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I made this back in 2008 when my old website had been up for a year, and it's perfect for this coming week as well! I'm coming up on my 52nd update so it's been roughly a year (I missed a week here and there) that I've been back making tickle art. Also, I've got more than 100 images on my these sites because I've been uploading old work along with the new! 

This animated gif featured characters I'd already drawn tickling a poor man trapped in a birthday cake. There's the Cosquillastador, the King from the blacksmith piece, the robotic arm from my very first home page image and the wicked leather man from my "Submit" page on my old site. 

The new update this week will be late on Sunday, or possibly Monday. I just wanted to say at this one year mark that I appreciate every single one of you who have joined my sites this past year. You really helped carry me through a difficult time, and I couldn't have done it without you!



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