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Hi there!

Eros again with this month’s progress report. Not much has been done in the way of art but that's because I’ve been working on editing Cherubim’s route and the final word count for it is 68K words. AUGH! So close to the funny sex number! But, yeah, this story is triple the length of most routes, and for good reason! That being said this is going to take me a while to program alone… not to mention draw up 14 CGs as Cheri has three forms to choose from (sobs).


Zephyriel Beezle is the current reigning sovereign of the Gluttony ring! Beezle has been the reigning sovereign of Glutton for 600 years and is beloved by the majority of the population in Hell for maintaining the most entertaining ring of the 7. Gluttony is basically a giant never-ending theme park and party, with tourism as high as the excitement you get.

And yes, he is related to Beelzebub with a last name like that. If I ever decide if demons have wings I would probably make glutton demons have bug-like wings. However, currently, it's my idea that the angels who fell with Lucifer lost their wings and their descendants are born without them.

And most likely the most anticipated Seraphim people want to see: Powers! He is the leading general of Utopia's forces and personally trained the special force Noel was a part of.

Powers may look pretty serious and threatening, and he is, but he's pretty goofy with how devoted he can be to Utopia. He also used his halo as a weapon when his fists won't do!

Zephyriel and Powers designed by DevilDeets

Illustrated by me

A side note when I was choosing which Seraphim to reveal this month I tossed a coin with heads being Powers and tails being Archangel. It landed on tails but I decided to defy fate and show off Powers instead. Knowing the Archangel I think they would be satisfied with being saved for last though…

I think I mentioned this last month but I’ve sought out some additional help on certain tasks. That includes coloring/rendering CGs! I have all of Faye’s route inked and sent a few CGs to some of my art assistants to finish for me. I’m really going to need all the help I can get with art given how much is going to appear.

I’m very much a purveyor for having consistency with the game’s art which is why I tend to sketch and ink CGs and sprites myself and occasionally have my art assistants color them in a similar rendering style to myself. I WISH I knew someone who can draw in an almost identical style to me but, alas, I know none and don’t have the time or resources to train someone. I know other indie visual novels don’t abide by having one singular art style present in their game but I always find it quite jarring even if I understand the reasoning.

I’m getting ranty oops!

Lots of new expressions for Cherubim are being made! I’m just going to use the right-side facing sprite base for most of their expressions with changes in the arms since I have to redraw the expressions and gestures on the other forms! For now, I’m just drawing them on Cheri!Feminine as I already had the most expressions drawn out for her in Part 1 and the British lady makes me laugh.


Editing Cheri’s route is complete! Which means i just have to program all of it now (screams).

Here are some teasers for Faye and Cheri’s stories.




I started programming Cheri’s route a few days ago! It’s going to take me a few weeks to have it functional since it’s so long so a build for it might not be out till September at the latest. At least it’s the last route I have to work on, right?

That’s it for now. In more personal news I’m going to be starting back up on my antidepressants in a few days! It just took me months to do it from when I initially wanted to. Curse you executive functionality disorder!! :’))) But also, it was never explained to me I could get them without doing an in-person appointment as I don’t have reliable means of transportation and paying $$ to and from a clinic with an Uber along with paying for the appointment and medication without insurance is umm… I would rather be able to pay my bills and buy food please.

Indie game development is very much not the most stable of incomes, I still make way below the poverty line and most money I make goes back into the game or into food/bills. But the support I get from fans through patreon or people promoting the game to their friends REALLY DOES HELP  A LOT! And I am grateful to receive the help that I do receive!! Truely! Continued support means I can work on the game comfortably enough and have others help me. So thank you!

That’s all for now. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Mako Samejima

Aaaahh so much done this month! Cheri is such an interesting character from what little we see of them, I am chomping at the bit to get to know them a bit better :D Also congrats on the drugssss! Hopefully it's a little easier to get what you need now, I know it took me YEARS to finally get medicated abdjdk Good luck and remember to drink water 🌊🌊🌊

DidiGoofed (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 15:48:08 I'm super excited about the new routes!! Especially Cheris <33 I'm hoping the rest goes smoothly and I really hope that you feel better! I will be supporting and rooting for you :)
2023-07-27 19:48:04 I'm super excited about the new routes!! Especially Cheris <33 I'm hoping the rest goes smoothly and I really hope that you feel better! I will be supporting and rooting for you :)

I'm super excited about the new routes!! Especially Cheris <33 I'm hoping the rest goes smoothly and I really hope that you feel better! I will be supporting and rooting for you :)