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Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 197 - 200 (UNCUT REACTION)



Wait how tf do you know "MALUBULUL" ? is it from the french meme ?

Jeremy Brooks

Anyone else notice Nick point out the paper girl dies and she hasn't yet 🤣


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): He reacted to Almighty Push in different languages video. MALUBULUL


Chat spoiling out Sasori, was kinda trash


chat IS trash all the way they're spoiling shit he should have set emotes only all the time

Morgan Joe-Peters

i just realized in the op, when sasuke is in the whirl pool, it looks like madarra's one eye mask.


Nick, you liked the fuckin Raikages speech(his way of thinking), but the Raikages hot headed mindset is a easy way to start war and just kill each other - that's not gonna end the cycle of hatred and war. And you like Pains mindset after seeing his backstory when the 3 kids where going through a horrible war which makes them suffer and which make Pain what he was in his Konoha(Headen Leaf village) destroying arc. Pain was trying to put the end of that cycle, and he passed that to Naruto who's trying to do it with Headen Cloud village. Naruto is not just trying to save Sasuke, he wants to stop a war that will come if they continue doing things in the same way that they did before. So the question is - why are so hyped up about Raikages speech if his just a hot headed dumbass who didn't even try to go through the way of peace


idk why you're still hating on Sai, he's clearly doubting Danzo and helping Naruto in someway, character development tbh

John Smiths

actually , Itachi means weasel :D

Johnny Johnny

In which episode did he see the scene where Killer Bee was fake? I missed.

You're an Idiot (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-30 14:04:37 Can someone please explain what a spoiler is to Vailing_Bow? I can't even focus cause this L Mod keeps silencing people who aren't spoiling anything, while letting actual people spoil things go free. Saying Danzo has an eye hidden isn't a spoiler. Saying the Mizukage has an eye hidden isn't a spoiler. Saying that Tobi has an eye hidden isn't a spoiler. The fact that characters are hiding things by obscuring eyes is literally used intentionally by Kishimoto to foreshadow and at times mislead the viewer in Naruto, especially at this point in time. This trope is so prominent in Naruto that it bleeds into other Anime. (Naruto probably isn't the first to use this trope tbf) Ironically, Vailing_Bow banning someone for mentioning Tobi has an eye hidden is more of a spoiler than mentioning it in the first place. Terrible mod. I keep seeing this exact scenario play out with this guy for a while now.
2024-07-29 23:10:47

You're an Idiot

The kicker here is that Vailing_Bow bans two different people seemingly for mentioning that Tobi has a hidden eye. But he doesn't silence or ban them for repeating that same fact after they've confronted him. If he actually still believed what they were saying was a spoiler then he'd still be silencing them. This literally only makes sense if Vailing_Bow realized their messages WERE NOT spoilers. BUT he still doubles down and says he was spoiling and doesn't admit making a mistake. Otherwise, all those follow up messages contained the vary same spoiler he believed had to be hidden from Nick, but he suddenly didn't care about it anymore.


If you can't actually see their eyes, and someone is trying to draw your attention to that fact knowing the plot, then yes it is a spoiler. It got banned because it was plot relevant. If I were a mod I would have banned you AGAIN for repeating it, and I think that's what should have happened. They may just be nice and didn't want to double ban you. Essentially you are putting thoughts and ideas into the reactor's head that will spoil future reveals for them, or hint towards those reveals. That will lessen their surprise and decrease the quality of reactions, so yes it should be banned end of story. Don't hint towards future events, it's not hard.