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Hey there!

Eros here once again to go over this month’s progress report!

No build this month since the first two weeks I was away at a con/vacation. It went really well and I made some good money to help me make this last push to Part 1 within a month or two. Apologies I couldn’t meet my deadline of this month but a lot of things just decided to get in the way this summer.

That being said I’ll discuss what I was able to get done. Which is still surprisingly a lot!

Many of the prior placeholder bgs have been replaced with their final images

( Stairs unfinished this is rough sketch for now. No the little bunny Eros at the top won’t be in the final version ((Unless...)) )

The haven home BGs were don by TheHappyPaca with some small shading here and there by me

Bathroom door, men’s bathroom, and dark woods were done by me. I initially rendered these within two days before a stream in case the twitch audience voted for Mitts route where these bgs are most prominent. Ramon won the poll at the end which is for the better because at least his route his pretty much the most “complete” route. And I had Ramon’s VA as a guest so he could read lines live. Shout out to Adrian he’s great and the stream was 10x more fun with him around.

You can watch the twitch VOD here! (once its done processing...) You can skip to about 1:33:00 where chapter 1 actually starts but the recap does show off many of the characters voiced prologue lines. I might have someone else edit this down to just the best moments on a future date but nooooo promises!

Other than that I spent the second half of the month mostly fixing bugs, grammar errors, and compiling/editing audio stuff. I mastered all of Dominion’s lines for Part one and up to chapter 2 of DJ’s. I keep saying I’m going to leave audio stuff as my last thing to do but end up doing it anyway bc they make for fun teaser clips in the discord #game-mini-upates channel.

For those not in the server and don’t wanna join here's the clips on YT unlisted.

That’s it for this month! We’re so so SO close to releasing part 1 and I’m hopeful I can at least get Noel’s route programmed in by early next month. Until then, later!


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