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LOVED THESE EPISODES!! Completely changed my mind on Gentle Criminal

sorry about audio in this vid! ill make sure I have it good next time


My Hero Academia - 4x22 and 4x23 (UNCUT REACTION)



The moment you realize this moment is something that Sir Nighteye saw in the future and decided that moment was worth his sacrifice. For Eri to be free of Overhaul's shadow was the promise of a bright future ❤️


Also, season 5 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I happen to love the "slow" first half because MY BOY comes back to be a badass.


If you liked Jiro's voice, the singer's name is Crissy Costanza and she sings in a pop punk/pop rock band called Against the Current and they're amazing. I hiiiiiiiighly recommend you give them a listen. They also did a song for league of legends called legends never die and it gives me MHA vibes too. especially after you've seen the second mha movie!

Wild Wesley

I like season 5! My only issue going forward is awkward pacing. But it’s still awesome


Yeah2, people who keep complaining and said the second half season 4 is mid is basically people who didn't appreciate a good plot, childish 😂.


"Wait, she's already white... Wait NO SHE'S A FROG" I'm dying


man this whole season is so much better than i remembered