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Hello again!

Eros here to tell you what’s up! Lets get right into it


Not much to show off in terms of art, I was mostly focused on the other aspects of the game. It’s also hard to show art when some pieces are so heavily drenched in spoilers and I would like certain things about Faye and Cheri’s stories to be a secret. However, I’ve learned that I could present the biggest of hints and people would be none the wiser as to what’s going on.

Concept for Wrath's Sovereign: Abaddona Fiore! She’s the picturesque image of what people think of when they hear the term “volatile”. A cold, detached, intimidating, enforcer created by Montgomery Tech to perfectly execute justice on sinners. Though she has a sweet spot as she likes to write books filled with action, drama and plenty of romance!

Design concept for the Principalities Seraphim! He is the Seraphim of knowledge and truth. I went with a big fluffy look for his hair as principalities true angel form is nimbus/cloud-like.

And, yes, his pronouns are he/him please don't make a big deal out of it because his appearance is feminine.

Rough sketch. CG for chapter 1 of Faye’s route! She’s mixing MC a drink!

Rough sketch. CG for Faye’s Bad Ending. A sad, sad, day indeed.

I have all of Faye’s CGS sketched out but these are the two I’m only able to show.

A gay drink for a gay little MC.

A photo of Faye with….! Wait who are these people?

Anyway, if time permits and energy permits, I want to add more little item boxes throughout Parts 1 and 2. I just think they're cute and further the VISUAL aspect of the game.

Alternate outfits for Cheri! I Really REALY love Cheri’s alt outfits for their route! Especially her fem form she looks so over the top next to the other two forms LOL. Designed by DeetsDevil.

That’s it for art!


Cheri’s route is fully drafted! I’m going to go over and make edits later next week and then it's off to programming! Cheri’s story is the longest route clocking in at 57K words if explored to the fullest. With that being said they’re probably going to me a couple weeks to program alone [cries]. But his story is full of good stuff so it will be worth it!!

Voice acting

We’ve recorded all voice lines needed for Faye’s route and it's in the process of being edited/cleaned up for in-game! Wooo! That just leaves the Cheris and two other secret characters. We’d love to have the main 6 VAs to record more lines for part 2 but that all depends on budget and I would rather have ALL previous romanceable characters get more speaking lines than just selecting a few. And that means a lot of $$$ so I wouldn't get hopes up.


I’ve been mostly cleaning up and fixing bugs/errors found in part 1. I’ll just copy and paste the changes made from my itch devlog plus a few I neglected to mention. You can download the newest version of the game on the itch page!

Patch notes for v1.024/v1.025

-updated Noel's bad end. "Keep vial for self" now is the bad end and previous bad end scenario has been removed. New CG has been drawn for this.

-updated mitts bad end condition. using geist blood to power car and angel.io always results in Mitt's bad ending.

- updated DJ’s chapter 3 after Hordes fight. Allowed the MC to try to kill hordes 3 times before the option is taken away.

-updated geist lore. when a giest is killed it now means the soul is wiped from existence forever.

-added he/him pronouns for DJ and they/them for Faye  used throughout routes in addition to their usual pronouns.

- added Chapter titles ( Prologue, Character Chapter 1,2,3, Character Ending)

- added notifications that let MCs know what questions affect the character’s affection towards them and when it doesn’t.

-added Reset Game button

-added a secret bad end

-unimportant code cleanup


A couple of new songs for part 2 are in the works! I really tried to limit how much new music would be added but… well… we’re at least getting 5 new tracks! And maybe more hehe…


That’s about it for this month! Moving forward and thanks to the support the game I’m delegating some tasks for the game onto others so I can focus on the core elements that only I can handle. That, and it's a big pressure off my chest to not be in charge of EVERYTHING  like last half of Part 1’s development haha….

Hope you had a good pride month! I’m gonna order McDonalds and play some Story of Seasons. The grimace shake sure looks tasty!


Mako Samejima

Aaah you've done so much this month! (Does Faye have kids? Is that who those two are???) I haven't been a patron for too very long, but I've adored this game since the second I discovered it! Its been my hyperfixation ever since and I get excited every time I see a notification for your patreon pop up! Soo excited and proud about how far Repurpose has come! I wish you have a great break and Happy pride! (Also you got the new SoS? I haven't been able to open up my copy yet but I'm itching to play it!!)

Phillip Raymer

100% digging Principalities


Aww thank you! And yeah i got SoS A wonderful life! The OG was my first Harvest Moon game so i had to get the remake