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The Golden Pumpkin isn't the only desirable thing at the end of the maze! Taking Shane on a date in that secret part of the maze after everyone has all left... 😌

Bonus halloween costume version for him as well to fit in with the current season as well as other layers of clothing! I hope you guys enjoy this one!




Oh, the farmer receiving the best treat at the festival🥴 Shane looks wonderful and so cute Soupy! The background and lighting are just so pristine and beautiful! Def one of my favorites for this month 💜💜💜

Fursona Erchon

Omg I love this! That costume is so cute. Also you do some of the best Shane porn I've seen 😍. He's my husband on my current play through. Probably tired for 1st as favorite spouse.


Woo this looks so good Soupy! He's so adorable!


Thanks so much! I'm really glad you like it! :D They're definitely having some fun before winter rolls around


That means a lot, thank you! ^^ I usually go Shane or Harvey, myself.