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Hi everyone! Here's the bonus poll for the Souper Tier and the last one of the year! Thank you so much for your support this year, it really means a lot!

I've narrowed down the suggestions box submissions to the usual seven. The winner will be drawn as the bonus piece exclusive to this tier.

The direct pick from the bonus suggestions box this month is David King & Bill Overbeck from Dead by Daylight. They will be available to all patrons later this month.

The poll ends at December 15th at 17:00 UTC! I look forward to seeing the results! I hope all of you have a great holidays season and thank you again for sticking around!


Fursona Erchon

Poor Menimemo, he's some one I want to vote for, but then he gets put up against Shane and I just have to vote for Shane instead.


If you want, Soupy's commissions are open quite frequently and you're always free to commission Menimemo directly from them!

Fursona Erchon

Lol, I suppose I could. Though my comment was meant to highlight how much I love Shane making other characters a tough sell when voting. That being said Menimemo is hot.