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Le vrai David

thank you! hope you’ll find a good video editor and take a little rest !


You're doing great Nick

Cody Galo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 21:02:07 Damn I was hoping it was only 2x8 and 2x11 just to fuck with the whiners
2024-02-23 19:53:54 Damn I was hoping it was only 2x8 and 2x11 just to fuck with the whiners

Damn I was hoping it was only 2x8 and 2x11 just to fuck with the whiners


Hell yeah


Has anyone told you, you the best at what you do, well you are


Thanks for the upload Nick!!


Nick you're a goat


Thank u nic, love u my forehead hero 😘




Don't worry about not giving us content on time. Focus on yourself and we'll take it when it comes. Love you man!


Love you Nick, you are a queen

Ghost Face


bedioc z

screw all the complainers! peak has arrived!


Just wanted to say I appreciate you branching out and providing additional content even if it delays scheduled content. Fuck the haters, they come and go.


I’m sorry people gave you such a hard time yesterday! Love your reactions, but you have a life outside of this too and you shouldn’t feel bad about living it. Sad to see you aren’t doing ATLA live action anymore, but excited for whatever you put out. Sending love

Wesley Lambert

Thanks nick for providing these great reactions. You definitely deserve some rest for giving us hours of content daily. Glad to be a subscriber!!

antonio villalobos

Screw all the people who complain about MHA I really appreciate you did Avatar last Airbender wish u cud keep reacting to it much love and respect what you do don't let people bad comments get to u


"everyone's eyes went to one place" no they did not my besto friendo, thas just u!!


Yeah all that complaining was a little much for no reason


Time to enjoy some good food and some good reactions. I appreciate it!


I saw one time that you watched a video game ost and enjoyed it. I highly recommend the Guilty Gear Strive OST. Absolutely amazing ost that I think you will enjoy. Each character has a song dedicated to them


Nick, as one of your first subscribers and seeing this happening over and over again with new subscribers, you need to learn to ignore them and let your community do the work. You don't have to answer back when you've already made it clear that you can't always do the episodes as you planned them originally in the schedule. Don't stress over it. At this price people should just leave if they expect an excellent service. Nick has stuff going on in his life like everyone else. Chill the fuck down


Thanks for all that you do!!! 🖤🖤🖤🤘🤘


Thanks for all the content Nick, I think you're doing a great job. It's clear to me that you care about your viewers and want to provide quality entertainment. It's sad that some people don't see that, but don't let them get you down.


Are you guys fucking satisfied now, fucking attacking him for no damn reason


The MHA fanbase are the anime version of kpop fans, some are ok but the majority are toxic af. Glad your enjoying the anime, but i feel when people said to skip MHA, they meant because of the fandom, not the anime. The manga and anime gets the same reception as you did if they dont get their way, has happened every season bar the first

Cole M


Nazerke K

That was the Best episode of MHA for me💚


2:10 its saitama hahahahahaha

XyNature XY

Dont give up on Endeavour

Kay M

i'll never understand why ppl take the time to attack and complain like who tf cares when stuff drops. Haters need to leave. Thanks for all the amazing content Nick never listen to the haters. Their opinions are irrelevant. Keep doing what youre doing however you wanna do it 👍

Brett Crampton

I honestly love your my hero Academia reactions but God damn you do not deserve the amount of fuckjng hate that you got for missing one damn day or maybe two I don't even remember. These people need to realize that you are also a person with a life outside of all this bs.

L.C. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 21:02:07 Hold up you were upset as well 🤣 You literally were in the comments complaining about it
2024-02-23 20:36:09 Hold up you were upset as well 🤣 You literally were in the comments complaining about it

Hold up you were upset as well 🤣 You literally were in the comments complaining about it


Let’s goo!!!

L.C. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 21:02:07 People were on my ass and I wasnt even one of the people really hating on nick. I love his forehead. I just dont like being confused about things but I guess im a terrible person for trying to stick up for my end. Anyways looking forward to more reactions from other shows as well
2024-02-23 20:38:01 People were on my ass and I wasnt even one of the people really hating on nick. I love his forehead. I just dont like being confused about things but I guess im a terrible person for trying to stick up for my end. Anyways looking forward to more reactions from other shows as well

People were on my ass and I wasnt even one of the people really hating on nick. I love his forehead. I just dont like being confused about things but I guess im a terrible person for trying to stick up for my end. Anyways looking forward to more reactions from other shows as well


I wouldnt rlly say he was mad after the fight, but rather he was accepting ururaka as a equal to him since he said "what part of her was frail" and in the eng dub he says "I wouldnt say that girl is frail"


I commented on the bleach thread but I really hope yall happy. I love mha like fr but the toxicity in the comments need to stop. And Nick don’t sweat it, ur one of the top anime reaction channels, especially on Patreon and ur numbers show why, anyone that doesn’t like how u doing things can just leave. Also I can’t wait till I can watch this tonight omg I’m so excited to u to get to eri-Chan 😍


"she got the tissue boxes out i remember those days!...oh that sounded terrible" 💀💀


loving it. lets all get along people. we here to have fun. this community is special. we all here to chill and watch anime. love ya nick keep ur 4head up


You’re right. You do know that voice speaking to Shigaraki Tomura. Same VA as Blackbeard, Thorkell, and Uvogin.


This is for everyone commenting and Nick. Take it from a fan perspective, Nick missed last week. That's fine shit happens. Then yesterday he does the avatar reaction to try something new, totally fine. I see that he decides to edit that video and post it on youtube, and then tweets wanting an editor. I can understand that yeah my man just wanted a bit of a break from reacting so he's editing or whatever sure, BUT it does sting that youtube got a video while patreon didn't. But again I can understand him wanting a little break. Now, you can see the start of some people getting pissed, I for one wasn't. So far I get it, then I see another tweet about watching the second episode lol. Me personally, I understand that he was just tired for the day and wanted to chill with his girl. Understandable to me and I get it. But for those who were waiting for it all day and see this shit happen back to back, I can understand why they would feel slighted. The easiest fix would've been just saying on here "Hey I'm tired, but you'll get the next 4 out tomorrow sorry about the late response." Boom. Done. I think this a lesson for everyone here. Nick I do think you share some blame in this. You had to have known on some degree that missing yesterday's video would cause this hate to happen. And if you didn't then lesson learned. The only takeaway for you Nick is that sometimes updating on here is necessary. You definitely don't have to update every time life gets in the way, but just be more thoughtful about it. Just think would missing today really piss off a lot of people, and if you think it will then just post you were exhausted. Most of us would understand. For everyone else, try to understand why those fans were upset. It's not completely justifiable but I see where they're coming from. Edit: I was reading some of these comments, and I have no idea if people actually attacked nick about the hero academia episode. I sincerely hope not because that'd be real shitty. And fuck those people.

Abigail Jerry

Best believe imma light this 🍃 up. Lay back and enjoy one of the best buildups 🔥🙌🏾 I waited patiently and I shall receiveee




It's not like we aren't getting the content, guys. Quit complaining just because it isn't posted on the day you expect it to be. (That being said I think it's better to not make a promise at all than to make one and not keep it, Nick. I'm fine with ambiguity)



Wandering Wizard

Nicolas, regarding your other post. I know it's hard (I'm a sensitive baby myself, and shit on the internet affects me deeply), but don't pay too much attention to what people say. Look at views, likes, amount of subscribers, the rest is not important. A lot of anime fans (and consequently, your fans too) are very young, and they don't yet know how to temper their expectations with compassion. A lot of them don't even have to work yet, they are just being provided by their parents. They are kids, sometimes spoiled, as life hasn't hit them yet. Just don't pay attention to the bitching, try to put up a psychological wall or something. Personally, I subscribed for you and your personality. It's great when I see you watching the anime I like, but I'm enjoying your content because it's yours, I can watch the anime myself if I want to. :) And it makes me sad when I see how some comments affect you. Do whatever you're doing and I wish you all the best. <3


Watched Todoroki’s and Deku’s fight for the first time in 2017. Rewatching this now and bawling my eyes


W nick like always i alr knew by the end of the week the episodes were gonna be here so I didn't stress abt it

Sr RafaTV

bones are insane

Einar Engen

True, I think some ppl here have to much free time. Because there has to be a reason that people has time to be so angry for Nick to miss a episode of something.

L.C. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 21:02:07 I like trolling and have the day off so I replied a few times and made a few comments. I don't hate Nick. I just wish he prioritized and handled things a little better. Apparently that can't be said and people just need to get a life as if it wasn't the confusion that was the problem to start with. I threw in a little trolling with the comments but people were really heated all of a sudden. People in the comments were trashing me over a couple other people that were genuinely being mean as fuck. Whether you see my perspective of how to handle things on patreon or not at least I wasn't being a terrible person in the comments over a couple reactions.
2024-02-23 21:30:29 I like trolling and have the day off so I replied a few times and made a few comments. I don't hate Nick. I just wish he prioritized and handled things a little better. Apparently that can't be said and people just need to get a life as if it wasn't the confusion that was the problem to start with. I threw in a little trolling with the comments but people were really heated all of a sudden. People in the comments were trashing me over a couple other people that were genuinely being mean as fuck. Whether you see my perspective of how to handle things on patreon or not at least I wasn't being a terrible person in the comments over a couple reactions.

I like trolling and have the day off so I replied a few times and made a few comments. I don't hate Nick. I just wish he prioritized and handled things a little better. Apparently that can't be said and people just need to get a life as if it wasn't the confusion that was the problem to start with. I threw in a little trolling with the comments but people were really heated all of a sudden. People in the comments were trashing me over a couple other people that were genuinely being mean as fuck. Whether you see my perspective of how to handle things on patreon or not at least I wasn't being a terrible person in the comments over a couple reactions.


Amazing four episode release! Thank you so much Nick despite the hate being thrown at you, the community that supports you will always be here ♥️🤘🏻. TATAKAE FOREVER! Also 31:30-31:50, I understand your anger for Bakugou, but if you read the caption for what he said about Uraraka this sets his character development (also a note about him, he gives the classmates nicknames till he gains his respect for them- the last thing he said was "Let's get serious, Uraraka!") *Basically the first time he's called her by her name (and not round face)

Omar Grisby

You missed bakugo giving Ochaco props he said what part of her was frail


every time nick watches more episodes i wonder how the MHA haters feel


I cant wait till you warm up to Bakugo and Endeavor. Also thank you for posting! A week of delay isn't going to kill us. We've been doing this our entire lives lets be real.


my favorite fight of the tournament is next upload too .. bakugo vs todoroki


Oh yeah I remember you L.C. I saw two of your comment yesterday. Nah your good, you didn't say anything bad. I was up pretty late yesterday but I must have clocked out right before the assholes came because I only saw the usual complaining. And that one guy who said it was 1am where he lived and he's till waiting for it lol.

Sr RafaTV

bro the animation on todoroki using his fire was crazy man OMG BONESSSS

Kaasim Alam Baloch

I agree with everything you said. I would also like to add that more updates would be great, as long as they are accurate. Not "MHA is currently being uploaded" and then no MHA for 3 days. Missing a few days is fine, just let us know but don't give us an expectation that won't be followed through

Crystalynn Harris

Please listen to this. I admittedly joined for the MHA reactions but it really did look to be no more than a handful of people that were being extremely rude. In all honesty, yes we are paying, but at the same time we cannot expect you to cater only to one fandom and upload just what we want. Honestly this is your patreon and you have every right to decide when something goes out even if it is outside the planned schedule. Honestly please just ignore them and post what you want as it is your content. I know that if I HAVE to sit and do something, it becomes a chore and the content of what I do is horrible because there is no passion behind it. Not that that is the case here but I want to have you avoid getting to that point if that makes sense?

Brady Goldblatt

It’s crazy how good the todoroki v Deku fight is in dub

Eduardo BEVI

I can't wait to see Nicholas meeting BIG THREE! Mirio is the best.


I'm not one to complain, never have on your Patreon actually. But I have been here for quite a while and this bit bugged me on your Update post: "In my years of Patreon, I messed up ONE week by missing 2 episodes (last week, for MHA), and it’s like HELL is raining on me in the comments. Sometimes I’ll say I’ll get something done, then something happens and I can’t get it done. Doesn’t mean I’m lying. It’s just called life and I’m trying my best. I missed one day." You have made false promises an insane amount of times since I have been a member. It bothers me but not enough to complain. But trying to pretend this is the first time bothered me quite a bit. I'm guessing you know that and it is why you disabled the comments for that post. Come on man, just own up to it and stop making excuses for yourself when they are literally not true.


So much love nick!




Hey Nick, I really want to thank you for your dedication and the content you make. I joined patreon for mha then I saw the comments... As an ex youtuber, i know what you're dealing with but remind yourself that your mental health comes first, don't overwork yourself like MAPPA do to their animators. Yesterday i was happy seeing your avatar reaction instead of mha as i dont have netflix and wanted to watch it with you. I washed my dishes while watching your reaction late at night. Today's update made me regret not liking/commenting on it (i'm a lurker) but i understand why you need to drop. Have a great day and thx for these eps


I fcking love you nick your reactions are just the best

Povlo Vlastela

For me this turnament was the best thing about mha. I lost interest real quick after this arc


Endevour GOAT and MVP !

Daniel Browning

Man that turn around on endeavor is gonna be generational


Really curious to see Nick's reaction to the concept and change of character if you know who in season 5-6


BRO - my ass over here smiling like todoroki through this whole thing. I feel BLESSED. So many episodes in one go, just *chef's kiss* Thank you! I'm so gd hyped for you to get into this next arc yo, and the finals!!!


Todoroki is my fave too I love mha


This show has the best backstories ever frfr


Nick I am so happy that you are doing the MHA reactions. I’ve wanted you to react to the show since you listened to the OST and openings, it is by far the best anime for me too! I cannot wait for you to get to the later seasons and episodes, if you think it’s great now then you are in for a treat my friend! Also please don’t listen to this people that complain and moan, for some reason these people can’t understand that things happen in people’s lives and sometimes things don’t happen but just know your true fans will stick by you!


All you fucking babies happy now?


no way you lost interest after this😭😭


Another day another W reaction


Oh my god guys he uploaded it by the end of the week just like he said he would. I hope all you losers bitching yesterday realize how sad and annoying it is to complain about having to wait one extra day for an anime reaction... If you're genuinely upset about that re-evaluate your life and get a hobby. You pay five dollars for multiple hours of reactions a week don't act like this guy owes you the world.


these are your best reactions by far, it reminds me of the old school reactions you used to do when i got into watching you.

Silent Ninja

I was gonna watch avatar through you because hell if ima pay for netflix lmao, but if you dont want to continue it thats totally fine man you do you and tbh screw all the haters love you bro


It's your channel and your content bro i love to watch your reactions but u shouldn't listen to every one of us, u should watch just what you want. It is most enjoyable when you want to watch ! I don't wanna see somebody just hate their job so love u and all but F*k theese comments.


Couldn't have asked for a better reaction, that was sooo fun to watch, a big smile on my face through out the whole video ❤️❤️

Prince of the Saiyans

Just to specify endevor had his wife sent to a mental hospital.


Give it another try, it's a one of a kind, just so good,but if it's not really your thing, then I respect it


Posting here cus the avatar last airbender live action post didn't have comments, but I loved that reaction, was great. Sincerely hope you end up changing your mind/reacting to the rest of it.


Love your reactions and I'm glad you're enjoying MHA. Don't listen to what others have to say. It's your channel, not theirs, do whatever you want to do with it. To be honest, you're the reason I enjoy watching reactions and to just keep doing what you enjoy doing, also remember to take breaks! Thank you for the episodes and have a good day!


yup, all i wish for is transparency and honesty from Nick, even if there's mean fans. I hope he manages his schedule properly by building an even bigger backlog gradually so that he doesn't need to face this kind of issues again


Ooooo I've watched mha 6 years ago and I've never realised that. Thanks for the info ❤️


Just wanted to add that I'm sending you all the hugs and support I can! I don't typically pay attention to the other people here, since I've got bad social anxiety and I really only came here to watch you. I was really upset to see you so upset though and the concern drove me to sift through the comments and see what was going on. So, I hope my excitement over MHA doesn't come off as tone deaf. I would never want you to feel pressured into watching shows and I don't think you should ever let yourself feel bullied into making content for people who can't even show you the respect and patience you deserve. I love your MHA reactions because I love you and I love the show but it's okay if you can't make an upload on a certain day. It's okay to be late. It's okay to say "I can't do it today." I know I'm just nobody and I'm probably just saying this to the void but, just in case you see it, I'll leave my sentiments here. Thank you, Nick. As always, you continue to make me smile. I hope you take care of yourself and prioritize yourself and I hope the people that are negative or impatient or rude learn to smarten up and be patient for you.


hope you keep last airbender reactions


Hi Nick, sorry for the few weirdoes who kept harassing you with uploads . Thank you for these reactions, MHA has something that either hits or flops for people and I am really happy it hit with you! And yeah Todoroki story is just special, being from an abusive household is pretty common in the real world, yet very few shows dare to tackle it, and I respect MHA a lot for taking this on in a shounen story.

Yuan Wen

This brings back good memories of times when MHA was not clowned on and was enjoyed by many... Hmm, maybe I would pick it back up since ppl say the latest season was getting better again.


Hi NIck, I'm relatively new patreon subscriber, but have been watching you since you started reacting to anime stuff. I love your reactions and honestly I became patreon because of Naruto, also later on MHA and haikyuu. Good job and dedication. Now onto the stuff that has been bothering you in previous post. Gonna be honest, I personally dont care about Avatar, and couldn't care less if you're gonna drop it or continue reactions. BUT please don't do anything because of others, if it makes you happy and if you felt good, don't give up. Right audience for that will come, it pains me to read how focused you are on comments like that, let it go. Just do what you feel like and are happy with, don't let others change your perception. Keep up the good work^^ Hopefully it didn't sound too harsh.


Loved the video! Don't listen to the ppl being airheads, most of the people complaining don't know what it's like to have a life. Keep up the good work! :)

Maycol Senpai

Ooo let’s go!!! 4 episodes? ✨🧐🍷 elegante! ✨👍🏻


Hey Nick, sorry you got people bugging you, you don't need to worry. I think it was just a matter of timing, the missed set of episodes were big ones so people were all hyped and excited, and when you when you were late it's just kinda like "noooooo TT_TT", y'know? But it's not good to bug you about it, because if you express the frustration of un..... (satisfied? requited? Hopefully you understand XD) hype then it will make you - Nick- less hyped for the upcoming episodes, and it'd be a downer for all of us. So I hope no one has harmed your love for the show! Oh, and don't interpret anything I said as criticism, I'm just.... talking, I suppose lol. I knew you'd get to it eventually. If it had been a couple more weeks or a month I might eventually say something, but more because I'm assuming I'm being stupid and missing information. On a sie note, the "direction" Mineta was mentioning was sadistic. He was questioning is Bakugo was a sadist.


Awesome reaction! Love you bro!


Uraraka ❤️


yup its always comes back to honest trnasparent communication.


can't wait for next week to come!


Great watch and had fun can’t wait for next week I’ll have to catch up on your bleach reactions but I need to watch it myself first


And here it is, one of the best animations I have seen in anime, and it is also a release of tension after a great backstory moment, I am glad that you are enjoying this show. It has more moments like these, might be a good idea to have glasses on My Hero days. Question: Will you be watching the My Hero movies? I know you don't really care for filler content, but from what I know they are at least partially anime canon, and there are for sure reasons to watch: Great character moments World lore You will bust something during the fights

Christian Clark

hope you get to Made In Abyss one day so I can see you lose your mind like I did. but do what you want I'll stay subbed either if you don't watch anything I like, 3 bucks is nothing lol. just unfortunate people are so toxic. and its mostly the 'fans' defending you and hating on each other for your sake. but aye it's the internet no one is safe


how is it weird lmao i think it’s funny actually cuz ppl talk so much shit about the show but it’s actually great

James Perrott

The last fights of the tournament are so good but the stain stuff i like even more, i absolutely love when MHA gets actually dark and serious, its just such a different tone and its so good

Toasted Toad

Although there might be better episodes in MHA, 2x10 still has a special place in my heart. I remember being in tears watching it for the first time. When Todoroki finally flames on, and he and Midoriya smile at each other, it’s such a great moment. And then when Todoroki says “Midoriya - thank you.” 🥹🥹🥹😭😀😀😀😁

David Souza

Nick thanks for not letting the spoiled brats get to you, we want you to keep enjoying anime with us and that's all, see you tomorrow!

James Perrott

You have literally hated on nick like a pathetic child many times over literal years, probably far more than ive seen. Sit down

Pimp daddy chopper

Hey Nick you missed it when bakugo sat down he complimented her. He was mad because everyone said he was a villain since she was frail. But he said “what part of her was frail” as a compliment. Great reactions tho love it.

James Perrott

2 things you misread/misunderstood No mineta was not being homophobic lmao he was suggesting Bakugou was sexually into being violent to girls being a sadist, obviously he isnt And Bakugou was not angry after his fight with Ochako, he said "what part of her was frail" when the other students said he went all out on a frail girl, he was angry at them calling her frail he was against that and complimenting her, he couldve lost the match in an instant if he didnt realise Ochakos trick she was doing

Laura Alonso

This anime is actually really peak, Deku's fight with Todoroki is very iconic in the anime community.

Toasted Toad

And remembered her name. By inches, Bakugo learns to respect those around him, and she’s one of the earliest. Although his interactions with Kirishima were hilarious right from the start.

L.C. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 21:02:07 Bro do you speak English as your first language? I dont understand half of what you reply a lot of the time because part of your replies are so weirdly worded. The most I have even known Nick is for around a maximum of a year or so. I dont know how long I have been supporting him on patreon but I am willing to bet it hasn't even been an entire year yet. On top of that if you really think I genuinely hated him and wanted to shit on him that I would be on here giving him money for his content? You don't know that people including myself troll in order to get a reaction out of people being salty for a laugh? The majority of my comments are trolls besides what I was saying recently about giving Nick actual advice from what I have seen other reactors do. The entire point of trolling is to get people to reply back being salty about something. It isn't anything new.
2024-02-24 01:12:47 Bro do you speak English as your first language? I dont understand half of what you reply a lot of the time because part of your replies are so weirdly worded. The most I have even known Nick is for around a maximum of a year or so. I dont know how long I have been supporting him on patreon but I am willing to bet it hasn't even been an entire year yet. On top of that if you really think I genuinely hated him and wanted to shit on him that I would be on here giving him money for his content? You don't know that people including myself troll in order to get a reaction out of people being salty for a laugh? The majority of my comments are trolls besides what I was saying recently about giving Nick actual advice from what I have seen other reactors do. The entire point of trolling is to get people to reply back being salty about something. It isn't anything new.

Bro do you speak English as your first language? I dont understand half of what you reply a lot of the time because part of your replies are so weirdly worded. The most I have even known Nick is for around a maximum of a year or so. I dont know how long I have been supporting him on patreon but I am willing to bet it hasn't even been an entire year yet. On top of that if you really think I genuinely hated him and wanted to shit on him that I would be on here giving him money for his content? You don't know that people including myself troll in order to get a reaction out of people being salty for a laugh? The majority of my comments are trolls besides what I was saying recently about giving Nick actual advice from what I have seen other reactors do. The entire point of trolling is to get people to reply back being salty about something. It isn't anything new.


Wish the subtitles were accurate...


Dontworry about the hate i appreciate u man


1:22 😍😍😍😍😍 thanks dude


In that moment Bakugo was sitting in the stands after his fight with Ochako, when you said he was angry, he was actually giving Ochako respect. He said “what part of her was frail” in response to Kaminari’s comment. Aside from that, I absolutely loved the reaction, 2x10 is one of my favorite episodes in the series, and there’s many more peaks to come!


not the mha fandom getting butt hurt over some stuff😥


Ppl are talking about Bakugo showing her respect in the stands but he actually first did it during the match. He called her by her actual name, which he never does to his classmates.

Azariel 竜月

Such a great anime , the intricacies of fights and relationships linked together is so good . Uraraka is very cool , it is great to see her shine . Todoroki Vs Deku is so good such a tragic backstory with great catharsis release, through Midoriya pushing himself and shoto at the limit to save him , he truly is a great hero , a great person , kind and resilient. MHA really do encapsulate some raw emotion and reflection, to serve it with the best sauce & cooked to perfection. Glad you enjoyed and eager to witness you enjoy the rest , in you own time ! Take it as you go like you want dw if you miss a day or a week. But enjoy yourself ! Love you content but I want an happy content creator :D

Abigail Jerry

Soooo ready for the next segment of season 2 🔥🔥🔥 ngl, Stain kinda hard though 🫢

원 지

nick you gonna posting today stream?


Just put everything else on the back burner and stick to MHA. Also, you missed the line when Bakugo said "what part of her was frail?" when referring to Uraraka.


You totallh missed bakugo's feelings on fighting uraraka. Him being so aggressive towards her and saying "what part of her was frail" shows that he took her seriously and respected her as an opponent

Asher Sanjan Abraham

Bro, WHY are so many people here agitated? Y'all have to think your attitudes towards him could also influence his tendency to continue the series. Give it a rest.

Khattab Kakaroto

Remember to skip episode 19 which is a filler and is boring


Thank you for that I'm very happy when watching your reactions 😁 Incredible episodes!


this was so fun. i love love this show and watching it again seeing you get so hype reminds me of my first watch


Please continue the avatar reactions

King Faraz

Thanks NICCCCCKKK!!! THX SO MUCH! Sorry about something that bothering you in real life via patreon chat


Ugh the perfect group of episodes to have a 4 episode video on. I wish every video was 4 episodes lol


Imagine paying to be a troll and hate on the creator (to get a reaction from other subscribers🤡) and make a post saying " I wasn't even hating on nick" you were one of the ones talking shit and don't deny it, not to mention you changed your pfp after that all happened prob so people wouldn't recognize you. Lmao

Micheal Igreja

i feel like its just trolling lowkey. The pacing got slower in season 4-5 so people are salty and call it bad bc ADHD brain or smt.

Micheal Igreja

doesnt he always state that it will come out by the end of the week guaranteed.

Micheal Igreja

isnt that a crap reason. bc of the fandom lol. Also we know who we are reffering to and they are "fans" of the series.

Brandon Benjamin

Yeah this season is goated, you are in for a ride. So much I want to say, but it would spoil so much!

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

When he says he put her in a hospital he means becasue she threw boiling water over shoto he checked her into an institute not like he injured her or anything just encase u misunderstood


This is one of my favorite animes, so I'm glad you're getting a chance to watch for the first time. I also wanted to add a little context to the Ochaco and Bakugo fight if it hasn't already been mentioned. Bakugo is very hotheaded and communicates in a very brash way. He typically calls people unflattering nicknames because he doesn't respect them. You'll notice that he calls her Round Face at the beginning of the match, but then eventually calls her Uraraka towards the end of the fight. He calls her by her actual name because she impressed him and he considers her strong. This is a running theme for Bakugo throughout the series.. it's kind of fun to see how he addresses people because it gives you a hint at how he truly feels about someone.


Yeah like Hate Us said, he just admitted her to the hospital. But, "I put her in a hospital" especially considering the circumstances really makes it seem like he just whooped her


Indeed. It shouldnt be a reason, but they are that bad

XI_A_Sourodip Roy

No one cares about shit talkers this show inspired me a lot


These episodes were amazing and so is your reactions. Loved it.. absolutely ♥

Richard Wheeler

Nick, Midnight is fan service Guy Sensei


This anime is good, the fan is not.

Vailing Bow

Nah, stop that shit LC. You're not a victim. People were rightfully on your ass. All you did is complained AND said shit about Nick's vacation on VALENTINES DAY. Yeah, no. If you actually "loved his forehead" you wouldn't have mentioned him going on vacation or any of that bs and if you actually read his update posts properly, then you would've known he'd have all episodes of MHA he missed by the end of the week. Wow. And imagine trying to justify your shitty behavior by saying you're a troll. You're just screaming you're insecure and don't have any joy in your life.

Vailing Bow

Steadi Haha yeah, true. He clearly changed his pfp to try and hide XD truly pathetic. Everything he does. Since he got so much attention he's trying to play innocent so he doesn't get people on his ass.

Vailing Bow

Nah, Nick doesn't need to do shit when his update already explicitly states that if he missed a day expect it by the end of the week. This is Patreon, not Twitch where the VOD will be gone. You don't have to wait for the exact moment he drops a reaction.

Vailing Bow

Classic LC trying to play victim. You act like you didn't give Nick shit for going on vacation and the only confusion is ON YOU. You and people like you can't even do the due diligence of reading the update Nick provides properly. If you actually read his updates he says if he misses a day expect it by the end of the week. You also downplay your role. What do you think your "trolling" did? It just added fuel and because of you it indirectly caused everything. Gtfoh. You love avoiding accountability and brush it up as trolling. You're sad.


i love ALL these reactions and appreciate u for making content i can enjoy while I eat food after work. People need to stop feeling so entitled to YOUR time and what you choose to react to. If they wanna see that episode so bad, they can stream it. If they want to see your reaction, they can be patient. Stop treating content creators like you own them. We are all human and deserve time to do what we enjoy.


When Bakugo said "What part of her is frail," he wasn't angry he was acknowledging Ururaka's strength.

Олег Куколев

I'm sorry you had to experience that. I know it isn't much, but I fucking enjoyed watching the avatar episode with you. Much love <3

Chris Gama

I love these episodes because it shows just how much more complex the characters are than one would think. Like you think most of Deku's classmates are just background characters, but no most of them have very complex backstories. By the way, these years later I am STILL stunned by the animation in episode 10, the impact frames and the blurred streaks and the big ass explosion! PEAK anime!!


Love you nick

Vailing Bow

Wow. Would you look at that! An upload like he said he would BY THE END OF THE WEEK. Almost like he mentioned that before even yesterday. I know, must be a shocker to a lot of you babies. But what a great set of episodes. There's still more to Todoroki as well. Endeavor too.


Sick reaction, would love you to stop talking as much tho




I really Love Endevor after season 4

Robin Crow

With Solo Leveling delayed, this would be a perfect opportunity for some self care. OR some Bleach reactions, be totally down for that too :)


Such a fantastic season in general ♡


There are moments like this all throughout the anime, and I cant wait for every single one of them!


I dont mind if u miss a Reaction or a time in ur schedule <3 i like your content and have a life <3

Lisa Lovely

Great reaction! Love that you finally got a look into Todoroki's backstory XD. N' I'm sorry people are bugging you. I generally don't like when people ask where's this where's that in the comments, like, I read the comments cause I'm interested in what people have ta say about that specific show, not for every second user to ask for any other anime or a timetable update. N' I for one was really excited for ATLA, but thanks for reacting to a bit of it^^ Much Love from Austria <3

Micheal Igreja

Well for as long as ive been here that has stayed true, I paid 45$ for a year of Nick’s content, are you fucking serious. THATS IS CHEAP CHEAP FOR GOOD QUALITY, idgaf if he’s late by 1 week. I would have to pay 200 for other content creators.

Wild Wesley

I think mineta’s line about bakugo’s tastes was more about bdsm than homosexuality. It’s still annoying and gross (and wrong given how trusting and open you have to be to be in the bdsm community) but I highly doubt it was meant to be homophobic.


yeee. i remember when that episode aired. was such a moment. replayed it over and over again. so glad you're loving this!


Nick im one of your first sub on patreon, i never comment but even if paid for a show and u dont reaction every time (bc you are doing other shows too ^^) for me thats alr im watching the shows i want to watch with you and if you missed, a day or a week its ok u have a life too and a fiancé so just ignore them. I love you mate keep the good job <33


i really dont know why because i dont even like mha that much but something about your reaction to it is so much fun, i'll be waiting patiently for the next episodes. honestly dont worry about people getting mad over the missing uploads thing, i think if someone has the openmindedness to enjoy your content i'm sure they can just go watch something else for a couple days, theres so much stuff out there that i'm more busy rewatching stuff than finding new shows. people who complain about not keeping to your schedule should probably try out a normal day job and see how it goes.


i know right? like i'll recommend an anime from time to time in the comments but not because i expect him to read that or to do smth with it, i just enter moods where i want to explain why something is really good. asking "oh nick wheres mushoku season 2???!!?" even though he is clearly posting reactions on a whole sleugh of other shows like at least think before you ask


yeah i also think it might've been purely about calling him a sadist, either way fuck mineta

Martin Fink

Oh Stain arc is going to be interesting. It's going to make you think. Just listen to how he talks and what is motivation is. Also don't worry about the complainers go at your own pace and enjoy the show and every other show you do. I didn't even realize you missed a day in all honesty.

Project Pachia

Laughed so hard about cheating endeavor for almight. If anything, almight would never do such a thing. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Project Pachia

Jokes aside, it amazes me how underlooked this anime is. Even I was very biased towards other animes and refused to watch this until the pandemic started. MHA isn't the best perfect anime but it will always be my personal favorite or my go to anime.


Thank you for the great reaction vid!! I really wait from the update to the update to see how you like the show! Thanks to those episodes I started to look at Bakugo from a whole other perspective and till this day I really like his character a lot. Just as you noticed, the "funny" arc is going to be over soon and we are going to enter something a bit more serious - can't wait how you like the Stain arc!!


I'm so happy you are enjoying MHA. Your reactions have been great! I am excited to get further along in the story to see what you think of where it all goes!


Thanks for the episodes but please pay a bit more attention man come on. Youre missing soo damn much because you keep looking at yourself at OBS duude

Koba Puffs

once again have to say it amazing set of reactions I adore each and every upload even if I only comment on some, it made me incredibly sad to see that people simply have no patience anime fans should be used to this series go on long breaks or hiatuses or whatever and they are like oh good the author needs the rest to make a peak chapter, why can’t we do that for Nick, he needs to do his business whatever it may be in order to serve us more peak content it’s really that simple but anyway off that tangent love you so much man keep it up and can’t wait (not literally) for some more mha


I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far!! definitely agree with the other comments regarding the movies; they're actually incredible, and if you love the osts, you'll lose your mind over Heroes Rising. :~)

Peter Parker

SOO many mha fans here 514 likes wow

Jean P

My Nga Iida was about to get tentacle fondled he turned it around hit it from the back! 1:07:13


The amount of likes in this videos speaks by itself on how good the early days of MHA were !


I actually back that statement. No offense, but they're mostly people who got into anime when DS and MHA came around. Fans from the big3 and the 90's just don't show the same behavior most of the time. It's not my type to judge but this is just something that I have noticed over the time in different anime communities.


Get out. Nick made it clear you'll get 4ep by Sunday. Complain about it afterwards.

Enter Name

Can you stop looking away from the screen FOR 5 SECONDS?


When bakugo was man after the fight and said " what part of her is frail" he was standing up for her in his shitty way. He acknowledged her strength. And I am so excited to see you watch all of this. How they all grow and change and hiw everything ties together. Your going to love the whole ride


31:44 Bakugo was showing his respect by saying shes not frail.


loved the stream <3 thanks Nicholas and also loved the avatar stream

Christian Clark

just FYI being toxic to people you view as haters or whatever just adds to the toxicity. be better

Marhicc 4

Cant wait for the stain fight ngl


Finally can watch nic's full uncut reaction!!!

Nelson Julius

Its annoying sometimes when he happens to look away at just the right time when there is something important or cool happening 😅. But its whatever he eventually catches on

Benjamin Schweichler

I love his reaction to this episodes. Really cant wait for him to reach season 4.

Benjamin Schweichler

Oh 1:10:20 you wanna know more about him. You should watch the first movie. Its canon and shows All Mights backstory and yeah its also a good movie

Amjed Almassoudi

Endeavor is so goated dude insane character development I totally forgot


I don't know if you read any of these comments but I am SO happy to see you enjoying My Hero so much. This is my favourite anime of all time. The best? No. But absolutely my favourite. And I'm so excited to see you picking up on all of the same things I love about this show. If you think this is the anime for you now, just wait for future seasons. This show is INCREDIBLE. So happy to be subbed. I have a painting of Deku that I did that I want to gift to you. Is there a PO box you have to accept fan mail or anything? Please let me know!


Started watching on youtube and when I saw it moved to Patreon...well, here I am 😅 I'm currently just starting season 5 myself so I'm brand new to this show and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. I regret avoiding it for so long due to all the haters so shout out to my neice who begged me to watch it so we could talk about it next time we see each other. 🤝

Robert Breen

I highly recommend rewatching Nicholas’s reaction to Shoto v Deku after watching his reaction to His Start.


31:45 Dude the "what part of her was frail?" Comment went over ur head but it's another sick line of Bakugo acknowledging Uraraka's strength again