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Hi all!

Let’s skip the formalities and get straight into the progress made this month. Primarily all that was accomplished this month was art and writing so I’ll just go over those.


Sprite edits and concept for Faye’s date dress! That’s right! MCs actually get to go on a date with Faye in her route! What is this, a dating sim? Her dress is based on a Chanel 1992 dress I thought would look very classy and sexy on Faye with some small modifications. I sorta gave up on her shoes since most of the time characters aren't visible below the knee. So that is at least subject to change if her CG has it in the shot.

I use chains a lot in some of the imagery and character designs for the game. Ramons tattoos, Noel’s alternate outfit, and other places/characters we’ve yet to see. Chains can either hoist you down or hold you up, bound you to something for better or worse. Also, I just think it’s neat.

Starting this month I’ll be showing off final(is) designs for Utopia Seraphim and Hell Sovereigns! This month I present to you Virtues and Jack Montgomery who rule the Virtues Kingdom and Sloth Ring respectively

Virtues is the God Fragment of Morality and Art, everything that is virtuous and virtuoso. Her choirs color is orange but Virtues herself the amount of red on her also symbolizes… something… about her. What that something is may become more apparent as the other Seraphim designs are finalized and shown.

Jack Montgomery is the Sovereign of Slot and CEO/Lead techwizard of Montgomery Tech, the leading company of all things techy and magical. Montgomery Tech is best known for its creation of Volatiles. A side piece of lore that might fly over people’s heads since last names aren’t really used or spoken in Repurpose I realized is that Volatiles are given the last name of their creator. So people are right to assume that Irene was created by Jack.

That’s all I can show for art this month! Next month I hope to draft up some work on backgrounds to give to my BG artist for Faye’s route. I am trying to keep the number of additional bgs added to part 2 to a minimum because bgs are one thing I struggle and slog through myself and if that responsibility ended up falling on me um. They would not look as nice as some of the other backgrounds. For reference, the bgs done by me have thicker outlines and are not my favorite to look at. That being said the current number of bgs to be added with Faye’s story is 4.


Faye’s route is about 90% done. All that's needed is to wrap up a scene in her final chapter and then her endings then Sam and I can review, tweak, and properly edit for grammar errors. Her story is close to 40K words long( should the MC explore all options mind you) so she is a very meaty girl. Cherubim's route will also be pretty meaty since as of being perhaps 50% of the way finished she has close to 30K words for her draft! I’m very excited for people to play through their routes as I think these two are Repurpose at its peak excellence.

Part 1 Enhancement Patch

As people talk about and give feedback on the game I’ve been making notes on what I can do as gamedev to make the experience better. So I have an and every growing list of major, minor, and optional additions/fixes to add to Part 1 before Part 2 is released.

It's been a week or two since I updated this list. And some stuff I would move into optional or major/minor zones (I think I would move Noel talking about gender, Ramon's backstory, and Irenes repetitiveness to optional since I think it falls under optional “fluff out/rewrite scenes”((and if certain characters get it then everyone else should too for non-bias fairness sake)) and have chapter titles be a major addition since that isn’t exactly difficult to do besides thinking up chapter names). But anything in optional is as the label says. Optional and not guaranteed. Some stuff in major might not be guaranteed either but it definitely has a higher chance than optional. We will see!

One of the optional additions is censored for the sake of the easter eggs surprise teehee.

That about does it for this month. A good chunk of work was accomplished this month despite all odds and I’m proud of that and want to leave this month on a positive note! Take care, everyone!


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