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I have a few ideas for scripts for comics featuring Noel but I can't seem to decide on one. So I will let the Patrons decide for me!

Script idea #1

Mc: Hey, Noel, can you tell me more about your essence deck?

Noel: You're asking me about my deck?

Noel, up-close, eyes intense and sparkling: I've waited YEARS for someone to ask me about my deck!

Small DJ: hehe, deck.

Script idea #2

Faye: Merry X-Mas everyone~! I've brought gifts for The Neighborhood's fine leaders~

Dj: It's Christmas?

Noel: May as well be. None of the calendars here are accurate.

Faye: For our musician, I brought you a laptop with HL Studio Pro so you can fill the church's halls with fresh new tunes~ 


Faye: For MC, a trumpet!

Mc: Um... Thanks...?

Faye: And for you Noel I also present to you the gift of music, carefully curated based on your personality and your partner's recommendations.

Noel: does it have this "emo" and "scene" music those two keep talking about?

Faye: see for yourself~

Noel listens to one track with a neutral expression.

Noel listens to another with a surprised expression.

Noel listens to a third with tears in his eyes. Caption: He loves it!

Script idea #3

Noel: You know, I like this outfit you picked out for me, MC... but it's because I love it I want to wear it for only special occasions...

Mc: Aw, that's understandable. Want to go to the mall and see if we can find something there?

Noel: Let's.

at mall

Outfit montage.

1) comfortable button up "comfortable"

2) gothic femme "Maybe when I'm in girl mode again."

3) scene/emo fit "I like this one! The shirt's design is appealing and-"

Mc, slamming a credit card on a counter with DJ at the register.

Dj: Thank you, come again!


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