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NAMI...... help me....






I really don't know how i'm feeling about your one piece reaction being the best part of my day...

Monfy D. Luffy

Can’t wait for next one piece stream

Monfy D. Luffy

Cuss shit is gonna go down hard


This twitch chat is so annoying... Can't these people just shut up and let him watch the show


Nick, i love the reactions and i know you like interacting alot with your Twitch chat but it makes the reactions alot harder to watch and is very distracting when you do it throughout the whole reaction. Maybe you could limit it to just between episodes and have emote-only during the episodes.


I love these OP reactions, watching the East Blue arc again is so beautiful. I'm glad you are able to experience these incredible moments now!


for real. it's also kind of weird to just reupload twitch streams to patreon and charge us money. You should be doing this content for us not twitch chat.


Twitch really ruins the reactions for me.


Yeah these streams aren't it. I would love a normal one piece reaction. These are twice as long and you miss a lot of details because you're too focused on the chat and responding. You definitely need emote only not only for spoilers but just so you can focus on the show more


He's doing it for Twitch. One piece was Twitch exclusive but then he decided to upload it to his patreon. Don't get it twisted


Just reiterating, your normal reactions are far more enjoyable and entertaining than the twitch stream reactions. I really preferred the other style.


Just gonna say what everyone else is, twitch chat is a blight on these reaction videos. I get you are going for the bag but its up to you if its worth alienating your patrons. Chat literally cuts your half normal attention span in to a fourth attention span, spoils and is just generally cringe. Regardless good luck with the direction you take your reactions, I cant stand this though.

ilyas mateus

its boring when u read all the comments on twitch and u forget the amazing dialogue of anime


Yes, please go back to just doing normal offline reactions, it's just so much more enjoyable.

Abdulrahman Al-Hashash

For fuck’s sake people, it’s a REACTION. Any advice you tell him on “how” to react isn’t going to do ANYTHING. If you saw someone randomly get kicked in the face with no prior notice and your reflexive reaction is to make jokes about it, and I said I didn’t like your reaction and that you should avoid that response if you come across something like that again, would you be able to adjust so that the next similar clip you see that’s at a completely different time, your reaction is completely different? Believe me his reactions wouldn’t be as good if he was forcing himself to pay extra attention or pretend to enjoy it or overhype a moment. It’s watching a show, you can’t control your reaction to specific things when you’re blindly watching a new show.

Mr. Banana Kama

It’s very common for reactors to upload vods exclusively to patreon. Besides, that’s just a plus he added recently. I do wish he would limit the chat to emote only, which would help a ton


TY0NGMELON no man , how I am supose to live without seeing his beautiful red face all day?

Ray Roy

Nah man, not changing who he is just wishing to do it without chat. You have missed the point.


Then don't pay... I don't see what you have to complain about here, he isn't lying about what he is posting here.


He probably already went to anime expo 1-4 July. So at this moment ,i doubt that we are going to get anything before Tuesday or Monday at best

Ray Roy

Wtf ofc i want to see the content cause I enjoy it but it is still allowed to criticise in a constructive way. Instead of saying 'then dont pay' try to bring in some constructive conversation or shhh - twitch chat kinda ruins the reactions and the experience imo

Igor Żółtowski

Nick literary said that he's coming back on monday, so chill out a bit more. And he said that this is going to be his last "vacation" of this year.


eyo quick question i rly wanna see his reaction to ado in film red i know he reacted to this but i cant fight it lmao anyone knows where ?


Hunter x Hunter and Black Clover are both patreon exclusive content, even if he is going away there is no reason why he shouldn't have watched it before going away and uploading it for the week either ahead of time or on time if that's possible. When I first watched Hunter x Hunter I was going through like 40 episodes a day, I don't see how doing 8 episodes is so difficult to keep up with each week. If it was just once then fine, but it's not the first or even second time this happens. The only reason I'm still here is because Nick's patreon is relatively cheap when compared with other reactors. But it's really starting to get annoying. He has talked about doing so many things and then never doing them...

Eduardo Catalán LCB

Yeah he should have left recorded the episodes for the days he was at anime expo, not a big deal, it was only 2 episodes, the most important episodes of the anime, I hope he pays us with a bunch of episodes this week, I mean this is his job, we love him so much, but we pay, even if he changes days, but leave it on the week


Hey nick, I do not want to complain often bc I know hearing the same bad things all day can mess with your mental health. and that matters so you should make that priority #1, we wouldnt want you to burn out. That being said many of your fans pay for this exclusive content bc we cant get enough of your reactions to our favorite shows! So it's very upsetting to us when we pay for things that we expect to get, and we don't when you had promised. I am not asking for you to make a whole apology video about it ofc. Just a little more communication and updates will help a lot! You can kindly repay us with a HxH week :P Ik some people have felt the same way so I just said it. Because your membership is so affordable tho we can not sit her and cry too much about it so we thank you for making it affordable. I just thought I would bring a little more awareness to it. <3

Nick McGuire

he has stated multiple times that he will be busy this weekend at the anime expo


Bro really said "communication and updates will help a lot" while completely ignoring the communication the update they want literally one post below this 💀


@Icey Ambers In the context of what I'm replying to (a comment requesting more communication and updates), it literally does matter, are you illiterate

Christian Clark

next apology video gonna be lit

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

You should just have a smaller schedule with less episodes so people stop being d*ckheads when you still upload more than most reactors

Ivan Mijacika

ur saying this like it's still not his fault. You can't promise a lot and then not deliver when it's something people are paying for. If he cuts down the schedule that's totally fine with me, but he keeps over promising and under delivering and it gets quite frustrating. Also let's be real it's really not that hard to watch like 2 episodes of something, and for patreon editing isn't even necessary


you know its his job right? he gets paid for it? stop making it sound like watching 20 minute videos and uploading them on patreon is hard



Anime Wulf

"Imagine in the live action they don't even walk up, they're just already there." Predicting stuff accurately even before the live action releases.


I watch this episode (37) to trigger tears, I watch your reaction for extra tears. Thank you Nicholas.