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ARISE !!!!!!!!!!!



Emanuel Aron

Arise 🔥🔥🔥


YO! 🔥




ARISEEEE been waiting for this lol

Shahrul Shiro

Just little tease, ARISE Beru

Matthew Castellano

Nick, when you said that now it's just beginning. You are what a 100% correct. We are now fully in solo leveling is now Begun.


it kinda sucks cuz they end the season right where it gets really good. Shadow monarch Jinwoo is peak. We just gotta wait until the second cour for the peak of this show to show itself.

GamersPlays ][ Alex45

This season was like an introduction to the REAL show. If you liked this one, you’re gonna LOVE THE REST


yep the show begins now. season 2 confirmed for fall or winter. they plan to adapt the story entirely with 6 cours planned as of now


Me when he bet my life cuz I’m the guy in a white shirt😱

Joey Zero

Tbf. The side characters are hardly mentioned in the manhwa up to this point. We don’t even see Cha Hae-In (short blonde hair) for the first time for another 30 chapters. The anime added a ton of anime only scenes so we care about these characters in the future. The one gripe on Solo Leveling is that it did a terrible job at fleshing out side characters, so to manhwa readers, it’s nice seeing them a little more.


Hit wayyy harder in the manhwa, but it’s ok.

Leon Pham

the side chars were boring in the first season, so they are in the manhwa. But they will become more relatable to the story I believe


“This is where the show begins” is a little corny but not wrong. All of the setup is complete now so if someone isn’t interested in what comes next then the show probably just isn’t for them.

Enzo Jesus Aguilera Aros

Yess, ARISE !! Is here, the jeju island is serious event by the way


wdym? The art and the way they emphasized the panels of the arise scene in the manhwa made it feel like a huge deal to the audience, which I didn’t really get that feeling from the anime. Not complaining though, it was solid


Don’t forget that the side characters’ story has been happening completely separate from our main character’s story. Whenever shows or books do this it’s usually difficult to care about the side characters until the stories converge. It’s like the side characters are stuck in a perpetual prologue.


the birth of a monarch..


Its as hype as is because this is the begining

Beast sama

Arise. Cant wait for season 2. There were rumors going around that there was gonna be 6 seasons in total but i call BS cause there isn't even enough content for 6 seasons

Braden Burgason

about the shadow army. Oh it does happen

Daniel Thompson

You are correct that the first major arc focuses solely on Jinwoo, and in the second major arc you will start to learn more about the background/secondaries (and probably still not care too much about them, but some of them are super cool) P.S. The OST/vocals in this show make ME arise, if you catch my drift

Braden Burgason

Yo nick react to the season 2 trailer on YT.

Beast sama

I thought the japanese word for Arise was gonna be different. It's the same word as "Wake Up" lol


We say this is where the show begins because its where all the setting up ends. From here on theres gonna be quite a bit more focus towards the story/world, rather than just MC leveling up and advancing. It's like we just finished the prologue - now we get into the real stuff.


cour 2* Funny how you say season 2 first but then clearly state you know what a cour is right after lel


Well buddy, literally everyone announced that it’s season two so idk what you want from me. Potato potahto


there is nothing to react bruh, they used animations from 1 season


The second season has been announced and there are leaks about its premiere this year, and a total of 6 seasons are planned

Jin Moris

Thank you for buying me beserk, tokyo ghoul, naruto and one pubch man mangas 😃

Attila Demeter

This episode was amazing! The animation and direction was amazing, I think the studio is doing a great job! This is how I imagined it all while reading the manhwa and the story is just beginning! 😁🤩🤯

philippe boarin

NOW need to WAIT for the part 2 of this Season 1 , probably AT thé end of this year


to be fair. this is kinda were it really begins haha. the shadows are GOATED


why does the patreon video literally crash every 2 minutes?


Jeju Island sets up an interaction between the S Ranks and Jinwoo, so be ready.


Its because you speak English. Realistically it makes no sense being English because its a Korean comic being animated into Japanese. In no way is that related to English.


"Wake up" still makes sense. I can see how it would be a synonym for "arise" in this case considering they are "waking up" from sleep aka death. Sleep and death are commonly intertwined in literature. ex: Eternal slumber


Ah so it's getting the same mix up as 86?


Yea to be honest for me personally the comic was a more enjoyable experience because at the time I read it it was completely released. So I never had that annoying cliffhanger/break of the flow. The anime imo does a really bad job at pacing and sometimes I feel bad for people who didnt read the comic cause I can see how annoying it would be craving more of that sweet sweet edge lord power fantasy (which it serves a lot of LATER) and getting stupid scenes with characters you dont care about, like sandwhich making and talking in an office.

Ryan Borthwick

That's not true and definitely not confirmed. Crunchyroll website says the premiere date for season 2 isn't known on the website


Bro thanks for saving me I had a white shirt on.

Vailing Bow

Nicholas shave TV this upload. I wanna see Nick bald someday, lol.

Vailing Bow

Yeah. And it kinda got annoying how Nick's saying he doesn't care about these characters well no shit. They're literally building them up. He even recognizes that this is build up in this upload.

Vailing Bow

Apathina well not everything has to be realistic here, lol. It's about impact

Abhishek Vemula

yo nick on the next stream could u react to bling bang bang video by theanimemen, that looks like it would be dope


his forehead gets bigger everytime, he also somehow reminds me of joe biden with that head of his idk why lol

Anurag Kumar Tiwary

It feels like they are rushing the jeju island raids. I think before going to jeju island jinwoo had met these guild masters and was also declared as S rank. lets see how will they tie up those things

Jeroen Preder

There will be about 5.. maybe 6 others there will be an emotional attachment to to. Sadly not in the near future.


bro, don't shock me oike that. I HAVE A WHITE SHIRT ON! :D

Anurag Kumar Tiwary

I don't think it should be a spoiler. I mean him progressing to an s rank is given. It's like saying deku will become the greatest hero as he himself narrates the story. I am just thinking they would be cutting short way too much of story of they decided to do jeju Island raid now as being shown in the episode


It's not that it's that these events were always happening in the LN and Mahnwa but they were only mentioned whenever it became relevant to Jin Woo. It is also adding the missing depth to characters that were interesting but quite lacking in both of the source materials

Christian Clark

you're talking about something in the future that hasn't happened yet in the anime. spoiler.

Jesus Lujan

I put anime like solo leveling, demon slayer, one piece in like the same category of: there's some story there, but really only care about the hype moments. Doesn't make an anime bad, just not top top tier since it's missing that.


i kinda agree with that, especially one piece, for me it just has its moments mostly with zoro, but all in all its just not it


how good can the story really be if they are past 1000 episodes and still haven't been able to wrap it up? Convoluted does not equal good


Nick Leveling everydays~!!