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It's hard for me to fully express how grateful I am to every one of you that's put $5 down on our project. It's not lost on me how privileged we are to have the smidgen of attention we've garnered, let alone support to this magnitude. All those worked weekends, sleepless hours, spent paychecks, literal blood, sweat and tears feels worth it in knowing that someone cares. I truly cannot thank you all enough for that. 

Now that the tears are wiped from my chiseled porcelain skin, let's talk schedule. We've got a stream coming up this week -- the VOD of which will only be available here. The first official podcast will be recorded, as well as another short video. Then the following week we'll be recording another big video, (featuring a special guest) as well as a second podcast wrapping our November. Each shoot includes BTS, Cut Footage, Photos & the Post-Shoot Video Series.

I love you. Drink water. Don't do drugs. Goodnight.

- Jakob


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