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Hi everyone!

This month was regrettably, a hard month both for me and sam (partner) to get through. We were constantly on and off being sick and our short trip to Texas ended up being very stressful and emotionally taxing (and in my case traumatizing). I’d rather not get into my personal affairs but I’m just glad March is over and dealt with. 

Let's go over what progress was made this month.


In Repurpose’s Part 3 update, Lilith will have a segment in the story where she is “powered up” and does battle! I highly debated wether I wanted her scythe to be single or double sided, but I went with double sided as I think, someone like Lilith, would go for something over the top like that.

Puppet is also receiving a powered up form! She will be Lilith’s opponent. Her outfit and pose is meant to invoke nun imagery to represent her loyalty to Dominion. Along with to cater to… some of his fancies. 

We also get to finally see Kalei’s dragon form! Feast your eyes and be not afraid!! I thought it would be cool if archangels dragon form came with horns that have a similar glass/crystal pattern that weapons do (see Cheri’s arrow, Noel’s guns, and Puppet’s hammer).

Last and most certainly not least, is Archangel’s in-game sprite. I wanted them to look more “unique” to the other sprites to invoke of feeling of “this is someone completely unlike everyone else”. To do that I gave Archangel colored outlines and a more symmetrical pose. They are so excited to meet you all, face to face, when the time comes!


Due to some issues with physical and mental health, writing was a bit of a struggle to focus on for Sam. I assisted in writing some portions to help out but even then we need a little more time to complete and edit the script. We’re hoping by the end of April we have it finished and polished so we can head on to the next steps! That being programming, voice acting, remaining art.


I only got a bit of programming done for March. Nothing worth bragging about. I was more preoccupied with art, writing, and a game jam title I finished within the month. 

Spin off Game

Loser Named Hana is available for FREE on itch. io!  I made this short game for a gamejam so I could have a breather from working on Repurpose but still be productive. So I took one of the background character’s from Repurpose, who is conveniently voiced by me, and made a short chatsim! It was fun working with a new format and I enjoyed making this silly little game. The hardest part for this project was by far the voice acting. I’m by no means a voice actor and on top of that I have a stutter to my speech! If you're interested in playing check it out as it goes into Hana’s life pre-Repurpose!


You/the MC found a strange ad at your local convenience store advertising $100 a week to be someone one’s friend. The catch? The girl failure is an incredibly lonely loser named “Hana” with a rather strange voice. Regardless of how you treat Hana one thing is for certain: she is desperate.



Ability to play as cis, trans, or various other genders  (She/Her, They/The, He/Him)

5K words of girl failure interaction

Under 30 minutes of gameplay

Fully voiced

Ability to mute voice acting


Programming, Art, Writing, Hana VA: ResidentRabbit

Chatsim code: Robobarbie

Music: Lolurio and Sonatina

Warnings - game contains: 


Mildly suggestive content

High pitched voice

Discussions of bullying

Made for NaNoRenO 2024

That’s all for March. Thank you for reading and have a pleasant day!


Mako Samejima

Even though you guys weren't in the best place health-wise, you've done a great job this month like always! Hopefully you and Sam will have a better headspace and body health in the coming months. Stay safe and take care of yourselves! 🫶

Phillip Raymer

Your work is always appreciated, and the Hana game was great! I do hope April is better for you guys, both mentally and physically, that is the most important thing.