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Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 129 - 130 (UNCUT REACTION)



How long do I have to wait for the Itachi fight 🥲


Best Stream of your life, till now!


W nick


It’s time


Fuck yeah!!🔥🔥🔥




I subscribed to his Twitch but missed day 1 is it possible to watch it back?

Marc Cardo

Not complaining but Patreon members should lowkey have access to the whole stream. Some of us missed it due to work, why do the ppl who pay gotta wait 🥲🥲


ngl i wanna binge the whole vod from today since i missed out on it but breaking into smaller vids probably better for uploading lol


I will miss day 3 cause I won't be home, so I'll have to wait 3 weeks just for that, awesome


Wait, why only 2 episodes? I was hope to see Sasuke fight because at this moment on stream i had to go sleep...


no thank you this was one best stream in my life


No, 3 weeks is too long.


i never had a problem with his release schedule, always seemed fine to me, but this is really bothering, releasing a 3 day stream as a 3 week spread or more for patreons is not it for sure

Vailing Bow

19 minutes ago?! Nani?! Anyway, W stream. Will be back later for more. It'll be even crazier for Day 2! Don't forget people! Twitch 11am EDT! That's in 3 hours and 23 minutes from now!

Vailing Bow

Unfortunately no. He will be uploaded the episodes in a pair in the next few days

Vailing Bow

Could be because of how much there is and upload time. You won't wait long anyway


although i watched around 80% of the stream yesterday i won't be able to join today or tomorrow's stream, so that means i'll get new episodes in 2 weeks, this is something i did not expect

Vailing Bow

The whole stream yesterday ended with Killer Bee. The anime rapper. It was rapper reacting to anime rapper XD

Thorfinn's left nut

3 weeks is a bit too long of a wait man. His stream starts at late night over here so being there at the exact time is hard.



fr, im staying up for all 3 but simulatneously ruining my sleep for it lol, they go from 1am-8am in my timezone

원 지

I live in Korea so I can't match your streaming time.. I hope you upload the entire stream video to the members of Patreon Tier 2


Only 2? Huh? My guy at least do like 5 for the people who are literally giving you money and probably cant make it to the streams.


Bro wtf youre not gonna upload the subathon? So if we were fortunate enough to have a life and being unable to sit down with you for 8 hours i guess fuck us lol.


My guy… can someone ban this spoiling bafoon


Bro chill there is no way he uploads 8 Hours of Content all at once 😂

원 지

Can't you just upload the entire streaming video? It's unfair for people who are busy with work ..


No point in me tuning in to his streams if i havent caught up 🤷


I'm really excited for thisss. But, I can't catch the streams because my region is 12 hours different , so it's in the middle of the night for mee🥲

Martin Parent

i hope we won't wait 6weeks to get all what have been done in 2-3days :((

Morty Smith

Like this comment if you can’t wait 3 weeks, and want to see next episodes right here and right now🥹🥹 I’m living in Kyrgyzstan and working on 2 jobs, i can’t watch your stream :(


I wish it was more than 2 episode, at least whole fight. I can't join whole streams :(

Azariel 竜月

I can understand spacing the upload because it takes time and stuff to upload that many hours , but I would have done 129-133 then 5 after for Sasuke and itachi middle week , then 5 after on the weekend. For 15 ep a week . This feels to fragmented. Then again maybe you wanna space it that much to extend it so Naruto fan that didn't have the stream have constant content waiting for Naruto to comme back in a few weeks after the subaton , but I wanna watch all your react right now :'( in a big session . Ah ah sorry . I'll just wait they comulate.


when I watched the live stream I loved it just seeing pain in action was amazing and sadly ma boi Jiraiya death wasss sad i cant yall but lets continue Sasuke Shippden.

David Kováčik

Is it possible to rewatch whole stream so I can catchup?


Fun reaction!


Love these streams but bummed I missed yesterdays for work like many others. Would be nice to know a general timeline for release schedule of the episodes, like should we expect the next batch 131-133 today or tomorrow, Monday, etc

Kolya Ferents

For him, it's not worth uploading the whole stream because it's a lot of content, I would like to have Jiraya vs Pain in one video, but it's up to Nick anyway


I'd understand if he'd post 1 day of subathon per week. But going at this pace, what, we're gonna wait for month or two or so for a complete subathon. Honestly this is just forcing me to watch stream when it is not convenient time or I'm busy (which also makes it less enjoyable), also time zone difference for a lot of people. I understand what he is trying to do, but also we deserve more than this.


nah, need more eps per day!! like 3-4 eps per day plss!!


I wish the whole fight would’ve been here :(


you cant do us like this


nick that red haired kid in the flashback is not madara


bruh is it rlly gonna be 2 episodes a day bc we didn’t have time to watch u on stream ): me sad


What do you mean? 2-3 episodes per day = 1 subathon day per week = 3 weeks for the complete subathon. I'm totally fine with it

Wesley Lambert

Anyone else’s video not working ?

BasSini King

if im content creator i will do the same many reaction video is not successful because they upload so many content in just one day but nick teases us to keep watching him to upload a bit by bit episode of anime


post all on peatronn mann plss :3 <3


don‘t spoil anything, let him figure things out by himself…


He said 6-10 ep per week. Only yesterday he watched 15 ep, I think? So count idk XD


that’s literally not a spoiler at all


i agree i think we deserve it since we already pay to watch it. no hate all love. i enjoy ur reaction and find them entertaining but please post the whole subathon.


Pain basically wants to give the nations of the world nukes. Forcing a sort of mutually assured destruction mentally when it comes to conflict. Effectively ridding the world of war. Honestly, the way Pain would execute his plan is horrendous but the plan itself makes sense.

Akai Ki

bruuhh 2 ep nah that can´t be true we getting puniched for not being on stream because we had stuff to do...you should be doing youtube like this but not patreon

Gage Smith

Pains voice in English dub for this fight is superior. You should react to some of it.


Would've been better if you uploaded 129-133


I feel like nick will hit us with the same message he did last time and be on that "You're the one whos paying, I never promised anything" type shit. I was lowkey hyped for the subathon but what the fuck is this? Nigga just split up your days and have 5 episodes today, 5 midweek 5 at the end of the week at least. Let us have the whole jiraiya fight. Im telling you what everyone thinks don't be ignorant like last time we had issues with your greedy schedules.

Florian Saikûroto

on youtube ok, but who is here (patreon) not wanting to see everything as soon as possible, I was busy yesterday and now i cant catchup


bro its 3 bucks and the amount of content he has has taken over most of my youtube watch time. i think you can chill out and find something to do with your life in the mean time between episodes.


lemme get this right. people are watching this subathon for free bc they don’t have life’s but the ones who are paying for patreon for this have to wait a week just to catch up the first day of the subathon? if tie problem is editing the video i think everyone here wouldn’t mind u just giving us the entire stream in one upload. please don’t make us wait 😭😭🙏🙏🙏

Chris Gama

Nick, are you mad that you never watched Naruto as a kid? Now you know what we experienced!


guy is talking about "having life" while wanting 5-6h livestream xD

ilyas mateus

you cant do this to us nickkk, we want all episodes of day 1


another guy just commented, and what he said goes along with what you're defending. "people are watching this subathon for free cz they dont have lives but the ones who are paying for this have to wait a week just to catch up to day one of the subathon". take that into perspective man its greed.


if you "have life" than you dont have time to watch the entire stream :) So Nick is helping you.


Normadus don’t be a clown supporting Nick’s choice. Most people are upset about this. He ain’t helping no one, he’s doing this out of greed for our money to stretch out subscriptions 🤷‍♂️ AcentGG is right


🤡 I’m not watching it rn. The point it should be there for me to watch when I want to and have the time. Also it’s the weekend. Stop being a clown. Are you insulted because you have no life? Lol you seem very agitated responding to everyone bud








I think most people just want to see the Jiraiya/Pain and Itachi/Sasuske fights most of all - Patreon should get those asap and then slow roll YouTube and the rest of the episode reactions


Four episodes prefer


Ngl I never thought about the Star Wars comparison, it does make sense the way you put it together


Bro why don't you react to any ending in naruto? They are really good.

Johnny Fleehart

Damn. 2 episodes is crazy. It's pretty shitty to be so excited for this arc for months only to get shafted like this. I'm unsubscribing.


Why is everyone complaining? Who tf cares when all the episodes get uploaded? It’s not hard to wait.


I thought there would be a full stream per week with one video, but it turns out that I’ll have to wait until everything comes out here to watch it right away

Alex Townsend

He has on youtube a few months back and he didnt enjoy them, he doesnt like majority of then


why tf are you lying? He wasn't react on them

Daniele Fazi

only 2 episodes is crazy


man... having less episodes than normal when we're paying here and the twitch subathon is free is kinda disappointing


Kinda disappointed cause I watched over half of yesterday’s subathon and had to go… was hoping to watch the rest to continue today but I guess you’ll just have that many less viewers.

Daniel Klochenok

can never please everyone lol, thanks for the upload


no fr my subscription is about to end ima cry ima have to repay again


I think 4 episodes would be better


You're looking at it wrong if you think you're behind. the ones who are no lifing will have less content to consume throughout the week, and ironically, you must not have much of a life if you can sit and watch 5 episodes of him commentating and reacting to Naruto multiple times a week. Take your two episodes, go get a hobby and quit complaining like a buffoon.


i got work i cant stay up late ruin my sleeping schedule and still go to work and miss either way. so i didnt join day 1 and cant join day 2 or 3 its owari da for me, thats why i have him on patreon since i never join his streams


even i could do that with my crappy laptop i recorded and streamed entire aot s3 and then uploaded it aswell.


to endings? give me a link or you are fkn scum


i did not find this video, hope you give me one


he ract like 10 seconds to each on streams, it doesent count

Nick Strothers

Damn only two episodes😭

BasSini King

He react it on stream and he didnt upload it on youtube because he will pissed narutards so much so to avoid conflict that ending reaction is long long gone i watch that stream after bleach endings that he enjoy anlot he watch naruto shippuden endings and he skip most of it and he didnt like it he even talk shit about it and one of a reason why he late watch naruto out of a big 3 because he have bad inpression because of a ending songs

BasSini King

2 reason of nick why he not uploading all naruto episode at once. 1. He said in stream that as a content creator uploading 6 hours of content at once is stupid 2.i think next next week he will go to anime event or something so thats why even he is gone he still have content to release But for me to stop the complain he should add tier where you can get all episode at once


agreed, i understand what he means as 6 hours is stupid, but since we pay for this i think on patreon it shouldnt matter.

BasSini King

Yes thats why he need another tier because for me 3 dollar per month and you will get whole arc in just 3 days is so much


2 episode is kinda bad man i was waiting like 5 episode each. It is not satisfying at all but good effort for subbathon i appericate it.

Sander Fredriksen

Honestly. so dissapointed. Got so excited about this arc, i decided to sub on patreon. Only to find out its only 2 episodes? Lol


That's nothing 2 episode specially this arc, what's the point of being subscribe , at least let the stream vod alive on twitch a day after the stream i can't be there the whole weekend to watch hours hours of stream that's why i'm subscribed here ,at this point it just feel like a youtube channel treated like that ! You got so much support and sub for this arc, i even subbed on twitch and on there so please reconsider it

Le vrai David

is this youtube or patreon i can’t tell


it's not more than a youtube channel at this point, some of us should have the option at least, specially with all the support on those stream all of it was a 3 day subathon , it's not fun to be penalisez while paying for not being able to be there 3 days straight


Nope he has to delete VOD cause reacting to shows isn't, strictly speaking, legal. He would get DMCAd by twitch and risk his channel. Eventually Patreon has got to crack down too. I'm here until then. I hope Nick has awebsite in the works just in case.


Love the streams but why so few at a time?


Not a great decision, i couldn’t finished the first day, was excited to catch up today to watch second day of subathon… Because of this i’m not gonna watch second and third day, but whatever… hope people gonna have fun:)


losers lose and winners win ! ;) Today's live stream has ended with Almighty Push!

Laura Alonso

Nahhh only 2 episodes???


Are the vods going to be on twitch

Le vrai David

well I was expecting the wole thing like its not youtube he doesn't have to edit it


I was so excited to see he uploaded the vod, but just this? I couldnt be there for the subathon and now we get punished for paying


no lol. It's like asking for a copyright strike or whatever else they give on Twitch


He reacted to every single Naruto ending on stream a while ago, it was never posted on YouTube to avoid negative reception.

Johnny Fleehart

Yall rude as hell. I'm clearly not the only one in these comments who thinks Nick is doing us bogus here. Some people can't help but be toxic tho I suppose ^


We are paying so we expect instant uploads. 3 weeks is a joke!

BasSini King

If im content creator i will do the same so many reaction channel that are not successfull but why you think nick is a sucessfull reaction channel? Even in top 50 patreon because he not upload all of his content unlike other reaction channel that upload so many content in just a single day like his said this is his still job he need money to live and to provide a content you want ,broad you mind .

Fine Kat

So excited to watch these! Sad I couldn't join the subathon.


Episode 11 of asking for Nicholas to not skip Power Arc

Gabriel Caron-Tawil

Was expecting not getting all of them at once of course but 2 at once feels pretty bad...Would understand if this was YouTube but it's not the case.

Jögge Anime Swe

lol let him upload whatever he wants, he wants to promote the livestream and if you didnt see it there then you have to wait. thats just fair

qCosty ツ

i can't see the difference between youtube and this patreon istg


OG Naruto Endings are on YT. Shippuden Endings he reacted to on the Twich Stream

Ray Roy

Its not a patreon series, you get it on top. Fireforce/Dr Stone and MHA are patreon animes. Difference to youtube is Naruto being uncut and without blurring


No? We're not youtube?? Df he can release them slowly on youtube. Not on here.

Andres Brenes

Hey Nick, I would definitely love to see more vids about the subathon, but you get to do whatever the fuck you want and if I decided to watch it in patreon I will wait for your uploads bro



qCosty ツ

yes but why not uploading instantly if you can and make people wait for 3 weeks even if they paid


Because it's a bad financial move if he does that


He said he will upload 6 to 10 episodes a week... but having it done like this 2 episodes at a time is just outright bad in my opinion


Uploading 6 to 10 episodes a week is good , however having it done like this , 2 episodes at a time is really disappointing... best way to do it is 5 at the start of the week and 5 towards the end ( if you upload 10 ofc )... instead of crumbs every couple of days...


i just hit the stream at the last 3 eps and trried the rewind plugin but he dosent use vods on the twitch


no it's not and you're fucking retarded if you think that's normal


You paid for the membership and nowhere does it state you would get content any earlier than YouTube. The exclusives are the extra content and well as uncut and unedited reactions. It’s in the description of your membership on this page.

J Jabak

Yeah he got stingy with the episode to prolong memberships...


I almost quit my job to watch the live. I wish I could watch it. );


What do you mean there's no incentive to show up to the stream? The incentive is you get to watch it live with Nick, there's no world in which Twitch should have any advantage on Patreon, this is literally the place where people that love Nick's content show up to support him and receive some advantages in return, Twitch is the place where people show up to see the episodes before everyone else for free


if we receive just a couple more episodes every week then what was the point of the subathon? He could have just did longer streams ever week and the result would be the same


I'm bit disappointed, watched the beginning of the stream but later had to go to work and I hoped I watch the rest here but there is only part I've already seen

Hussein Mohamed

Anyone know what episode he is at in the subathton right now?


True, if I had known sooner, I would have watched the stream.


hate that i missed the stream today :(


yeah i was hoping the stream would be in full on his twitch :(


Azir ik it's not wise to upload too much content all at once, but then why do a subathon? just keep the schedule as it is and nobody can vent about it, but if you're going to watch a month worth of content in a weekend, and then not watch Naruto for a month, then the whole point of the subathon, which is finishing Naruto faster, is gone, people who watched everything on twitch will have to wait many weeks before seeing any Naruto content making in a way the subathon worse for them and not better

Patrik Somogyi

Funny enough he says the entire pain arc but its totally interrupted by the saske arc in the middle. So he has no idea the pain arc will actually begin at around episode 160


To be honest I'd love to see the whole Subathon as soon as it's over since it doesn't need any editing to be on Patreon, but if it's 10 eps a week I can't really complain cause it's double what we usually get, The whole point of a subathon tho is binging a good chunk of content all at once, and if it's just going to be a twitch thing then maybe it's better to just keep the schedules as they are so we get Nick at full potential every ep instead of a tired Nick who is burnout after so many hours of streaming

Manifique Tae

damn i missed this cant wait for more


bro im so sad i missed this. I thought nick would have uploaded right after so i stopped watching after 2 hours. smh ima kms like itachi </3 (i still love you though bro)


bro is punishing the people with jobs )): all these kids lucky af they can watch a full 6hr stream hahah

P e r f e c t // B l u e

We pay, we have a right to say something. He couldn't do this as a job if we didnt pay. Mutual respect between both parties is how patreon should work, otherwise its just like youtube.

P e r f e c t // B l u e

Less episodes than normal is actually crazy. Mutual respect between both parties is how content should work when people are paying for you to react to vids. If its to stretch subs out, which option do you think will keep & gain the most subs, giving people what they want or giving them less than what they normally get as if were just going to unsub tf? How can it be because you will be gone for the expo when we already wait for an upload once every week? This doesn't make sense lol


I don't understand some of y'all. Naruto isn't a patreon exclusive series. If you aren't happy about the upload schedule he's decided on for this, just wait for yt vids like everyone else. In the grand scheme of things, you pay $3 a month for extra content no one else is getting to see. $3 doesn't even pay for a cup of coffee, what are you so pressed about? He doesn't owe any of us jack shit. No one put a gun to your head and said you had to subscribe here. Outside of Fire Force, MHA and Dr Stone, your membership isn't owed a thing. Bitching like this is just going to make him not want to stream or upload this content for you anymore. It's really not that deep. It's understandable if you think it's unfair, but leaving shitty comments (and I do mean the shitty ones, not people just voicing their disappointment) and telling him you're 'unsubbing' because of it is just wild and seems like you're really entitled. Please take a step back, take a deep breath and keep your cool. Let's avoid bullying our content creators.


I subbed on the livestream to help the subathon continue but now I can't rewatch what I paid to help keep going. It would be best if you put the full stream up and then let people wait for the chunk version if they want


Some of yall are so pressed, a couple of weeks is not that long to wait for 30+ eps. It takes time to record, render, edit, and upload this footage, and he said so many times that it wouldn't be up all at once. Just be patient and let him do what he wants with HIS channel and content 😭


Reading the Chat (9/10 comments) is so frustrating! Nicholas explained in his previous post HOW and Y his gonna upload this way! F€ing impatient Id¡ots!


Everyone needs to relax. Ultimately, this is his Patreon and if he has decided to release the episodes this way then that is how they will be released. It was always planned that the patreon releases would be broken up throughout the coming weeks. If you have an issue with it only being 2 episodes then wait a couple days and watch multiple. Just give him a break from all this negativity and let the man enjoy what he's doing. He constantly brings enjoyment to us and in return we berate him for not being perfect (Yes I know we pay for it but let's be honest, $3/month is practically free) We need to treat Nic with more respect for what he's providing us and stop being so rude to him not just for this but everything he posts.


This is what Netflix and other subscription services have done to people by promoting binge culture. It's literally just three weeks, holy shit. And again, you don't sub to Patreon for specific content, just for content; we don't have a say, other then when Nick asks/reads complaints and takes it into consideration, in how he releases that content.


buncha crybabies in here holy shit 😭 i know literal children with more patience than some of you


Sasuke Shippuden is already over. Last episode he reacted to was the "almighty push" episode.


Go to the doctor and get a day off. 😂 This is how it works in germany 😂


You pay only 3$/€ per month and technically you pay for the patreon exclusives, not for naruto. And tbh 3$/€ is very low price for all the content here, imo.

Jögge Anime Swe

You pay because you fkn choose to pay, he hasn't promised you anything and you act like spoiled little kids that didnt get to watch his favorite movie

Ray Roy

@qCosty I feel your frustration but Nick is telling us the scheduel in beforehand and never made a promise about uploading it all at once or faster. So hes not doing anything wrong. We have to be patient even when its hard :)

Ray Roy

Thank you Nick for the Subathon and the uploads. Its my most favorite arc and I cant wait to watch it on here (cant see it on twitch). I am hyped!


lol what? He gets to make tons of money from it. Dont think he mad

Akai Ki

ANIME REACTION STREAMS ALL ANIME EPISODES that are reacted to on stream will be uploaded after the stream ends. If an anime was watched on stream, the UNCUT STREAM will be posted here.

Akai Ki

ANIME REACTION STREAMS ALL ANIME EPISODES that are reacted to on stream will be uploaded after the stream ends. If an anime was watched on stream, the UNCUT STREAM will be posted here. Read this again dog

Akai Ki

But thats what he did write and why we pay....ANIME REACTION STREAMS ALL ANIME EPISODES that are reacted to on stream will be uploaded after the stream ends. If an anime was watched on stream, the UNCUT STREAM will be posted here.


I didn't know giving feedback was wrong? It is his first subathon and the people who support him should be able to voice their opinion. It gives the chance for discussion instead of people just unsubing which doesn't help anything.


are you retarded? he said that he was gonna upload the natuto subathon bit by bit

Jarek Wójcik

Well the sasuke small arc is included in Pain Saga. But ur right actual pain arc starts around 160

Vailing Bow

You're the on who can't read, lol. If you did, you would see that within the week you'll get 10 episodes which includes the Itachi vs Sasuke fight.

Vailing Bow

Of course it won't be on Twitch, lol. If he let it up it would've been flagged and never posted as well as his channel terminated. You people should really read his captions

Vailing Bow

Except you don't, lol. People like you should REALLY read captions more which seems to be a weak point of Patreon members. By the end of the week you get at least 10 episodes which includes the Sasuke vs Itachi fight smh

Vailing Bow

Perfect/Blue funny you say respect when you clearly lack it. Yeah, you can say whatever you want but Nick already said how it's going to go and by the end of the week you'll get the Sasuke vs Itachi fight. You act like you're owed everything immediately or almost immediately not even seeing the caption clearly and doing your own calculations in your head

Vailing Bow

Tibbers the subathon is made for the creator to make more money and for TWITCH users to consume more content from the creator, not to "finish Naruto faster" lol and Nick will return to Naruto after like 5 days, lol.

Vailing Bow

I don't think you have to go that far and I don't think Nick wants you to go that far for him

Vailing Bow

Akai Ki maybe you should take your own advice. "The ENTIRE ARC will NOT be uploaded here right away. My plan is to upload 7-10 episodes a week to the Patreon. It’s not smart to upload 18 hours worth of content in 3 days. Keeps the content uploading while I’m at Anime Expo in LA in 2 weeks, and it keeps the anticipation longer. Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long on here for the episodes you want the most. My goal is to promote “Get the Pain Arc in full, on Patreon!” On YouTube, so I’m gonna want this Arc uploaded in full on Patreon fast." Read this again dog

Vailing Bow

Giving feedback isn't wrong but he has already laid out how the subathon will work on Patreon. You can rewatch what you paid later. By the end of this week it'll be Itachi vs Sasuke. He'll probably release more episodes too. By the time your subscription ends the entirety of the subathon will be available. "The ENTIRE ARC will NOT be uploaded here right away. My plan is to upload 7-10 episodes a week to the Patreon. Keeps the content uploading while I’m at Anime Expo in LA in 2 weeks, and it keeps the anticipation longer."

Vailing Bow

But that's what he right here but since you're slow and you can't read properly "The ENTIRE ARC will NOT be uploaded here right away. My plan is to upload 7-10 episodes a week to the Patreon. It’s not smart to upload 18 hours worth of content in 3 days. Keeps the content uploading while I’m at Anime Expo in LA in 2 weeks, and it keeps the anticipation longer. Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long on here for the episodes you want the most. My goal is to promote “Get the Pain Arc in full, on Patreon!” On YouTube, so I’m gonna want this Arc uploaded in full on Patreon fast.

Vailing Bow

Akai Ki since you love posting how little you pay attention and can't read properly. Btw this was posted 5 days ago, so your illiteracy can't be excused The ENTIRE ARC will NOT be uploaded here right away. My plan is to upload 7-10 episodes a week to the Patreon. It’s not smart to upload 18 hours worth of content in 3 days. Keeps the content uploading while I’m at Anime Expo in LA in 2 weeks, and it keeps the anticipation longer. Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long on here for the episodes you want the most. My goal is to promote “Get the Pain Arc in full, on Patreon!” On YouTube, so I’m gonna want this Arc uploaded in full on Patreon fast.

Vailing Bow

Man, some of you are real pathetic. Nick has posted how Subathon will go on Patreon 5 days ago, and so what if you have to wait?? Naruto isn't a Patreon exclusive AND you get it way before youtube and at a much faster wait. By the end of the week you'll have Itachi vs Sasuke. By the time the whole subathon is posted it'll be less than a month for some. at most you'll lose $6. Those that paid more YOU wanted more benefits, not just Naruto reactions. If that's all you wanted you should've chose the $3 and that's on YOU. Some y'all acting like a bunch of entitled little babies. That's not going to make Nick change his mind.

Thorfinn's left nut

Yep. Same shit here as well. But I feel kinda bad about complaining either because he’s doing the best he can.

Sander Fredriksen

This is wrong Am sorry, i edit videos. Taking an uncut video from a stream. And just posting it. Does not take alot of work. Even thumbnails. You can get photoshop Ai to do in a couple min


My point seems to have been missed. I would understand not getting everything right away if I only supported on patreon. However I subscribed on twitch and am kind of left out to dry because there is no VOD on twitch or patreon


Also up until I would assume today or yesterday the description of patreon was that all streams would be uploaded immediately to patreon so if we really wanted to get technical we are "entitled " to it but I'd rather not take that approach because it seems to be pushing it

Chris Gama

As others have stated, Naruto isn't a Patreon exclusive. You're basically getting his VOD uploads of Naruto in smaller chunks as a BONUS on top of the exclusive Patreon reactions. People complaining about getting a free dessert on top of their meal.


sorry but you don't get to dictate how other paying customers feel, gtfo with that bullshit, to the one who can't catch the streams it's like it wasn't even a substation, of the several Duszin episodes watch we got two, it's no wonder the paying customers got upset, like wtf

Vailing Bow

Did I say they have to feel a certain way?? No. I said some people are pathetic (the fact you got all butthurt and defensive shows you're one of those people) and you act like I'm not a paying customer here too, lol. I even explain how even if you subscribe BY THE END OF THE SUBSCRIPTION YOU WILL HAVE THE ENTIRETY OF THE STREAM UPLOADED, lol. You're not paying for the episode. You're paying for his reaction. Seeing it out of order isn't a big deal, LOL. I bet if he posted the whole subathon y'all bitches will complain there's no Naruto content, LOL.


no no you are correct, why pay for pateron when you can watch it for free on steam


yeeeeah sucking content and time dry, 0 mutual respect


Idk about others but I def want to see it in order, lol I don't even think it's really his fault though, hopefully after some time he'll be able to have someone manage his Patreon full time for him (not that I know for certain he doesn't now), but I know it's a lot of plates to spin between Twitch, YouTube and Patreon


LETS GOOOO, i missed the subathon but im excited to see ur uploads cuz im finally back from vacation hehe. Enjoyyy everyone❤️


I expected 6-10 eps a week at once... I was excited but now it just feels like normal uploads? Probably worse?


At least give us more then 2 episodes for this week alone.


The star wars comparison is on point

Duane Potgieter

Guys 3 dollars is nothing. Do you think that paying someone $3 that you own him? He has a life you know

Christos Tsekitsidhs

I keep refreshing the site to see if something new is out hahahaha! Do you have a brief schedule of the Naruto uploads for the next weeks ?




The red haired kid isn't Madara lol. At that point Madara is grown. Plus Madara is way older than Jiraiya.


the star war parallel is insane