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BROOO WTF IS HAPPENING .. the thumbnail says it all LOL






First! Let’s goooo! Peak!!!

Ray Roy

Omg 4 again, thank you!!


4 episodes! I’m excited for you to finish R1 then off to R2 Nick! 😍

Gabriel Mendez

Trying to figure out if there's an issue with vimeo on my end or have the recent uploads not allowed for the video to be downloaded? I download the reactions so I can watch them at work and can zoom in so I can read chat and subs and still hear Nick but I can't do that on vimeo, any help in fixing would be appreciated or if you can upload it unlisted on YouTube which allows zoom that would be poggers as well


We shmoving through R1.

Asher Sanjan Abraham

Bro already cheating on his schedule with the lack of Bleach content :(


1:04:50 yes it was good to end on this one haha, I highly recommend to watch ep 19 to 22 in a row and finish with the 3 last, it's getting better and better and you won't be cut in the middle I was hyped by Lelouch move with the glass lmao I literally forgot about it I was like "Wait Suzaku just saved it all ?" nah dude ain't that pathetic haha he walked in already winner, enjoy the rest


The only animes that r confirmed for patreon weekly r his two patron exclusives, haikyuu and code geass. Everything else is done whenever he wants. He's not skipping on a schedule. He just finished bleach week and similar to naruto, he didn't watch the series after their respective week for some time.

Asher Sanjan Abraham

Idk man, I'm going off his twitter post for this week's stream and schedule (which he's been consistent of, so far) except today for Bleach.


Shit I love these 4 episodes format, show is too gooood


All Hail Lelouch!


the perfect cliffhanger


I forgot code geaas be having them uncensored titties, almost choked at Nick reaction😂😂

Zinc Young

let's go, can't wait for the next week


I think it might be on your end. On my iphone I can download and zoom in on vimeo videos just fine. it goes to files then I move it to my camera roll and watch it there. the only problem is this format makes skipping forward/backward pretty hard.

Gonçalo Oliveira

You should do a Code Geass week to end the first season


That’s a hell of a cliffhanger to leave off on

David L. Faamausili

I think there's a misconception with mecha anime. from the community, they see robots fighting and think it's mid. Not knowing some of best anime storylines of all time come from the mecha genre. Except Darling in the franxxx.

John Doe

<< Spoilers below >> R1 has WAYYY less fanservice than R2, but in exchange there are scenes with full-blown nudity. R2 no longer has nudity, but in exchange, the sexual fanservice is turned ALL the way up to Ecchi anime levels (not an exaggeration) Of course, both seasons have 999 zoomed-in shots of C.C.'s breasts, ass, and cameltoe whenever she and Lelouch are alone

John Doe

The stigma is all Gundam's fault Too often, Mecha anime is too heavy-handed with the politics and other boring shit Also, nobody wants to watch robots fight, they want to watch martial artists or super-powered humans fight. With humans, there is an unlimited amount of cool appearances artists can give them. In contrast, unless you literally a 12 year old, once you watched 1 robot fight you seen them all for the most part


dude code geass is literal peak and much u watch the more u realize that.


This Suzaku -.- ruining my enjoyment of watching this gem, I hate him so much


hopefully you will also watch the movie. I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing

killezio3 killezio3

4:40 what do you mean you “hope” Lelouch doesn’t go down the evil route. He has already killed innocent people, and not by accident. He is willing to keep killing innocent people for his goals. People tend to hate susaku but after thinking long about this I think I would choose his route of trying to change things from within. I don’t know which route is best to solve things, and I don’t know if susaku’s way of doing things gets you anywhere (but same goes for Lelouch), but I’m pretty sure that realistically I would naturally go Susaku’s path. Would you kill innocent people to throw off a corrupt government?

Vailing Bow

Bruh. Nunnally' last name is Vi Britannia/Lamperouge, lol. Since her and Lelouch are siblings XD and Nick, why you rewinding and pausing on them biddies XD you have a fiance XD


Once Nick gets hooked on mechs we gotta turn him on to Mobile Suit Gundam IBO

markiz di

Too great, freaking like code geass. All hail Britania we need more reaction

killezio3 killezio3

Nick the intros will show scenes from the past but CC's speech is usually interesting, i don't understand why you skip it


If Nick does what I think he is planning to do, then he is in for a hell of a ride. 19-22 next week and then 23-25 the following, maybe even starting R2. That is a goated episode breakdown right there. Wish there was a way he could disable the episode titles though; if you know you know.

Vailing Bow

I completely forgot Suzaku killed his own father, lol. But tbh, I never hated Suzaku like you (until recently) or others did. But I did think he was naive. But this puts a new perspective on Suzaku.

Vailing Bow

Yes. Because he most likely won't be able to record this weekend. It's 4 every week guaranteed. Last week was 6 overall.

Vailing Bow

Wtf are you on about, lol. You do know his schedule pertains to Twitch not Patreon, right?

Spearbearer Josh

Guys is R2 good, I stopped watching years ago


It’s definitely confusing in the beginning but gets better and builds up to one of the best endings ever, it’s for sure good imo.


Idk, me who love Code Geass I never saw them, if he do I'll watch them first time w/ him


I like him, it's just him being against Zero at the beginning when he fight for people comitting genocide it's hella funny and I want to slap his face, but yeah he's just lost somehow


Because we already saw it, it would be good for him who miss things but for us (Or at least me) who follow without struggling it's not useful, I love CC voice but not a this point


bro change the website or just stop looking on pic of next episode


That would be the perfect introduction to gundam, because I feel the gritty nature would appeal to nicks tastes.

Ronald Bohne

It's season 1 but on steroids with all the new players involved. Definitely more complicated but still results in the best ending of most media out there. Easy recommend.

Ronald Bohne

Right, he definitely needs to stop looking at the titles for upcoming stuff ~

King Master

cant wait for him to react to that episode


Suzaku is the kinda guy where if I got shot and asked him to drive me to the hospital...he would not break the speed limit because me dying is better than breaking the rules.

Vailing Bow

Yeah. I also did find him annoying because of how hypocritical he is. Usually when the hero is hypocritical, at least their hypocritical views seems doable or has some other redeeming factor. But Suzaku is more hypocritical than redeeming. But he's not that bad.


I think that is better without the movie. I don’t think that it’s bad, but the series ending is a masterpiece without the movie.

Eduardo Catalán LCB

I totally forgot the island episode, I remember I was So confused, also, we are near the last episode when "that" Happen, BRO code Geass is PEAK


Gonna laugh my ass off when he gets to the first episode of season 2 and he is confused af lmao


Plot development in CODEGEASS is really exciting!!!🔥

Long Xue

ah yes code geass.. the show where 10 things happen in 10 seconds, 5 plot points are happening at the same time, confusing as fck but for some reason everything makes sense in the end... it's like forming a jigsaw puzzle where you put piece by piece and it's hard to see the picture at the start, along the way you can recognize some parts of the picture and in the end you can see the whole picture.