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Hey everyone, I'm just giving a heads up on an irritating and really stressful turn of events concerning my computer.

Basically the main drive seems to have just busted out of nowhere and will need to be replaced. Luckily, the company that made the computer's headquarters happens to be literally just a 30 minute drive over and I've delivered it in for repairs today. However, they give me anywhere between one to four weeks of waiting for it to be fixed, leaving this out of my control and uncertain.

If my PC returns by the 25th I should reliably be able to finish all the month's pieces on time! However, in the case it takes longer, I will be pausing Patreon for February to get January's set done. I'll also DM a link to all the files for January's work to everyone who subscribed this month should you decide to not resubscribe for February.

Sorry about the inconvenience this causes, as I hadn't counted on the PC breaking within less of a year of getting it. Luckily all my Patreon and Art commission files are on the other drive which seems to be alright. The only thing lost is reinstalling all the programs (and regrettably every piece of music I've written since 2014 but that's not so relevant here).

I really appreciate your support and if the worst case scenario does come to pass, I hope you can stick around as a patron even if the rewards are a bit late!  Thank you for reading.


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