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Hello fellas! Here's an announcement for what's happening in January and February since it is going to be different for those months and I'd like to give a heads up on what'll be going on.

On January 13th to February 14th, I'll be flying to the States to be with my fiance and spend time with him on vacation for my birthday which is during mid-January. I've been planning this break for months (I am also doubly vaccinated) -- I have been feeling burnt out recently and I think this is the kick I'll need to start fresh again! :)

I initially thought to take both January and February off, but because of unforeseen expenses (I had to get new glasses and a new chair to work on) I'll have to fit January into my schedule.  

First things first, I will pick 4 things directly from the suggestions boxes (two from each) in January, and the suggestions box for it will open mid-December. There will be the usual polls (one for the $4 and $8 tiers each) published then that will run from January 1st to January 3rd. I will have eight days to finish the remaining two pieces, and I'll publish these for the month.

As such you'll get the usual six pieces, so I hope this is fine for you guys! 

February I'm taking off in terms of Patreon-exclusive drawings, but I'll still upload in this month after I get home (most likely continuing on the Pokémon NPCs as well as other miscellaneous characters from other pieces of media. You will not be charged for February -- I am pausing payments on this month as I feel it's only fair since you guys aren't getting the usual six exclusive pieces.

In March, things will resume as normal. I apologize if this is any inconvenience for you guys for these two months but I just wanted to have a heads up!