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The next day, my father and I entered the library and made our way to the grimoire. We passed by other pedestals where other important-looking books were placed. However, the major feature here was the thick silvery book wrapped in chains.

Only the two of us were here, it would have been alright if there were others like my servants. However, the book will be unsealed today, so it was decided to not let others come near.

We stopped before an extravagant pedestal where the grimoire was placed. Father held out his hand and mana began to take shape then formed some sort of key entirely in the color of purple.

He just shaped his mana into a key?

I scrutinized the key but I would need to get a closer look. That being said, surely it wouldn’t be that easy to imitate that.

“That’s one simple security father. I expected it would require more than that.”

“Only the ruling monarch’s mana can unlock the chains. There are other requirements before one can safely open the book, otherwise, well, it will be life-threatening.”

When his hand with the key got closer, electricity began to appear on the chains’ surface and slowly rose. He tapped the key once to the lock and the electricity instantly disappeared.

He then proceeded to insert the key into the keyhole before turning it, then sounded an audible click. At once, the chains went loose and was pulled down onto the floor with a thud by gravity.

“There. Unfortunately we can’t remove the grimoire from the pedestal. We can’t risk bringing around a collection of royal knowledge anywhere. So, my daughter, you will need to read here.”

“That’s fine, father. Thank you.”

“Hm, go ahead. Try opening it.”

I approached and touched the grimoire, it truly felt like a silver cover. Upon opening, the pages didn’t look old at all. Peculiar.

“The paper doesn’t seem to have aged.”

“The book has been cast by a special preservation spell.”

“I see…”

In any case, the first page already talked about one spell. “Sound Eruption”, blasts off a high pitch sound in all directions. There was a warning, the user would also be affected. Well, fuck I suppose that’s to be expected. Process, hm a bit complicated, but doable, I think.

Next page, “Ice Crown”, a blizzard, but a lot more. Constructs of beasts amidst the blizzard to be used as a small army as long as the spells persist. Hm, this would be hard. The main goal, blind and overwhelm a single enemy. In this world of frost, you hold the crown.

Next spell, “Infernal Loop”, creates a ring of fire around the user. Pulling enemies outside from a certain distance into the ring. Warning, may also burn the user — learning spell “Immolation” is strictly recommended to be protected.

“Immolation”, covers the user with protective flame coating.

Holy shit man, aren’t these, pretty strong? Holy shit old rulers were not kidding around.

“Ripping Tide” conjures revolving water as thin as a blade, and hard as steel. Flexible and deadly. Able to eliminate surrounding enemies. Disadvantage, the effective radius is short — radius may vary on the user’s mana.

Dude, how many spells are in here, damn. This… wow. This is awesome!

“Mirror Maze”, entrapping enemies into a small realm of mirrors, imprisoning them, and should induce confusion. Furthermore, if enemies attempt to break the mirrors, the shattered glasses will scatter explosively, damaging the enemy.

“Well of Life”, casts an area where any living lifeform inside will be healed, also granting a small amount of magical defense barrier. Disadvantage, as it will heal every living lifeform inside the area of effect, enemies will also be granted the Well’s blessing. Requirements, advance knowledge and skill in healing spells.

These spells not only seemed powerful, but pretty complicated, and there were a ton of them. It will take a while before I get to finish memori— familiarizing all of it. That said, I was looking for a particular spell that would give me great mobility.

I skimmed through the pages until I found the spell “Air Step”, perfect!

“Have you found the spell you want to learn, daughter?”

Hm? The spell I want to learn? Was he perhaps misunderstanding something?

“I intend to learn all of the spells here.”

“ — What?! It would take at least a lifetime of training to perfect all of them. I have only learned a few, but only the ones that will be able to aid me in my swordsmanship.”

“In that case, I will learn as much as I can. I will be reading every spell first before practicing them.”

“Estelia, I regret to inform you but I do not intend to keep the grimoire unsealed for a long time. The most I can do is one month, too risky if we go any further.”

“That’s plenty. Thank you, father.”

“That’s plenty? I guess you will only be learning what you can.”

“I intend to learn at least most of it.”

Father chuckled.

“Alright, if you say so.”

He did not seem to believe me.

“...That being said, when it’s time, I will be practicing this one first of all.”

Father stepped forward and looked at what I was pointing at.

“Oh that,” he smiled. “That will be very useful. If you need help with this, talk to me.”

“You can cast this spell?”

“Of course, it’s useful in battle. You have a good eye.”

“I just thought it would indeed be useful in combat — or escaping.”

“Of course… Then I shall be leaving you to it then?”

I nodded my head with a smile.

“Good luck, my daughter.”



As the eldest child of the family was working with his assistant, Estevan suddenly barged into the office, shouting loudly that the ones inside slightly jumped in shock.

“What the— Estevan, don’t ever do that again. I almost had a heart attack, by the gods.”

Eleden grasped his forehead.

“What was even the point of that?” Lucious audibly asked.

Reflecting on what he had done, he gently closed the door.

“Right, I apologize. But this is urgent.”


“Estel is still mad at me, I’m sure of it. She’s been hesitant in speaking with me.”

“Of course she would be. Just give her time.”

Estevan vigorously shook his head.

“Let too much time pass and you may lose someone! Sometimes you have to settle the situation as soon as possible.”

“You won’t lose Estelia.”

“No! She may remain, but an intangible distance may form between us if I don’t do something as soon as possible! That’s why I’m here, to ask for your advice on what I should do.”

Eleden winced. He should have expected that Estevan would eventually act this way. In all within the family, Estevan may be the one with the strongest love towards the only sister. And he in turn wanted affection from her. And thus he was very impatient today.

Eleden had no choice but to help his brother.

“Maybe speak with her.”

“I did try earlier, but she merely briefly greeted me. And that’s it. She left after that. The way she looked at me.. It was as if she was trying to avoid me.”

“Haaaah,” he sighed. “Then maybe give her something special, or treat her.”

“Like what?”

“Maybe cook food for her.”

Estevan’s eyes widened and his face brightened.

“That’s a great idea, brother! I’ll also give her a bouquet of flowers while I’m at it.”

“I don’t think you nee—”

“Thanks! Alright I’ll be in the kitchen! See ya!”

In a flash, he left the room without giving anyone the chance to slow him down.

“Flowers, for Estelia?”

“That’s sad, Lucious. To think a brother is more romantic than the man who is in love.”

Lucious grimaced as if Eleden’s word’s slapped him on the face.

“Shut up.”

“Hahahaha!” Eleden held his stomach amidst his laughter. He truly thought it was hilarious.

“Very funny…”


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