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Hi there! Apologies for the delay on August’s progress report. After powering through Cheri’s route programming and prepping for a con I was feeling extremely burnt out. Thankfully I got to enjoy a pleasant little vacation in Texas after the con so I’m feeling pretty refreshed to get back to work! (My upper back is still a little sore from carrying my chubby little pug’s carrier all across the airports though)


Concept sketches for Kalei’s dragon form! The objective was to make him look “friend-shaped”. I took heavy inspiration from pokemon and dragon tales for these.

I know everyone is excited to see the new demon and angel leaders revealed so... Here's this guy instead!

This is Billy! He's been around since the start of the game! What? What do you mean you've never seen him before? He's been with you since you arrived in the garden! C'mon don't play games you remember Billy! Right guys? Guys??

But anyway onto this month’s angel/demon reveals…

Not to be confused with Lucifer, Satan is the reigning sovereign of the Envy ring. Along with being the leader, Satan is also an A-list celebrity. As a changeling, it has an extensive library of human AND demon forms it can take making it known as "The Demon with 1,000" faces.  Changelings can take the form of anyone it's ingested the blood of and can keep changing into that form for about 100 years. It was able to befriend many other iconic figures and utilize their appearances to the roles it’s played for the past 3 centuries. Satan also stars in the lead role of Heated Passions, Ramon's favorite show.

The name "Satan" is a fairly recent name change from this century as the name blew up in popularity. In general, this demon likes to do things that would make it more popular, both for better and worse.


Illustrated by me

And last but most certainly not least, the seraphim of the archangel, Archangel!

Archangel is in charge of the supervision of chosen souls and the transportation of human souls to make sure they arrive at the appropriate afterlife. Archangels class typically consists of, but is not excluded to, two jobs being an arch guardian and a transporter. Arch guardians watch over and protect their chosen human(s) often manifesting themselves in dreams only their parting guidance/advice to be remembered in the morning. Transporters play a similar role to a "grim reaper" in that they collect souls when it's their time to enter the afterlife and drop them off at the appropriate real (Utopia, Limbo, Hell).

Archangel themself is a recluse as they are rarely ever seen in public. Archangel's eyes are always closed unless something catches their interest (though that always isn't a good thing).  Archangel and their class's true form is a dragon with Archangel being the length of a train that takes forever to end when you are stopped at a railroad crossing.

Cheri’s alternate outfit sprites! Two for each form. Curse my ambition and wanting to really sell Cheri both as a character and aesthetically… my wrist may hurt but they all look so cute!

The theme for top set of outfits was “old fashioned while the bottom are references to other media.

I’ve roughly clean sketched out all of Cheri’s CGs for their route! That includes all forms. A lot of art is being made for Cheri’s route, and most people may prefer to play through it once but it’s gonna look so cool.


I finished programming Cheri’s route! Woo!! It is 68K words if you exhaust all your choices. Lots of fun scenarios to choose from to make the experience unique to you. I’m surprised It only took me a month to program but finishing the programming on Cheri was partly a birthday gift to myself in a way. The gift of having nearly completed my and Sam’s story and the excitement for future players.


One new song has been created for Cheri’s route and you can listen to it here. Song by KinoshitaCrazy !

That’s it for now. I’m going to be focusing on having the art, voice acting, audio editing, etc done by Christmas!


Mako Samejima

Wow! So much has been done this month! I hope you enjoyed your break :D And the song is so fun!! How can a track feel so lighthearted but heavy at the same time? Intriguing.