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I trained hard. And as I practiced more spells, it felt like it was getting easier to learn new spells. Still, just learning, not mastering. That said, I have focused all my time on practicing the wind spell.

I am confident to say that I am now above average in using it, still not at the level of father, I think. But I worked hard and was so committed that I disregarded all other spells just for this one. A week was enough time to cast the spell safely and with stability. I should not fail spectacularly today.

At the moment, I was waiting for my parents to come here at my usual place of training outside, they said they would come to see my progress after all.

“Are you nervous, princess?” Vernon asked.

“Why would I be nervous?”

“You seem to be?”

Was I? No, I don’t feel that way… alright, maybe a little. I cannot explain the cause of this feeling.

“... I am not.”

“If you say so.”

It didn’t sound like he took my words to heart. But whatever…

Eventually a moment later, I saw two people coming towards me. It was my parents. Mother clung on my father’s arm, and the latter guided the lady like a gentleman. They gazed around the surroundings, this might have been the first in a while that they hung out together outside ever so casually.

How sweet.

I walked towards them with impatient steps.

“You came!”

Father softly patted my head, this time he didn’t mess up my hair.

“Of course, we wouldn’t miss this.”

“Indeed. Besides, we wanted to go out for a while now, no matter how short it would be.”

Good thing they didn’t invite my two brothers, it was better they weren’t here. This wasn’t a family gathering. Not like they need to be here anyway.

“So, daughter, are you feeling confident now?”

I smiled. “Of course.”

“Oh? If you impress me, I’ll give you chocolate.”

“... Just chocolate?”

“Is there anything you want?”

I pondered, something that they can grant me. But…

“No, there is nothing.”

“Really? Want a sword then?”

Mother slapped my father’s shoulder.

“Don’t casually give a blade to our daughter, it’s dangerous.”

“I was only joking… But I sort of wanted to reward her.”

“Father, no need. Your presence here…” I looked at the two of them one by one. “...is enough reward for me.”

Were my words merely empty words? I don’t know, I just wanted to say it. So perhaps, I was a little sincere.

“Aaaw, look at you, using clever words.”

Mother suddenly squeezed my cheeks. It hurts actually.


“Ah sorry…” she looked at me, up and down. “I like your outfit.”

“It was one of the clothes Mizia gave me.”

I wore a white blouse and frilly sleeves that reached my wrists, and a brown waist band tied by black strings. In addition, I wore dark bluish somewhat fit trousers made with fine fabric, it had a little flexibility. Then lastly dark boots. Given what the activity I would be doing today, it was paramount I wear something proper and look good as well. I must give my thanks to Mizia for giving me this type of outfit. She said she brought this type because she surmised this would look good on me as I am approaching adulthood.

“Oh… and your hair, it is very long now, are you fine with it?”

I touched my braided hair that had reached past my waist.

“I am perfectly fine with it. In fact, I love it this way.”

Long hair for the win!

“You look good either way.”

She squeezed my cheek again.

“Alright then, I heard you’re going to show us your progress of what spell was it? The wind travel one…”

“Air Step,” I answered.

“Yes, that one. It was the same spell your father showed me when we were still a young couple, right? He was so adorable when he’s trying hard.”


Mother chuckled. “Don’t act all embarrassed now.”

“I’m not… Estelia, are you now ready?”

“Yes I am.”

“Alright, honey, let’s stand there by the tree.”

Father led her to the shade of the tree.

“Alright, let’s see what you got, daughter.”

I nodded my head and began distancing myself from them before casting the spell. Wind gathered at my feet and hands, I lowered my legs a little and jumped forward, the wind propelling me forward.

When I was a few feet up from the ground, I stopped the wind on my hands and focused everything on my feet, conjuring wind and moving the air around it. I smoothly moved my foot back as if I was pushing myself, like how would one do skating.

I was still a little slow, but as I kept flying around the courtyard, I moderately gained speed. I also performed little risky maneuvers when turning, that I of course will be able to do. Feeling comfortable while flying around the courtyard, I lifted my one leg and allowed only one leg to have wind, and I performed a beautiful spin as I slowly spread my arms.

I am doing something like a performance, applying what I learned from my dancing lessons, and some that I saw from ice-skating from the old world.

My two legs returned to normal after the turn and I folded my hands, wind gathered around me, lifting the leaves from the ground. After a moment later, I burst wind from my feet and throwing me upwards, while I spun gracefully, the wind at my feet gone, and the wind from my now spreading arms caused the leaves to revolve around me.

After descending a few feet back to the ground, wind returned to my feet, and I slid forward. I did not promptly drop the leaves but rather slowly weaken the wind from my hands as I went past my parents and the tree they were at.

I went around them as the leaves slowly returned to the soil while fluttering in the air.

This magic burned an uncomfortable amount of mana at every second, depending on the strength of the wind. So not many can easily cast this with ease. But it was different for me, after this brief performance, I will still have a lot to spare.

I slowly stopped in front of my parents, while still hovering a little away from the ground. Truly I felt like I was skating.

“... So, how was it?” I said with a triumphant smile.

Mother and father looked at each other before applauding.

“That was incredible, Estelia!”

“Daughter, truly, that was shocking. It was brief, but I was impressed!”

I guess it was brief. Making choreography was not exactly my strong suit.

“Indeed, to think you are already that skilled in casting the wind.”

I descended and once I touched the ground, the wind vanished.

“I’m relieved you liked my performance.”

“Dear, what about you and Estelia ride the wind together?”

“Great idea! Though a little dangerous, we can go around the palace.”

“Then come back here to me.”

“We’ll be quick, my love.”

“No, take your time and enjoy. Besides I’m not alone, so you can leave me for a while.”


“Have fun!”

Father turned to me with a prideful smile.

“So, daughter, are you sure you can catch up? You still have a chance to give up.”

I furrowed my brows.

“As if. I won’t fall behind.”

“Hehehe of course. If you fall behind, I will turn back to you,” he patted my head. “Let’s go?”

Wind burst forth from father and he leaped up into the air, flying towards the distance and landing upon a shorter rooftop. I turn to look at Mother to check on her before I go, when she caught me looking, she nodded her head, and so I nodded back with a smile.

Wind swirled underneath my feet and on my palms then I propelled myself into the air.

I landed right next to my father, I pretended to almost fall off and he caught me by the hand.

“Careful now.”


“This can be a good training, getting used to the motion and various maneuvers. But don’t overdo it, safety is utmost priority.”

“I understand.”

“Alright, now then follow me.”

He rode the wind, and I jumped off the roof, following father as I too rode the wind. He went under small sheds with impressive agility, and I also went through the same path he did. A moment later after gathering descent speed and momentum, the wind at our hands disappeared, with only staying at our feet. Our speed was nothing to be laughed at, if untrained one would be rattled in this amount of speed.

We swiftly went under the branches of the nearby trees, causing the leaves to shake violently at our passing.


“Slow down here, daughter!”

As father was about to directly go straight at a wall, he twisted his body and his feet faced the wall and subsequently came a burst of wind, pushing him forward at an opposite direction of the wall.

Needless to say as I was following, I was about to come in contact with the same wall. I could slow down, but he didn’t, so why would I? I already got my competitive spirit writhing, no way I’m gonna back down.

I know parkour myself. You know, losing yourself in the moment is great!

I optimized the flow wind at my feet as I turned my body, making the bottom of my feet face the wall. Then my wind made contact with the wall, I felt a little force from my wind, I folded my legs with the wind acting as a cushion to soften contact.

My movement was smooth and soft before I propelled myself with the wind at my feet and right hand pushing me outward. Father’s way of sudden turning was too direct and reckless, very sudden. Have mercy on my internal organs. And thus, my way was to soften contact first, like landing on a bunch of pillows or a thick pile of snow. Maybe father was able to do that kind of maneuver because he’s one tough guy.

I caught a glimpse of father having an expression of surprise on his face. He slowed down and moved next to me.

“Very good, daughter! But don’t scare me like that again, that was dangerous.”

“I know… But I was confident.”

“... Alright, but don’t get overconfident, overconfidence often causes failures. At the first feeling of doubt, retract.”

“Yes, father.”

At that moment we passed by the knight’s training courtyard, and warriors as they were, they became alerted immediately and jerked their heads to look at us. Although they immediately realized who we were. There were only a few numbers of them, other’s might be assigned somewhere.

We only passed by them for a couple of seconds, and we were already gone. Father climbed up to the roof of the palace by sticking close to the wall. I followed.

He turned towards me, and let himself fall at the edge, then halfway down riding the wind once again. He truly was showing off.

But this is fun…

It warmed my heart that we got to hang out like this, I was constantly smiling in excitement, and my body was full of energy.

I followed behind him as he performed various of stunts. I barely did anything myself because of course I don’t need to, nor I should, besides, I enjoyed watching him having fun. Fun’s great.

Amidst that, I often looked up at the sky, I was curious. Couldn’t I fly up there? I wanted to see and feel how it would be up there. The marvelous sky, a sky one would always see when flying in a plane, from where you can see the land below stretching on the far horizon. But this time, it was a different world.

A few minutes later, we were nearing back to where Mother was.

“I have almost drained most of my mana, let’s get back.”

Father said with fatigue clear on his face.


I was feeling fine, sure I did feel a lot of mana being drained, but I haven’t really felt anything significant, mostly just physical tiredness with all the physical activity I just did.

It only took a moment and we arrived at the courtyard. Father landed back on the ground and took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

“That was great. Honestly, it drains so much mana.”

“How was it, dear?” Mother approached father and rubbed the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.

“It was a pretty great exercise, and Estelia was exceptional. I found myself surprised at how she was able to keep up with me.”

Mother turned towards me.

“Estelia, why are you still up there?” she asked cautiously.

Indeed, I was still hovering in the air, looking up at the sky. It was still morning, and the natural wind was still a little cold. I still have plenty mana left, and when I say plenty, I meant a lot. With this, I can get a glimpse of this new world.

I shifted my gaze to my mother and smiled.

“I would like to try something, so don’t be afraid.”

“What do you mean?”


“This will be brief.”


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