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Update 6/2/2022 12:48am

Error for windows players where after the dress up scene the backgrounds disappear. please download the attached file " bg office_door_dark.png" and place it in the game folder or redownload the game.

Rosita's name appears as a weird orange blob download these two scripts 1 and 2 and place them in the game folder or redownload the game.


Update 6/1/2022 11:45

For those that encounter an error after Dj's CG appears please download the attached image titled "dj u 01.png" and place it in images/sprites/dj of the game folder OR redownload the game


((This is made available to $5 tier people since no written report is being submitted due to time constraints and is easier to just have people play the build than spend hours taking screencaps.))

Okay im really tired and had to redo a bunch of stuff because I'm an idiot BUT here is a build of the game that has Ramon's route be playable.

I'm not really in the head space for people pointing out bugs and stuff since I'm probably aware of them already so for now just play through game (use the skip button to get to choices quickly) and check out Ramon's story.

GD stands for game dev also if you see that "character" talk just ignore them  I forgot to remove them. it was largely so I could keep track of Ramon's love points.

Some images have rough sketches/place holders and that's because I'm leaving finalized art as my last priority since I can make art faster than I can my other responsiblies.



Walkthrough on how to get the three endings

BAD: at Chapter three choose the second option.

NEUTRAL:  Have less than or equal to 3 Ramon love points. Easiest way to do this

  • Prologue: Either choose "This sucks" or "Follow Ramon" so his option is activated
  • Chapter one: You technically have enough points to get the neutral end so choose "Let him figure it out","Go to Ramon's place", "I don't mind kids".
  • Chapter two: choose "Its no problem", "The Prosecution was getting handsy with the Therapist!", "Because [breasts] they're SOFT and WARM!, and any option that IS NOT "Shove Ramón’s face into my chest/Shove my face into Ramón’s chest"
  • Chapter three: "Go after him!"

GOOD: Have more than or equal to 4 Ramon love points.Easiest way to do this:

  • Prologue: Choose "This sucks" and "follow Ramon"
  • Chapter one: "Wipe the blood off his face" or "Tease him", "Go back to the Hotel", " I like kids!" or "I don't mind them. You now have enough points for the good ending.
  • Chapter two: Pass the Trial. Best was is pick  "The Prosecution was getting handsy with the Therapist!", "Because [breasts] they're SOFT and WARM!, and  "Shove Ramón’s face into my chest/Shove my face into Ramón’s chest".
  • Chapter three: "Go after him!


I wrote this in a rush. I'm very tired because I wanted to have something substantial-worth showing this month and to prove making the late August deadline is feasible. Prologue and Ramon's route were programmed in no less than 5 days with the automation developed and me hardcording/cleaning up scenes.

I hope you enjoy what I have so far!!



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