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So I'm dealing with the first harasser that I've ever had in the 15+ years that I've been doing this. It's actually been going on for months, since right before TKLFest 2022. It started on my Patreon, when a particular user started posting disparaging comments about my friend Richard from MFF on several of my posts. Before these incidents, I'd gotten several off-putting comments and messages from him, but nothing this aggressive. He apparently had some sort of personal problem with Richard and decided to badmouth him in comments on my drawings. 

I politely asked him to stop, but instead he doubled down. After several warnings were ignored I finally had to block him. That began his little vendetta against me. He started accusing me of drawing underage characters. He started posting my work to his account on DeviantArt (which I couldn't see because he'd blocked me). I got the work removed from DA but then this past week he posted a bunch more on FurAffinity. I managed to figure out who he was here on my OF and blocked him here too. 

Just today, he posted a link on FurAffinity to a site on that illegally pirates the ENTIRETY of a Patreon to another site. I have no idea why FA is still letting him post at all, but I reported him yet again. Almost every drawing I've ever done is on that site right now, and there's virtually no way to contact anyone or even report that it's there.

It's just so disheartening to have that much work just snatched away like that. I get that piracy happens, but this is definitely much more of a personal attack. What people like this don't seem to get is that if you force artists to decide they don't even want to create anymore, then no one wins. 

This person goes by PsychicPrince on DeviantArt. 

His FurAffinity profile is listed as DB1234

If you have a FurAffinity profile, please report that account. Right now that link is still there in both his profile description and in his only Journal. 

Not feeling particularly productive at the moment, so I think that this week's update is going to be pushed to next Monday. 


Johnny Tickler

Hang in there, handsome bear! You are so loved by so many. 😘


I tried to login to FA, but I guess both me and my computer forgot how. 😒 Sux this happened. Hopefully they'll start enforcing their TOS and cancel that bitch.


Damn, not this crazy individual again


Even if I can get your art for free from this fuck face on stupid.net, you're worth the money and will be every time. Hang in there. ❤️


it said impossible to connect I think "kemono.party" is gone