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Where is jojo reaction 😭


The scream I let out when I saw this notiff




See you guys end up complaining for no fucking reason, y’all are just impatient cum juicers


I’m struggling to pick which one to watch first, never had this problem before

Ghost Face

off topic but if you want an anime recommendation you should try tokyo ghoul. i know you're aware the general consensus is that it sucks but i think it's worth the watch anyway, even if it's just season 1 and some of season 2

Toasted Toad

Looking forward to watching this one! Unfortunately, am probably going to have to wait a couple of days, but be prepared then for some earth-shatteringly wise and insightful comment from me.



Jan Morgan

Can't mess with the half and half bastard; half quirk user, half titan shifter, Shoto Jaeger.


Aight imma keep it real I wanted him to react to react to MHA for sooo long, since “rapper reacts to anime openings” days but now that he’s doing it I kinda don’t wanna watch cuz the way he acts so annoyed and irritated with bakugo and fan service. Like try to listen more and yell a little. I mean I get it he’s doing it for entertainment but it’s a lil too much maybe I’m being a lil crybaby but if the ogs are here they know he wasn’t like that before, it feels like I’m watching a degen teen twitch streamer (apologies for the crude words). I miss the old nick, straight from the go nick


So hostile and for what? Your comment has not changed anything my friend. Only made this community more hate filled...


Keep up the mha reactions I’m really enjoying them

Heroic Montages

Wind of Change, either you like it or not, every person has his own path of evolution and I also keep it real to you, I unsubscribed from many reactors when I feel they changed in a way I don't personally like. Easiest solution. Don't dislike and watch. Like and go on.

Christian Clark

quick everyone ask about the next upload! 🙄 w nich too much content

Ghost Face

fun fact, bakugo's initial hero name was supposed to be 'ground zero' as it basically means the centre of an explosion, but because that's what the memorial site in NYC is called the author felt it would be rude so he never used it!


The bakugou hate from Nick is too much. It was reasonable before but now it's just ridiculous. Like of course bakugou is going to yell at the end when he won a very unsatisfying victory. Bro I'd yell too. Please enough with the overreactions for bakugou, it's honestly just annoying now.


Bakugo's backstory is one of the longer character progressions in the series but it's so good. Season 3 really starts to give you a better understanding of what's going on in his head. Also in keeping with the Star Wars references, you'll notice a lot of similarities between Gran Torino and Yoda. The Hero Killer arc isn't very long but it's really good.


TBH Bakugo would win even if shoto used his fire. I can't see where Fire helps him against Bakugo with his explosion quirk. And also for you, quirks manipulate the character's character. That's why Bakugo is such an explosive character


Ain’t that an easy solution, just dip


Thank you for the drop forehead-sama.


i disagree I think the way he reacts to Bakugo is hilarious. Its almost like Bakugo is to him what Deku is to Bakugo lmao.


Is everyone supposed to react the same for each character? Everyone is going to have a different view of things. People wanted him to react to MHA and now they have issues with how he's reacting to it..


Bakugou is an annoying meathead up until season 3. Yes he's annoying, and if he's annoying, having an annoyed reaction is hella fair.


Yo Nich, Urarakas hero name is pronounced U-ravity, not Ura-vity. Ura-vity is one of the worst names I've heard, but U-ravity is one of my favourites hero names in 1A


Woo love the reaction can’t wait for the next batch


(ura)raka + g(ravity) = uravity

Lisa Lovely

I'm in love with your love for Tokoyami aka bird boy XD


here we fucking go ... First they spammed for months to get someone to watch their show, and now they get mad because he doesn't react the way they want xD What a clowns. Bakugo is trash and thats all there is to it. He acts like a mad dog, barking at everything all day long


That is debatable. Either way no one of the main 3 came out as an actual winner. Bakugo won the title but didn't win against deku or todoroki.


yeah, he only needed 6 seasons to pull his head out of his ass and grow up :D


i think the issue is that he generally seems to assume that whatever bakugou does or says, it'll most likely be something "bad," so nick ends up not actually paying attention to what's really going on. like in this first ep, bakugou's "i don't care about your family or past, just use your flames against me too" isn't him being an asshole, even if it might appear that way at first glance. it's him saying that todoroki's circumstances shouldn't matter when they're fighting, that he shouldn't hold back in battle. which to be fair, he's totally RIGHT about. it's pretty understandable not to like bakugou's character especially earlier on in the series, but even then, it's rather obvious there's MUCH more to him than just "angry loud bully"


@Bleach like all these jappers complaining about the schedule every day. They don't change anything but they still bark making this community toxic

Zikayne Scarlett

Yeah I’m ngl todoroki was my favorite untill that moment with bakugo in season 3. It really made him feel more human and not just some strong bully dude.

Blasted F

Bakugo is annoying in the first couple of seasons. Bakugo is mad in almost every single scene without a good justified reason. It definitely makes sense for him to react that way about him.


Omg I love Bakugo ❤️ yes Shoto is one of my favorite but Bakugo is in my top 3 in this show. If you are ok with Astas loudness Bakugo’s is nothing lol. He’s just a loud kid with a big heart ♥️


More like rape juice

Hamad Panzer

King Explosion Murder

James Perrott

Best girl sloppy toppy froppy

Abigail Jerry

We just CRUISIN through this! 🔥🔥 love to see it!!! But… Lowkey Nick. Have an open mind bout Bakugo. He’s already shown improvement and even has has important lines he’s spoken, but you’ve talked all the way through them. Love you but listen closer to what he says starting now because… I guarantee, you’ll probably love him by the end 🤣

Kay M

literally got posted like 3 seconds after this was

Kay M

I love Bakugo especially in season 6. He has so much character development throughout the show. The only reason he seems annoying in the beginning is because they dont make the reasons for his behavior obvious (and part of it is that its just his personality). It slowly becomes understandable overtime imo. Also im one of the few ppl who finds his early behavior hilarious

Griffith Augustine

Bakugo have a point he wants Todoroki to fight him seriously and go all out , but seeing Todoroki won’t even use his flames on him is just insulting and he feels being underestimated Bakugo is serious on being a hero as well and it’s due to All might’s influence, this is why people gotta focus on the characters dialogues sometimes, if I’m in a contest with someone I would like for both of us to give it all we got especially if we have the same ambition of becoming the top hero. But yeah nick will eventually like Bakugo in the end anyways so it’s aight.


Oh yes the coming arc is great!! Excited for it! And for Uraraka's name- Uravity it sounds like Gravity, because space theme.

Lemony snicket

uravity like gravity but with a u


Just the way he has, Bakugo will continue to grow on you for sure lol. He's just an insecure kid - just remember how he reacted when they did the first training exercise with all might. He's never been told he can't do something, and he wants to prove himself; he's mad about todoroki not using his flames because he feels underestimated. It's like he said to him after winning; there's no point to winning against someone who didn't give him everything they had; that's not a win to bakugo. I'm excited to see where developments in the next couple of seasons take you with him 👀


mha hype 🔥🔥🔥🔥


@Normadus Can you stop saying "they" when you are talking about one comment? Im literally a MHA obsessed fan and im here defending his reaction...


To go out of your way to complain about people complaining... before anyone else even complained... I mean cmon man that makes you just as bad as the people you are complaining about. 🙄


I agree he may be taking it too far now, I mean he was like "what now???" when bakugo was legit just sitting there for once not raging... but also i understand WHY hes doing it. Its like a funny love/hate relationship for him. Bakugo is to him what Deku is to Bakugo lmao As long as he doesnt continue to rage at Bakugo even when the character isnt doing anything I dont see a problem.


I mean I would be just as mad if I only won because my opponent threw in the towel mid fight because of daddy issues. Like cmon why ruin someone's success like that? Kinda selfish of Shoto tbh


The problem is that he's not even paying attention to what Bakugo is really saying. Like when he was defending Uraraka last episode by saying she wasn't frail.

Daemon TLH

this. if im being honest, i wouldnt mind watching him react to all the seasons, but he DEFINITELY needs to give tokyo ghoul a watch


++ They say that quirks have some bearing on personality, the same way they affect everyone's looks; so it kind of makes sense that bakugo would be a bit "explosive", especially as a 15 year old with a lot of insecurities. I think you'll like his growth as the series goes. :~)

Ricky V

Even more peak incoming


its funny how you parody bakugos anger


or he misinterprets his grunts or growls, in last ep someone insulted the resolve and power of Deku and Bakugo grunts and has an angry face, to which nick thought he was angry with Deku when in fact he isn't he respects him at this point in the show. But also nick is still trying to be entertaining for us so it's understandable if he misses smaller things like that

Abigail Jerry

True but damn. Well I suppose it’ll be that much more entertaining to see him really start to like him


Nick MHA fans will give you the most issues when it comes to reacting a certain way to ANY character literally ignore them because they’re so dramatic 💀they know the character development these characters go through and get mad when someone doesn’t like them pre character development as if many of us didn’t dislike bakugo at first too like 😭It’s so annoying but literally say however you feel abt a character because who tf cares! These are drawings people!


@Normadus 1st not part of “they”, never spammed for no show so don’t know what u on 2nd it’s not about wanting him to react a certain way but rather how he was before his streaming days 3rd yes bakugo is trash (at least for now) but nick makes same noise for nishinoya from haikyu as well which is childish again it’s for entertainment I get that all I’m saying maybe he could tone it down 4th don’t wet your pants over constructive criticism, it was never a hate comment just a suggestion from a fan


Exactly my point thank you It’s the talking over and not listening and then raging that’s a lil annoying. And to the ones saying MHA fans are the worst and what not, legit ev1 agrees that bakugo is a shit head at first there’s no denying that but all I’m saying is at least listen to the character Ps: Nick does this in other animes as well sometimes that’s why I brought it up Disclaimer: Not a hate comment so breathe all of y’all 15yr olds

Toasted Toad

Bakugo sees Todoroki not fighting him to the fullest as a sign of disrespect. He did it for Deku, so why not him? Again, jealousy of Deku too. The mangaka has said that he regrets making Bakugo quite as obnoxious when the series started. He had anticipated a different journey for the character from his ultimate decision. Look to the substance of Bakugo, not his style. The former is actually rock solid, although still needing some development at this point. The second you begin to understand is just him yapping. Kind of like a dog barking. (I didn't think like this first time around - I was just annoyed by Bakugo too. It's only when you come back to it again that you see with different eyes). That's where he differs from Mineta. Bakugo just yaps. Mineta is disgusting (and it's nice to see someone who doesn't find him at all funny).

Vailing Bow

Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu is imo the best opening of MHA. It's such a banger. "he's not mad is he" Is that even a question XD Funny how Nick says they're treating her like a mental patient when she is XD but in regards to this upcoming story arc (very minor spoilers if at all) is that considering Stain's philosophy, I never really understood why Stain went after Ingenium.

Vailing Bow

34:18 deserved. You deserved that XD

Vailing Bow

I can't wait for the episodes onward! It was pretty good before, but it irked me a little how Deku had to break his bones to do anything.

Vailing Bow

Aw, look at Bleach the illiterate who also seems to dabble in hypocrisy.

Vailing Bow

Apathina go and check the first comment. Proves you wrong ommediately, LOL

Vailing Bow

Ivan that would just get in the way of his ice side. It would melt any formation of ice Shoto made.


yeah but I mean he already did that and still lost. I mean more the moment wer he held back his fire attack


Bakugou = noya-san (haikyuu)

Chris Gama

Man, some of the best anime has the TOP TIER OSTs, I swear. That music that kicked in when Bakugo was yelling at Todoroki right after the match, ahhh its so good! I can't wait till you meet some more family members, hehe. No spoilers!


Youll come to like bakugo, you get back story about why he is angry. Its a great story


He's always mad SO ARE YOU

Brandon Gomez

Nick I’m begging you please ignore the weird ass mha fans that are mad you don’t react to their favorite characters the way they want. They’re the reason the show gets such a bad rep

Brandon Gomez

Fr they’re out here spoiling the show trying to get him to like characters 💀

Asura Swiper

He won't grow on him because he just turns off his eyes and never actually reads what Bakugo is saying - simply complains about him being loud and angry without even understanding why because, again, he's not reading. I'm not even a MHA fan but he's so worried about making everything a reaction or a joke that he's missing the whole essence of characters and entire shows that he's reacting to, and it's getting worse over time.

Ghost Face

yes it is, it's written on the side of one of horikoshi's original beta design sheets for him

Ghost Face

100%! i wish he could react to the manga in some way but i don't know how it would be done, like he could find it online but nick just scrolling through pages for twenty minutes might not have a good reception 😭


“Not mad” he said lol 😂 I’m excited about the internships, at that point of the story it’s little things and details that matter and make a lot of sense in the future

Crystalynn Harris

Them and the people genuinely demanding things like their ships being canon directly to Hori and the fans here that scream when they don't get the episodes within the timeframe they want. The fandom really is crappy but I've also met some of the nicest people that I have become best friends with through it. So it really is just the vocal minority which I hope doesn't chase him off. I admit I keep worrying with all the whining in the comments he's gonna drop the series. So thank you for being one of the ones not doing that and helping to prove the stereotype of the MHA fandom wrong.

XI_A_Sourodip Roy

just go on enjoy this dope anime beinge it and let the dark arc begins

XI_A_Sourodip Roy

coma arc is still left and manga is going crazy

Johnny Johnny

your HERO name is "Skunk man"

Giopix 222

What was that "how it should be" at the bathroom sign? TwT


when shigaraki came on screen i did too


I feel like I need to defend my boy here. Bakugo is mad because Todaroki didn't give it his all. Like Deku said and which you agreed to as well, this tournament is one where noone is screwing around, Bakugo just wanted a full-fledged fight. If anything, he was giving Todaroki respect. My boy just wanted an all-out tatakai!


Man,,,I wish he understood bakugo character more .... he is angry for a reason cmon .. it's a beautifully written character

nic ˚୨୧⋆。

Uraraka's hero name is pronounced like "ooh-ravity". it combines her last name with the word gravity. also, "Ura" means "anti" in Japanese, so her hero name means "anti-gravity" which references her quirk. It's actually one of the most intricate hero names.




Lmao shut the fuck up. No one cares if he doesn't like an annoying ass character like Bakugo and are you seriously defending the garbage fanservice in the show? Jesus christ MHA fans are demented.


who the fuck are you? This is the land of forehead-sama. We will not tolerate disrespect.


Looks like somebody can’t read or don’t have the ability to comprehend what was said I’ll break it down for you: 1. Not defending fan service 2. Rather not enjoying the way he’s pausing and staring at boobs 3. Not a ‘fan’ of mha I watch every reaction by nick (except for jojo cuz I haven’t seen that) but because I watch majority of his reactions I can tell that when he’s reacting to mha it’s all a bit too much 4. Calm down with your language he can do whatever he wants I’m just stating what I thought was happening and by the looks of it I’m not the only one who thinks that so I’m not too far from the target am I right?


Nick I really hope you are planning on watching the movies as well, they are insane!!!


Bakugo is mad because Todoroki didn't use his 100% against him, he released the fire just to shut it down before the impact, so he feels like he didn't win the match Todoroki let him win

Jeroen Preder

The names grow on you.


Crazy how yall reply 🥶


I understand the frustration, but I don't think this is a fair judgement to make of any person 😅 & if you don't like the series or the way he reacts to it, there is nothing forcing you to watch ☺️ from how I've seen him come around on Sakura and my own experiences with characters in anime, I just don't think thats a very fair or nice call.


Yea those reactions (some of them) like yelling in that nasally voice or gulping while staring at ass and tits or farting on mic these kind of reactions are funny to some extent but too much of it is a lil annoying. I get that nick’s doing it to make it entertaining but this kind of behaviour only attracts 15 yr olds and degens and I do think you wouldn’t want your audience to be a bunch of idiots. Love ya nick but plz understand not everyone who’s your viewer is an idiot so u can tone it down and be your intellect self just like before.


Nick has the following he has for a reason. You're welcome to not like whatever you want but i really don't understand putting your time into a negative comment, towards someone who is human being with emotions and not a content machine, instead of just unfollowing and watching something else. ☺️


"no one dies in my hero" LMAO


I seriously don't get how and why people like Bakugo - I'm with Nick here that he needs to chill out especially around clearly traumatized "friends" of his (namely Todoroki)


It’s always so funny me how annoyed Nick gets when Bakugo is even slightly miffed 😂


I get where you’re coming from, but someone can still overall like and enjoy a creator and their content while occasionally having criticism for it


I agree, and I think that's totally fair; it just sets me off a little seeing how often it's happened with Nick in particular. I think everyone is allowed to like or not like who and what they want, but this man is getting slammed over the same things/little details pretty often atp and it doesn't feel fair ig

Martin Fink

This is my hero nobody dies.........*zips lip*

Martin Fink

As much as a hothead Bakugo is he does have his honorable side, He felt cheated from the Todoroki fight which is why he didn't want the first place.

Toasted Toad

That's not the way it works. His fire and ice work together. They don't cancel each other out.

Toasted Toad

Bakugo's hero name will pay off waaaaaaay down the line.


Another awesome dinner time video. I swear, it's my favourite time of the week 😂 And, as always, I admire your ability to empathise so well with the characters. Todoroki is such a beautifully made character and Bakugo is such a little brat right now but I'm so excited to watch you watch him grow! Since I've been rewatching the show alongside your reactions, I'm so hyped for this next arc 😊 I just finished this one you're about to start, it's just as amazing as I remembered, so enjoy!

Asura Swiper

I agree, I'm not even a MHA fan but he's just switching off his brain and yelling and complaining every time Bakugo appears so he completely misses his character. He was complaining about Bakugo when Bakugo was defending and praising Uraraka (again, because he's not reading, just making angry sounds more obnoxious than Bakugo's). And then he'll always complain about Mineta appearing or saying lewd stuff as if he doesn't literally do the same thing within the same series, pausing and rewinding anytime boobs appear, making sexual jokes all the time. I don't care but it's hypocritical, you can tell he's just parroting whatever he thinks is the majority opinion - twitch streamer syndrome I guess...

Asura Swiper

I don't know what I said that was unfair, I never insulted Nick, I'm happy he's successful in what he's doing. Just some constructive criticism from a patron. If so many people are saying the same thing, maybe it's for a reason. And, to be honest, I don't think it's exactly the most enjoyable thing for him either to be constantly trying to overreact to everything and feel the need to think of jokes as often as possible as opposed to sitting back and enjoying the show for what it is. It's gotta be stressful. It's his choice at the end of the day but I think it's only fair to be allowed to express one's opinion on this as long as they stay respectful.

Tyler Hughes

Although it is close his name is Tokoyami. But I do see the similarity which is still pretty cool.

Ivan Mijacika

yeah I think there's lots of good aspects of his character but he's ALWAYS angry to an extent that's just so ridiculously unrealistic that it gets annoying


Tenya did not leave his shoes behind, exactly. In Japan, you have 2 sets of shoes in school. You outside shoes, and your indoor shoes. When you come to school you change shoes, and change again when you leave. When Deku opened Iida's locker, all that were there were his indoor shoes, meaning he already left for the day.


When you reach the end of season 2 pls watch the first mha movie it continues from there

Destiny Salazar

Urarakas hero name is pronounced “ooh-rav-i-tee” like gravity but with the ooh sound in front.

Aaliyah Jones

Uravity is the mixture of Ururaka and gravity because her quirk is zero gravity


I love how Nicholas reacts to the design of Midnight's costume, cannot wait for him to see the villain whose costume is just a gimp suit/straightjacket combo.

Nirus Bucur

It hurts how prewatched this is , why cant he wait and not watch the episodes on time please😭


Bakugo has the mindset that in order to truly be number one, you have to stand above your competition even when they are going all out to defeat you. Todoroki clearly did not in the fight, as he did not use his fire, so that is why he felt cheated. Please note: IMO a win is a win, but I also do not cause explosions with my sweat.

Nirus Bucur

Him already knowing deku`s hero name is gonna be deku , him magicly guessing that gran torino is going to be "dead on the floor" in a pile of blood , and other things from other episodes and it really pains me cuz his reactions are the best but sadly not the always the realest

Beast sama

People already told him his hero name was Deku and the blood thing... Thats just Nicks humor


Deku is so easy to guess as a hero name so that point is invalid and nick says stuff like that all the time its his humor


how is it a spoiler to say characters die in a show lmao he didn’t say what characters specifically


i’m guessing this is your first time watching the show cuz bakugo has great character development later in the show


MHA is part of anime culture at this point, it's not hard to see how he could've been spoiled, or how he can predict some tropes in the show


I cant speak on the torino bit, but it was pretty damn obvious that deku was going to be his hero name. Thats a big stretch


Nick literally looked up "Deku" while watching ep 1 and it said that it was his hero name. Bro doesn't even watch the reactions and hates for no reason


Aizawa is Horikoshi's punching bag for this show, these scars are just the beginning. not a spoiler, the USJ incident is evidence of how scrappy he can get


ochaco's is uraraka+gravity (urAvity) i don't really know how to spell the inflection at the front

Alene b

Bakugou winning is one of my favorite moments of the series, it’s the most sour-taste outcome and even worse than losing for him, and then chaining him up is almost sad, you’re gonna see it’s not the gag you think it is

Toasted Toad

Of course it’s a spoiler. You’ve just referred to things happening in the future. These could be the last scars he ever gets.

Toasted Toad

There are animes where it’s a standing joke because literally no one ever dies.


Try not to let it rustle your jimmies. I was specifically vague. If it bothers you I can delete it


Well... I never comment anything but really Todoroki's family story is the main reason why this anime is so good. I truly love how you're into it

Beta Trix

If you look past Bakugou's crassness, anger, and overall lack of sympathy (lmao), you can see what he's saying to Todoroki is very similar to what Deku told him in 2x10, it's just that their reasons/intentions behind their words are different. While Deku selflessly wants to SAVE Todoroki, Bakugou selfishly wants to an indisputable VICTORY by defeating him (who we know he's acknowledged as stronger). Their end goal is still the same, though: to get Todoroki to use his flames against them and basically fight them at his strongest.


I like the dub version of Bakugou's insults so much better. Forever calling Todoroki "Icy Hot" and "Prince Zuko" 😆


The fact that Bakugou and Deku always say the same things just from opposite ends of the spectrum is one of my favorite aspects of the writing.