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  • 2 Feminine Touches.m4a
  • 2 Feminine Touches.m4a




Now, that Katrin had given him the excuse of it "being for science," of sorts, he could not help but embrace the moment.

"Do you have a mirror?"

Chad asked.

"Why?" Katrin answered as she pulled her tweezers away from Chad.

"I want to see what you're doing," Chad explained.

Katrin shook her head as she flashed Chad a smile and said, "I don't want you to see my work until it's done."

Chad gave her a worried look.  Katrin answered it by saying, "I've been plucking my brows since I was 13, give me a little credit."

"I'm not questioning your ability..."

"Then, what are you worried about?"

"I don't want you to go overboard is all," Chad noted  Katrin laughed before she said, "Oh, honey, we're going to go way overboard at some point."

"I know, but."  "We've got to get there in little steps."

"Little steps for little feet."

Katrin's shook her head with a smile as her eyes darted down to Chad's feet and remarked, "Your feet are not little, by girl standards at least."

Chad nodded.  He hated the size of his feet.  While not overly large, he knew that most girls his size had smaller feet and wished that his had similarly maintained their childhood daintiness.

"Can I get started, now?"

Katrin asked, trying to hide her impatience behind a friendly smile.  Chad nodded once more and said, "Do your worst?"

"Never tell someone that's grooming you that," Katrin rejoined with a laugh.  "Roger."

"Don't call me, Roger," Katrin responded with feigned irritation as she bent down and resumed her appraisal of Chad's eyebrows.

"Would you prefer Jessica?"

Chad retorted with a laugh.

"Well, you half-dress us like her, so I figure that you probably do," Katrin countered with a smirk.

Chad blushed in response.  He had heard the allegations over the years that he greatly enjoyed the girls' costumed appearance.  He always claimed it was a marketing gimmick, no different from a Hooters or Tilted Kilt, but the girls all believed that he selected the outfits to fit his personal fantasies.  While some had thought that he wanted to see girls in them, some had felt that he was living his fantasy for himself through them.

That thought had become a uniform opinion around the café once he agreed to take part in Katrin's study.  With that thought in mind, Katrin began to pluck Chad's brows into two thin arches.  Chad was amazed by how painless it felt.  "This is nothing," Chad beamed.  "I told you.  You see, you take it like a man."

"Yeah, because getting your eyebrows plucked is so manly," Chad rejoined with self-deprecation that he punctuated with a laugh to keep things from getting awkward.

"You don't have to worry about being manly anymore," Katrin teased.  "Well, this will be over someday," Chad replied with a shrug.

"But not today, leave tomorrow's problem for some later."

"This will be over tomorrow?"

Chad kidded as Katrin continued to pluck his eyebrows.

"My study won't be done that quickly," Katrin responded.  Chad nodded before Katrin returned to her work on him.

Chad's mind raced as they made small talk.  Katrin was taking far longer than he anticipated.  Given his expectations, he began to worry about what she was doing.  While he wanted feminine eyebrows, he was hoping for larger shaped brows, not thin arches that would be impossible to pass off as those of a man.  The former would be hard enough to handle when his excuse to dress as a woman ended.  Katrin flashed Chad a smile as she said, "All done."

Chad felt an instant sense of relief, followed by fear.  He hesitated before he asked, "Do you have a mirror?"

"What girl doesn't?"

Katrin rejoined while she retrieved a compact mirror from her pocketbook.  Chad took it from Katrin's soft hands and gazed at his eyebrows.  He smiled at the work that Katrin had done.  She had done far less than he assumed.  "These aren't that bad."

"No, I don't think anyone would say those are girls' brows."

"Does that work for you?"

Chad asked.  "Well, no one's going to say they aren't girls' brows either," Katrin replied with a smile.  "You think they go both ways."

"Like a lot of things."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're naturally androgynous."

"In what way?"

Chad asked as he stood up with his augmented chest out.

"Well, now, your brows.  Your trimmed nails.  Your thin body.  Your long hair..."

"Well, I get that not many guys have..."

"I don't dislike it.  I think it works on you."

"Thanks," Chad replied, taking her words as a compliment.

"I want you to wear it down," Katrin then added as she motioned towards his hair.

"I don't know," Chad replied as he grabbed his low ponytail.

"It's really the next step, Chad."

"Uh...," Chad hemmed.  "It's not like we can move the ponytail.  If we go high, everyone thinks girl, immediately."

"I think cheerleader," Chad rejoined.  "Well, young girl.  You could go midway, and it'd still scream girl."

"Yeah, I guess."

"But long, straight hair falling all over, that's just the natural flow."

"I suppose you're right."

"Of course, I'm right," Katrin replied with a smile, wanting to laugh at how easily Chad went along with her statements that confirmed what he wanted to believe were truths.

'If he wasn't so nice, I'd really have to screw with him', Katrin thought to herself before she told Chad to sit down.  Chad watched as she took out a new brush and removed the cardboard that wrapped across it.

She walked towards Chad and began to brush out his hair.  Chad smiled at the sensation of a girl brushing his long hair.  It felt much nicer than when he did it himself.

Endorphins filled him as Katrin worked on his head.  Once she finished, she said, "Are you ready to meet your public?"

"I don't know."

"You can't hide in here all night.  There's no way for us to judge if these are the steps that are taking you over the edge of man to girl."

Chad nodded, understanding her point as he got to his slightly, heeled feet.  "I'll just walk through the floor and give everyone a passing glance."

"Okay.  We'll have to let the girls be our eyes and ears here."

"Right," Chad seconded Katrin's reasoning.

Chad watched from the door between the kitchen and the dining room as Katrin went to each of the girls and let them know what was happening. Once the last one was told, Chad took a deep breath and forced a self-assured smile to his face.  As he walked through the dining room floor, he set about checking the girl's work as he often did when Bonnie was not working.

His heart's racing, however, made it clear that this was something much different than what he normally did.  Bonnie watched him from the counter as he moved across the floor.  She could see that most patrons paid him no attention, save for a few men giving him approving glances.

'I guess some guys like a little modesty', Bonnie thought with a smile as she saw a man leering at Chad's unconsciously swaying rear in his jeans.  She shook her head as she thought, 'They should be tighter.'

Chad felt relieved when he walked off the floor.  He could not believe that he did not hear a single person murmur something about him being a man.

His appearance had passed without eliciting a comment, let alone the ridicule he feared.  Chad stayed behind the door to the kitchen for most of the rest of the night.

He made repeated inspections of the floor and noticed that he was largely ignored by the patrons.  There was no hint of recognition of him as a cross-dresser.

Chad assumed that they still concluded that he was a man, just not a very mannish one.  As each of the girl's shifts ended, they came to him to report their findings.

Chad was perplexed as many noted their customers referring to him as a woman.

He could not believe that they could think that.  Even when he was fully en femme, he did not think he was passable.  He wondered how they could mistake him for one without a trace of makeup on his face beyond his concealer.  Katrin was excited by their findings, telling Chad, "We're getting somewhere now."

Chad nodded, unsure if he believed that or that they were heading to a destination he really wanted to reach anywhere outside of his fantasies.

The next day, Chad dressed in the clothing that Katrin had selected for him.

It was nothing he felt was overly feminine.  It consisted of a pair of high-waist, skinny jeans, and a long, chambray, button-front shirt.  Chad slipped his legs into the five-pocket, blue jeans first.

He pulled them up his legs and felt the elasticized material that was fused with the denim and hugging the curves of his legs as they ascended and took their form.  Once the jeans reached his crotch, Chad instinctively tucked his manhood.

It was something that he did every time he was en femme.  Chad paused for a moment as he stared down at the smooth front of his jeans.

He knew that it was not right.  He had not been told to do it, but the whole experiment would be flawed if there was a telltale bulge.

Chad nodded to himself, sure of his reasoning as he took hold of the shirt.  Chad slipped his arms through his shirt before he buttoned it over his padded bra and smooth, lean body.  Chad was amazed by how soft the shirt felt on his skin.  He loved the feeling that made his tucked manhood stir while he gazed down at the way the long shirt just covered his smoothened crotch.

"I guess I didn't need to tuck," Chad mused to himself without bothering to undo his handiwork.  Chad walked out of his bedroom and paired his outfit with the block-heeled loafers that Katrin had given him to wear each day.  Chad paused before stepping out the door as he struggled to get his wallet in his pants pocket.

Realizing that his pants were not made for anything like it.  He took out his cash and identification and tucked them in separate side pockets before he gazed into the mirror on the back of his apartment door.  He knew that his outfit looked especially feminine, to the point of being prohibitive of walking around his neighborhood.

He would be exposing himself to the assumption of being gay.  He was certain that his look was too solidly in between genders for any other conclusions.

With that thought in mind, Chad put on a pair of sunglasses to give himself a measure of anonymity before he slipped on a long jacket that was unnecessary for the season, but necessary, in his mind, for a safe stroll to work.  Chad stepped out of his apartment and started out of his building, he was no more than five feet from his building when he heard Julie calling out after him.  Chad's stomach sank as he knew he was going to be confronted by her.  "I think I'm going your way," Julie said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to work, right?"

"I've got no choice on that," Chad remarked, trying to brush her off. Despite his attraction to the girl, he certainly did not want to give her inspecting eyes a chance to look beyond his coat to discover what was beneath it.  He was sure that a friendly girl would soon become a distant and disgusted acquaintance if she discovered the truth, even if she believed the terms of the experiment.  "I know that owning your own business has to be tough..."

"It's an everyday thing," Chad replied with a shrug.  "That must not leave a lot of time for a social life."

"Work is my social life," Chad admitted with a hint of despondency.  He hated the truth of the statement, but his work was his life.  "When was the last time you were even on a date?"

"Jesus, that's hard for me to put my finger on," Chad answered.


Julie asked with some surprise.

"Yeah," Chad replied with an embarrassed shrug.  "Maybe you should open up yourself to..."

"I tried, but it's hard to keep something up when..."

"You have to work all the time?"

Julie finished his sentence.

"Yeah," Chad responded with half of the truth that was not embarrassing to the point of causing self-hatred.

"You seem a little distant lately," Julie noted as they neared the restaurant.

"I've just got something going on at work," Chad replied, trying to be vague, convincing and politely blunt enough to end the inquiry.  Julie took the hint before Chad said goodbye to her outside of his café.

He saw the disappointment in Julie's eyes before he stepped inside and put his keys back into his jacket pocket.  "Shit," Chad muttered to himself while he walked in and started towards his office.  Chad walked in back and took off his jacket and sunglasses.  After he put on his makeup, he waited for the girls to come in.  Bonnie was the first one through the door.  She knocked on his office door shortly after she entered and greeted her half-feminized boss with a smile.  "You look cute in that."

"I feel ridiculous," Chad admitted, even while he knew the outfit was the source of constant excitement to him.

"Why's that?"

"Look at me!  I look like a guy dressed in chick's clothing."

"Maybe you need to take it a little further if you're concerned."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, just a little more."

"But the experiment..."

"The experiment is to see when strangers start treating you like a girl, not when they become disdainful."

"I suppose you're right."

"Hold still, I've got just the thing."

Chad gave Bonnie a curious glance as she dug into her pocketbook before she removed two cosmetics he recognized instantly.  "You think that'll make a difference?"

"It's not taking you too far beyond the guy realm.  I mean, Rockers wear eyeliner, right?"

"Nobody's looking for a Rocker in here."

"Well, the lip-gloss is definitely not Rocker, well, not anymore anyway."

Chad laughed at the statement before he said, "I guess it wouldn't hurt.  Are you sure that Katrin won't be upset?"

"No.  This is totally in line with her experiment," Bonnie counseled, trying to put Chad's mind at ease.  Chad accepted her explanation and let her apply the makeup to his face.

He felt strange as his lips were coated and his eyes were framed by cosmetics.  As she worked on him, Chad could not help but wonder what a skilled hand could do to make his face appear more presentable.  Once she finished, Bonnie took a step back to admire her handiwork. She smiled as she said with a nod, "You look like a girl."

"I have a hard time believing that," Chad retorted while Bonnie put her makeup away.  "Check for yourself," Bonnie said as she handed him her compact mirror from her purse.

Chad acted stunned by his appearance, but it was something he had seen before.  He had taken it much farther in the privacy of his home.  The face looking back at him was familiar, and he believed that it was still unmistakably masculine.

"I think this was a bad idea."

"Go out there and let them see you."  "That'll just make people sick."

"You don't give yourself enough credit, toots," Bonnie said, half-jokingly.  "I'm telling you.  They're going to see right through this."

"There's only one way to find out the truth, isn't there?"

"I suppose," Chad replied as he got to his slightly heeled feet and started out of his office.

He saw the surprised look on his cooks' faces before he stepped through the door to face his customers.  He saw a few customer heads turn his way before they went back to their own lives.

His staff's eyes lingered longer.  Chad returned their smiles while he moved around without attracting much attention.

He figured that the costumed girls were far greater eye candy than he was, even if people assumed he was, in fact, a woman.  As Chad walked through the room, he heard a patron ask "Miss, Miss..."

Chad was confused before he realized that the man was talking to him. Chad swallowed hard before he answered in his best soft, high-pitched tone, "Yes, sir."

"Can you find my waitress?  We need to place a to go order."

"Of course," Chad answered with an inviting smile.  "Thank you," the man reciprocated with a grin.

'Holy shit!', Chad thought, struggling not to beam.  The man had referred to him as a woman and none of the rest of his party had said a word to correct him or given Chad a strange look.

Chad saddled up next to their waitress and told her about the request. Irina smiled as she said, "You sure seem happy about that request."

"Well, they called me, Miss," Chad answered in a whisper.  "And what do you think they should have called you?"

Irina retorted with a smile as she saw her male boss's manicured fingers cupped in front of his body.  "I just didn't expect that," Chad responded in a bubbly tone that made Irina laugh as well as Carlotta, who was in earshot.

"Make sure you report this to Katrin," Carlotta reminded Chad as Irina walked away from him.

"Please, I won't forget that," Chad responded as he nearly skipped into the kitchen to pull Katrin aside and give her the news.  Katrin jotted down Chad's experience before Feather, one his cooks, interjected, "What did you expect, babe?"

Chad shook his head, wondering if Feather had called him babe or if it was directed at Katrin.  Feather eliminated any uncertainty as he noted, "You look like a chick, buddy."

"I'm not fully dressed like a."

"You're far gone enough," Feather responded to the laughter of the other cooks.  "None of us could do it," Phil added with a shake of his head.  "No fucking way, look at our ugly asses," Bob remarked.

Chad struggled not to blush at their words.  He knew that they were sly shots at his masculinity.  They were right.  They looked sufficiently manly that they would never be confused for a girl, no matter how they dressed.  He was different though.

Part of that was by design.  He had made sure that his body was always thin.  He did not want the stereotypical masculine build that his cooks sported.  It would make things too difficult for him.  Still, that it took so little for people to take him for a girl was a bit overwhelming as he thought it over.

He could not help but question his masculinity that he wavered between embracing and despairing over.  "Don't let them bother you," Katrin whispered to her boss who had been rendered speechless.  Chad nodded before he stepped out of the kitchen.

He felt somewhat more at peace surrounded by strangers instead of the male staff who knew his secret.

Chad made another pass through the café and was talked to by a few patrons.  None of them gave any indication that they thought that Chad was not a woman.

"This is great," Chad said to himself as he went behind the cashier's counter.  Once it was time to lock up for the night, Chad relayed every conversation to Katrin.  Katrin took down every detail that Chad divulged with such eagerness.  The excitement in his high breathy tone was something that she could not miss.

He was embracing the way people looked at him.  "I think you're ready for the stress test."

"What's that?"

"That's going out as a girl."

"People think I'm a girl here."  "In the dark lighting of the café.  I'm talking about broad daylight."  "I can't do that," Chad rejoined, dropping back into his masculine tone while fear overtook him.  "You didn't think you could it do tonight, but you had a great time out there."

"I wouldn't say that," Chad lied as his excitement gave way to his better judgment again.  "I would say it," Katrin insisted.  "And you would know better than me?"

"You courted way too may conversations to not be, at the least, intrigued by what was going on."

"It was a new experience.

I don't get too many of those.  My life's like Groundhog Day for fuck's sake.  I get up and do the same thing every day."

"And you love the little change up?"

"Yes," Chad admitted.  "Well, tomorrow's your only afternoon off, so let's change that up too."

"I don't know it's..."

"It's time to see if the experiment is a complete success."

"I'd say it already is...I've already."  "No.  We need broad daylight to test it."

"If you insist..."

Chad half-pretended to relent.  "Oh, I do.  I'll be by your place at noon."

"Sounds like a plan," Chad replied before he saw Katrin out of the café.  He locked the front door before he realized that he had stepped outside without the jacket or glasses he had used to conceal his identity that afternoon.

As he looked at the dank lighting provided by the street lights, Chad was certain that he could pull off a short stroll down the street dressed as he was.  Chad walked in silence.

He passed a few people as he walked, but attracted no stares.

The girls ignored him, while men looked him over and kept on walking.

As he approached his apartment, Chad paused to make sure that he did not see anyone he knew.  He hurried towards his door and let himself inside.

He quickly closed the door behind with a racing heart.  Chad covered his mouth as he squealed into his hand in disbelief of what he had experienced that day.



Brianna Demonet

Sounds like Chad is beginning to lose life! Go Chad!

J Chimera

Love these developments. Looking forward to the next chapter.