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 My sincerest gratitude goes out to everyone here today!

First and foremost, I wanted to give my patrons a gigantimax thank you for choosing to support me! I put together this Patreon with the intent of being able to give out my behind the scenes stuff to anyone who was interested in sketches and other things similar, along with 24 hour sneak peek access to all my finished art (because I figured that would make it the most fair)!  I decided on 2 dollars because I imagine this would allow for most people to be able to access this content with little to no stress to their wallet, and still make it possible for me to even release it to begin with. The process of releasing behind the scenes stuff is actually a lot more mentally taxing than you probably imagine, since it's generally a considerable amount of extra work to keep up with. For someone who is a bit anti-social like myself, this can be kinda tough to keep up with under normal circumstances. I put a lot of care into what I do so putting it on the Patreon was a way for me to justify even putting the content out in the first place. Because of that, I really have a lot of love and appreciation for everyone who has decided to support me here! It really means a lot to me that my artwork and ideas mean enough to you guys to justify supporting me monetarily. I plan to make use of this account to it's fullest, and put the donations back into my content to give you all a fantastic experience with a steady upload schedule and constantly growing quality!

I want to assure all of you that I have absolutely no intention of ghosting or abandoning this Patreon and the projects associated with it. So far, I have put a lot of thought and research into planning out this Patreon account to make sure it functions properly. I've done pages and pages of writing to structure it properly and I have many ideas to continue the growth of it. I have also made a huge effort in planning out content to release during the next coming months along with schedules for the new year. It is a personal goal for me to be able to supply all of you with a consistent stream of content here, so my 2020 goal is to put out at least one post every 2 days. I am holding myself accountable to do so, and I have high hopes! I'm grateful for all of you who believe in me and I will do my very best to not let anyone down! (I also wanted to mention that I believe that this upload schedule is reasonable for my workflow, so I should be able to do this without any issue. It's a personal goal for myself that also benefits you guys!)

With all of that being said, I would like to present some ideas I have that I may or may not end up implementing. Some of them are tier related, and others are just projects or goals I would like to achieve or at least start on in 2020.

Patreon Tier Ideas

Before I started my this account, I put together the basics of what I wanted to provide to my Patrons for the 2 dollar tier. There are a bunch of other things I want to provide as well, but a lot of the ideas I have would probably be better for higher tiers. I put the 5 and 10 dollar tier up for people who wanted to support me, which I am so thankful for those who have donated to those! It really does help me tremendously. I want to be able to provide a little bit more for those tiers in the near future, so I have put together a list of things that may be a possibility for me to provide! I have not planned any budgeting for these things yet, so I have no idea what tiers I will end up putting them on at this time, but I plan on figuring some of them out for live release in early 2020.

I would appreciate any and all feedback to these ideas, and would love to hear any new ideas you all may have!

Physical birthday gifts
    ‣ Gifts sent out physically to my Patron's address on their birthday month. Would include
       a card and some kind of gift, think similar to a lootcrate.

•  Holiday cards
     ‣  Physical cards sent out during holidays that are given an updated design every year.
         This would include major holidays like Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas,


Goals & Ideas


I also have a list of things I would like to start doing or am already in the process of starting!

 • Business Cards
     ‣ I'm currently trying to finish up business cards before MFF but I'm not sure if I'll be able
       to meet the deadline.
MFF Stickers
      ‣ Along with the business cards, I'm trying to figure out some stickers to give away. MFF
        is really soon and I'm running out of time, so I don't know if I will be able to get either of
        these done in time.
      ‣ One of my goals for the new year is to commission a fursuit sometime in 2020. The
         artist I want to make my fursuit is kind of hard to get accepted by, so I will be looking
         for a different fursuit artist for the time being. If you have any fursuit artists in mind that
         you think would make my character cute, please send them my way!

Picarto Streams
       ‣ I have been experimenting with OBS and I plan to use it for a few different things, one
         including Picarto streaming. I want to stream really badly, but I have yet to start it
         because my work schedule would make it difficult for me to have a consistent
         schedule. Eventually within the next few years this issue should be solved, but for now
         it is on my list of things I want to do.

Art Process Videos/Gifs/Speed Paints
       ‣ I have been thinking about putting out some process videos/gifs of my artwork, and
         have considered creating a YouTube channel to put out some Speed Paints. I'm still
         putting together what I would like to do with YouTube as a whole, but this will probably
         be my first step into making content on there. OBS will help with that, but I was looking
        at a program I may be able to use on my phone that might make it easy for me to record
        my drawing process. I'll be looking into this for the near future.

Casual Video Game Development
       ‣ Video game development has been something I've been interested in for a long time
         and recently I was thinking about a few different projects I could make that would
         incorporate dev work. I may expand on this later in the future, but depending on how
         my work schedule goes, this may not happen any time soon.
3D Model for YouTube
       ‣ I want to possibly get a 3D model made of my character(s) and maybe do something
         on YouTube with them. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'm interested in it and making a
         story for it as well.

Webstore, Products & Conventions
       ‣ I'll be looking into different types of merchandise that would be cute to sell. Eventually I
        may consider trying to get in to conventions selling my art and products, but I'm unsure
        of it working out specifically because my stuff is fetish related. I think with the new
        products I'll be updating my Patreon with, I may be able to get away with it if I do it right.
       Right now I have these items that I will be aiming to sell in 2020. Please let me know if
       you have other ideas!

                              ‣ Keychains
                              ‣ Stickers (1 Color,  Full Color & Sticker Sets)
                              ‣ Pins
                              ‣ Badges
                              ‣ Buttons
                              ‣ Shirts/Sweatshirts/Hoodies/Tanks
                              ‣ Charms
                              ‣ Prints
                              ‣ Necklaces/Bracelets/Charms
                              ‣ Plushies (This one's a bit unlikely but I'll try!)

As I keep pushing for new things, I'm sure there will be many additions to this list of cool stuff. It would be really awesome if you guys had suggestions or comments! Feedback is super important to me! ^___^ I really have to thank all of you for being so supportive. Without you guys I wouldn't be able to do what I do. It makes me so happy to be able to work towards all these goals with you guys. I'll do my best!


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