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Hi fellas, sorry things have been going slow this week! My back has been killing me for a bit and the painkillers are making me very drowsy. I'll do my best to catch up later this week! 



Get to feeling better, and remember to try to be compassionate with yourself. 2020 is a shit show, so don't kick yourself when you're down.


Thank you, I'll try! Although I also like being on top of things and not doing so really stresses me out so it's hard to find a balance. I'll do my best to try and thank you again! 2020 is indeed not a fun year.


Take all the time and rest as much as you need Soupy! Your health is is whats most important! Wishing you the best for your speedy recovery mate! 🙌😊


Thank you so much! I had enough of being in bed so I'm trying my best to get back in form no matter what. Not drawing is stressing me out a lil haha