of surprises on their side.”

“Of course, I will keep that in mind. To be sure, we’ll begin in three days, right?”


“Are you sure you want to take the field?”

“Not exactly in the center of the field, I’ll be watching and supervising in the rear.”

“That’s a relief… but the chance of success for this operation is not a hundred percent, huh. What if it fails?”

“That’s why it is separated into phases, make sure to emphasize that. But if it fails, that will be shameful, then I’ll take my own life for the shame.”



“Estel! What are you saying?!”

The air heated up as everyone in the room erupted in shock at her words. It was inconceivable that it should even happen.

However, the princess chuckled. “I’m joking… If it fails… then try another way.”

“Don’t make a joke like that again, my sister…”

Estelia pouted adorably. “I’m s-sorry.”

Estevan sighed. “...Oh yeah, there is another matter I wish to discuss with you.”

“What could it be?” she asked, a trace of concern on her face.

“Nothing bad. It’s just, a knight asked if he can join the operation.”

“Hm? Who?”

“Alan Welford.”

The princess faintly nodded. “The one not on par with the elites? I refuse.”

An outright refusal, causing Estevan and Rogan to wryly smile.

“Princess, please listen—” pleaded Rogan.

“If it is for the reason of self-gratification, then I refuse to listen. My operation is no place to garner achievement for one’s notoriety.”

Everyone was a bit surprised at how strict she was.

“So, is it for that reason as to why he asked to join?”

“Well technically it is—” Rogan answered, but Estevan elbowed him, making him stop.

“It is for a good reason, my sister. His family intended for him to return to their domain due to lack of achievements, or progress in his skills as a knight.”

“A lack of progress in his skills?”


The princess sighed. “And that is why I don’t want anyone not strong enough to join, it is dangerous.”

“The danger he should be able to handle.”

“Oh? With his strength, would he not be a hindrance instead?”


“He would be a burden to the other knights as he will be an easy target. And, I don’t want any needless death on my hands.”

“...he can be watched and partnered by someone,” Rogan suggested.

“And who will it be? You, Sir Rogan? You are needed to be by my side. Others? Everyone has their role to play. My soldiers will not be held back.”

“Please my sister, reconsider. There must be some place for him.”

“...” Estelia sighed and averted her gaze.

“Then princess, we just have to leave him to his own,” said Rogan, prompting Estelia to return her gaze towards him. “If he is slow, then he will be left behind. If he is in danger, none of the knights will help him. He will not be a priority in any way. Should he need to be abandoned, so be it. His death will not be on your hands, but to his alone, for it is his choice to join despite being warned of the threat.”

“Why are you two so keen on helping him?”

“Why not? He needs the help, and he’s a member of my Order.”

“Well, he’s a friend. Would leave a bad taste on my tongue if I don’t do anything to help him.”

“Nobility…” she muttered as she placed a hand on her forehead. “Fine… just be sure he is aware that he is on his own. Spare me from carrying the burden of someone’s needless death.”

“Estel…” worried that he had done something terrible to his sister unknowably, he slowly approached her. But Estelia raised her hand.

“Go to your knights, my brother. I am alright. Prepare for your briefing.”

Estevan was hesitant at first, but faintly nodded in the end and left the room.

Rogan, also feeling concerned, approached the princess and asked. “Are you upset, princess?”

“Do you have any idea of the repercussions to me if the knowledge that I sent a weakling to a battle of the strong and died spreads to other noble households?”

Rogan felt a little disturbed at the change of demeanor of the princess, causing him to be speechless.

“And, you have added another stone on my back for me to carry.”

She’s angry…

Rogan bowed his head. “...I have made a blunder to my lady... But why did you agree?”

“...” she glanced at him for a moment. “I did it for the two of you, given that you really want to help your friend.”

“But now I feel bad.”

“...... Don’t be… Alan will be in a place safe from death. But if an enemy comes his way, there is nothing that can be done, I would rather not jeopardize the entire operation for one person.”

“Understood, I’ll make sure he is aware that his fate lies in his hands.”

“Alright…” she sighed then began writing again.

“What are you writing, if I may ask?”

“Just possible scenarios, anticipating the outcome. Writing it down provides for widened perception.”

“I see… Princess, what would you do if this fails?”

“If they do not appear, I would either be relieved that they could have possibly been gone from the city, or frustrated that they are still hiding. But desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“What do you mean?”


Rogan furrowed his brows, she did not seem to be willing to share her plan if it fails.

“But let us think positively, the most terrible part has yet to pass after all. Think of the brighter side.”

“... If you say so, princess.”


Alan stood by the wall, the same spot where he talked with Estevan and Rogan. He was feeling a bit impatient, and his foot kept tapping on the floor. He stopped when he saw his brother coming in his direction. With wary eyes, he looked at his brother with a bit of hostility.

“Don’t dare look at me that way, little brother.”

“We’re in this mess because of you.”

“You blame me, but you have not even tried looking at yourself. Don’t you think this is your fault?”

“Absurd, I didn’t do anything.”

“You did, you forced yourself to do something you have no talent on. The signs are already here, you are weak, brother. Your destiny is not with the sword.”

“Shut up, brother. I want to hold the sword, and you will not get in my way.”

“Your anger towards me is misplaced. You have no idea. Have you never wondered how you remained in the order for this long?”


“It would appear determination is not enough to grow. Better give up before you get devastated any further by the truth.”


With a shake of his head, Alzen walked away. Alan heaved an exasperated sigh.

He doesn’t understand me. Not my family, no one.

He waited for some time, until eventually, the prince, Estevan, arrived.

“Your highness… Where’s Rogan?”

“He won’t be needed in the briefing.”

“Oh I see… Then, what is the princess’s answer?”

“You are allowed to join.”

Alan smiled brightly upon hearing that.

“However,” the prince continued. “Know that our opponents are not to be underestimated. With your level, you will not be able to face one head-on.”

“... I will find a way.”

“It is not about finding a way, Alan.” He sighed. “But, whatever. Just be warned that you are on your own. No one will help you. Everyone will be focused on their own roles. Bear in mind, your death will be in your own hands.”

“... I will not die.”

“I hope so. For your sake… and for my dear sister.”

“The princess…?”

“Don’t let her carry the weight of your death, Alan. She is already tired enough, I hope you will live to see the end of the operation and spare her heart from pain.”

Alan pursed his lips and clenched his fists. To think the princess would feel pain for his death. He was touched.

“I promise, your highness. I will not die.”


Tearing Sanctuary

For those who haven't seen it yet, Vernon's character sheet has been posted.

Jonathan Wint

The idiot knight going to die and she gets blamed and her brother will try and take the blame but they will blame her anyway. Death flag is a waving.

Scientist Valci

Orrr this is his power up flag. Gems are made under the greatest pressures. He seems like the perfect pawn for the princess, he only need to unlock his true potential.