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  • 2 How To Interact With Girls.m4a
  • 2 How To Interact With Girls.m4a




What is a girl?

"Don't interrupt your mother when I'm speaking," Lindsay said, shifting in her seat. She started applying another coat of lotion to his friend's body, rubbing it around his neck some more and working it further down his back.

"Now, how can I explain this in a way you would understand?" She paused for a moment to think before continuing.

"Men and women are extremely similar and yet extraordinarily different at the same time. We are all humans, of course. We have the same types of thoughts and worries.

We can relate to each other about this wonderful game we all play called life, but there is something extra. There is a gift that men have, but that gift comes with baggage. There is also a gift that women have, but that also comes with its own flaws. That is what makes relationships between men and women so exhilarating. Our gifts and our flaws complement each other. Of course, there are differences from individual to individual, and it is your task to solve the puzzle of that specific person.

Unfortunately, because of that, I will have to paint broad strokes for you."

She finished applying the lotion to Liam's back, and his spine shortened, causing his shoulders to be about an inch lower in relation to Lindsay's hands. She rubbed the rest of the lotion on her own arms before taking his luscious hair in her hands again and began combing through it softly with her fingers.

"Again, remember broad strokes. In general, men are the vessels of masculinity.

They are supposed to be strong for others. They are supposed to provide and lead. That doesn't necessarily have to mean men have to be big and muscular, but their spirit should be sturdy in the face of adversity to protect the ones they care about. The inability to reach those ideals, of course, can lead to corruption, as we have seen many men fall to.

They become arrogant, and they abuse their power and strength. They hold anger in their hearts, and they view those who are weaker as beneath them.

That is the folly of a man," she looked to her son as she said this. Now women, on the other hand," she said, resting one hand gently on Liam's head while she held his hair in the other, "are the vessels of the energy we refer to as femininity. We are supposed to be caring and thoughtful. We have to be resilient and steadfast, gentle yet firm. Others look to us for counsel, and the words we say should always bring value. This, of course, can lead us to become manipulative, which I am not immune to.

We can use our value as a ransom for others, but of course, that in and of itself is a double-edged sword, as that can lead us to be viewed as mere objects when that could not be further from the truth. The world that we navigate is a complicated one, and it never makes it easy for us to do our duties for our communities. This leads most to becomevein, conceited, and bitter towards others if we get wrapped up in our own devices."

She began to gently twist Liam's hair around itself.

Lindsay took a long breath before continuing.

"Having said that men and women can obviously share traits, which can often lead to the butting of heads.

"I like to think of it as a math problem. Three plus two equals five, but six minus one also equals five. That is to say, women are strong, but it's a different kind of strength than what men have.

Men are gentle, but it's a different kind of gentleness than what women possess. We take different paths to get to the same thing. But how does that relate to talking to girls?

"Zach asked. His mother's eyes pierced him, causing him to immediately fall silent. She twirled Liam's silky golden hair on the side of his head, wrapping it in and around itself until it was formed into an intricately woven, yet messily natural side bun. She reached behind her and procured a white ribbon that was shaped like a flower, and wrapped it neatly in with the bun.

"This is where we meet in the middle. It is like a dance. When a boy and a girl meet, sparks fly, and magic happens.

If those two can navigate their way through the complications of their differences and seek out what makes each other stronger, then the caring heart of a woman and the protective soul of a man sow a legacy. Leadership, along with the council, becomes wisdom. Strength and resilience become perseverance. If males and females can speak candidly and treat each other as complementary equals, that is when the seeds of love and understanding blossom.

"Upon saying this, she gently reached both hands over Liam's shoulders and down to his chest.

She massaged his chest gently before forming small cups with her hands against each pectoral. Liam's eyes were still closed, but he shivered at her touch. He let out a shaky breath as she slid her hands back up to reveal two very small protrusions pressing against the tight crop top he now wore. His nipples seemed swollen, as the shape of them was plainly visible poking behind the fabric.

Zach's breath caught. His mom just gave his best friend breasts. Okay well to be fair, they were incredibly small, but it didn't matter! He knew she had probably done this dozens of times in her life, but giving your son's best friend little girl breasts was crossing a line.

He was about to speak out when his mother gave him another cross look, and a small shake of her head.

She slid her hands further up and around Liam's shoulders, where a thin blue elastic band suddenly appeared. It somehow connected to something that had materialized beneath the tank top. Zach noticed that he could no longer see the imprint of nipples against Liam's shirt, but the slight protrusions were still there.

He finally realized that his friend was now wearing a training bra of sorts. She snapped the elastic band against the bare skin of his back, setting the undergarment in place, and rousing him from his pleasant daze.

"Of! "Liam exclaimed in an audibly higher pitch than normal. He felt back at the strap that he had been pinched with that was now fastened comfortably around his shoulders.

"What the," he voiced questioningly, looking down at himself and the altered attire he found himself in. His mouth went agape when he noticed the two out-of-place bumps on his chest.

"What are these?" he asked as he poked at one of his budding breasts, causing him to wince. They're trophies," Ms. Lindsay said proudly.

"You are well on your way to being one of the very few people in the world to see what it's like to switch teams, so to speak.

That is a pretty incredible accomplishment. But how did I get them?"

"By being a girl of course," Lindsay hummed, rubbing her hands down Liam'sarms. Zach sat awestruck. His mom had never done anything like this in front of him before. Usually, when she played her games, the victim's mind was entirely changed for her amusement or necessity, almost like they become another person. But Liam was still there... in a way. Liam looked at Zach and blushed profusely, covering the swelling spots on his chest.

"Don't look at them perv!"

"I'm not! "Zach recoiled, his cheeks turning beet red in response as well. Lindsay let out a motherly belly laugh, disturbing the awkward tension. The air in the room lightened, and the light became more vibrant.

"Oh boys and girls. Always at it. Liam withdrew into himself bashfully but didn't protest her words.

"How long have I been a girl?"

"You're not entirely a girl yet, but your body and mind are currently on the fast track toward womanhood. If you keep following your new feminine instincts, you'll be one in no time. From one girl to another, I recommend you seize the opportunity you've been granted," the mother said comfortingly as she held a mirror up to Liam's face.

For the first time, Liam got to see his new hair and the flattering style it had been woven into.

"Woah," he said looking at every detail of it.

"It's so," he paused momentarily as if trying to find the right word before settling on one, "pretty.

"To Zach, it still looked awkward because of the strange hybrid state that his mom had left Liam in.

His face was the same; it just had really girly hair sitting on top of it. Zach at least knew enough about girls to know he probably shouldn't voice that opinion. He couldn't deny, however, that his friend had taken on a feminine presence that seemed to be pervading his entire being.

"Well, kiddos, with that I'll let you both continue where you left off," Lindsay said, standing and smoothing the skirts of her dress.

"I'm making bean and ham soup for lunch if you want to come down in a bit to eat."

"Wait! "Liam exclaimed.

"I'm so confused, and my head feels all fuzzy. I don't know what's happening right now. Am I supposed to be a girl or a boy? I don't remember being like this, but it also feels natural. Well, it's really quite simple, sweetie. When all of this started, you were a girl named Leah, correct?"

"Yeah. I think so. I was teaching Zach how to talk to girls. Well, Leah, my sweet young lady, that's all you need to know then. The rest is up to you to figure out. Life has no easy button. Just don't do anything naughty," Lindsay said tersely before walking out the door.

ait, Mom! "Zach yelled after her.

"You didn't actually explain how to talk to girls. Start with Hello! "His mother yelled back at him, not delaying her exit. After what felt like an incredibly long dream, the two were alone in the bedroom once again. They stared at each other awkwardly; neither knew quite what to say.

"Hello?" they said in near-perfect unison. Both of them cracked a smile. Each smile forced the other to widen further until they both broke into a fit of laughter. Laughter at their current strange circumstance, laughter at the relief that they were still friends, laughter about just being young and alive on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

"I have no idea what's going on," Leah said humorously with a slow shake of her head as the laughter began to die down.

"To be honest, I don't know either," Zach said with a chuckle. He felt a pang of guilt upon saying it. In truth, he probably had a lot better idea of what was going on than his friend did. He had the obvious context that his mother was an enchantress and that among a large list of abilities that she possessed were abilities that allowed her to change someone's sex and mess with their mind.

Although strange, he at least had a clear picture of the wacky occurrences that were constantly occurring in his life. On the other hand, there was no way of knowing what was going on in Liam's mind. The fact that he didn't even know about the existence of magic probably further complicated the current situation he was in. At the moment, the only thing Zach could do was trust his mother and hope that she left Liam in a decent mental space in the midst of whatever it was she was planning.

"Um. I'm Leah, I guess?

"Leah introduced herself in a questioning way."

And I'm Zach," Zach confirmed, remembering when they had started their little mock conversation less than only half an hour ago nearly the same way. Zach wondered if his mom had been the one to instigate this in the first place. Had she urged Liam to have this dumb idea, the idea to pose as a girl that he could talk to? He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw a tear drip down Leah's cheek.

"What's wrong? ," he asked, stepping toward her. She took a step back, holding up her hands.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just really overwhelmed. I don't know how to feel right now."

Her tears flowed freely as she stood there. She fanned her face dramatically with her hand in the same way Zach had seen so many girls do when they were either hot or crying. After a few minutes passed, she seemed to get a better hold of her emotions."

How about some cookies?" he asked simply, trying not to sound too awkward.

"God yes," Leah said through a tired sob.

They each sat at the desk, with a plate of cookies between them and a glass of milk for each. Zach took the first bite, "They're a little cold now."

"I don't care," Leah said hungrily. She dipped her cookie in the glass of milk and put the whole thing in her mouth.

"They're my favorite regardless of temperature.

"She looked pitiful with streams of remnant tears slowly trickling down her face and a mouth full of cookies, but he couldn't help but admire her mental fortitude. Zach had no clue how would've reacted had he been randomly put in her shoes. Leah took a long deep breath and sat back in her chair, taking a quick bite of another cookie. A little bit of the chocolate smeared on her face.

"Ugh! This is so confusing! "Leah exclaimed, looking down at herself. A few crumbles of cookie fell on her lap alongside a couple of tears.

"I'm pretty sure I was a boy just pretending to be a girl a few minutes ago, but now I have," she poked at the small bumps on her chest as if checking to make sure they were real, only then noticing her meticulously manicured fingernails. She held her hand up to show Zach, gasping with exasperation.

"Now I'm like this! "Zach didn't know what to say. What could he say? He just decided to nod stupidly."

I'm not crazy, right? My head feels all blurry, but I'm sure I was a guy and we were hanging out, and then," she paused, trying to remember exactly what happened, "and then Leah!"

"I mean, I feel like Leah, like a girl, but I don't know what to do with it. Your mom said to follow my feminine instincts. I don't even know what that means.

Well," Zach started unsurely, "I won't deny that this is really weird, even for me. But if you say you feel like a girl now, then wouldn't following your feminine instincts just mean doing what you feel like?

"Leah's brow scrunched up in an expression of deep thought.

"Do what I feel? How I feel as Leah: " She went silent for a moment, slowly nibbling at another cookie. She delicately wiped her tears as they ran down her face, each time getting distracted by the girly appearance of her hands. That then caused her to look down at the entirety of herself and all of her new features. That cycle continued two or three times in silence as the two sat and ate cookies together. Feeling a little better?

"Zach asked as her tears finally began to dry and her quiet sniffles subsided."

A little," Leah nodded.


"I didn't do anything though. Just a general thanks then.For what?"

"Just accept my thank you, okay?"

"Okay. You're welcome?

"Zach offered half-heartedly.

"So....Leah waited for Zach to finish his thought, but he didn't. So they sat in silence again, looking at different parts of the room haphazardly, neither one truly wanting to make eye contact with the other. Are you going to say something?

"Leah asked finally. What should I say?

"She groaned, "Okay, we started doing this in the first place so that you get more comfortable talking to girls, right? You need to say something. Yeah, but this will only really work if I see you as a girl," she stated. Leah seemed taken aback.

"You don't see me as a girl? What do you see, Meas?"

"My friend. For a moment, Leah's expression appeared like she was looking at the cutest puppy in the world.

"Aww. That's actually really sweet. But you know, you can have a friend who's a girl, right?"

"I guess. I've just never had a girl as a friend before. Well, now you do. As much as I'm unsure about it myself right now, I can say semi-confidently that I am a girl. If you say so," Zach shrugged ed.d.

"I'm toast to me being a girl," Leah announced, holding up her glass of milk. Zach held his glass up to hers, clinking them together musically. They each tilted their glasses back and began to gulp down the cold and refreshing milk.

Zach stopped drinking when he noticed a strange movement out of his peripheral vision. As Leah chugged, her little breast buds were actually swelling further, encompassing a wider surface area of her chest, and tenting her tank top ever so slightly. Going from subtly swollen bumps to pert mounds that now filled the small bra that adorned her chest. She finished her drink and slammed her glass down triumphantly just as they stopped growing. Her breasts were still pretty small, but there was no arguing that his friend had an actual pair of boobs now.

"What?" she asked, looking down at what Zach was staring at. She looked back up with fiendishly narrowed eyes.

"Oh, you're having trouble seeing me as a girl, huh? Give me a break."

She shoved another cookie into her mouth emphatically, a smile curving on her chocolate-covered lips.

The next few minutes they spent idly trading small talk about how the weather had been recently or interesting world events. It wasn't until they got to the topic of school and playing basketball did Leah's memory got hazy.

It's weird. It's like I have dreamy memories of being a boy at school and playing on the basketball team, but I also remember being a girl too. I just don't have any idea what I did as a girl specifically," she said, munching down on the last cookie. That must feel weird. It's probably because you didn't actually do anything as a girl since you're just now becoming one. That would make sense," she agreed.

"I wonder who I would be in school then? Zach tilted his chair backward.

"That's actually kind of interesting, and it might help the whole talking to a girl thing if we actually figure out who you are as a girl. That might be a good idea," Leah said, rubbing her chin. As she did so, the small stubble that Liam had been so proud of not too long ago flaked off, leaving his chin smooth and hairless.

"What's on my face?" Lea asked. She looked at the minuscule blonde bits of hair in her hand.

"Ewwit's hair," she realized, rubbing at her face and incidentally brushing off any surviving whiskers that may have been trying to grow there. She seemed completely oblivious to how symbolic an act that was. Zach didn't feel a need to draw attention to it. They were both aware of what was happening to her or him, more or less.

"So do you think you would be on the girl's basketball team? Leah shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe? I still like the idea  of basketball."

To try?" Zach offered. You're going to fall," Leah stated randomly. Huh? Leaning your chair back like that is dangerous. You're going to fall. Are you turning into my mom or something? Leah raised her eyebrow testily.

"No, but maybe you should. Then you would have some common sense."

"I'm I'm fi" At that particularly well-timed moment; Zach lost his grab on the table, causing his chair to fall backward and sending him sprawling to the ground."

I told you," she said, standing from her seat bouncily, "Let's go shoot some hoops."

'That stupid freaky omniscient girl thing,' Zach thought to himself as Leah strode past him. It wasn't just a fluke thing during her massage session. 'She's definitely becoming a girl, alright.'...Zach dribbled the ball expertly, weaving the ball between his legs before jumping back for a fadeaway shot. Nothing but net. They were out on his driveway now, where he had a basketball hoop set up for practice. Leah stepped out with her ball and began dribbling smoothly. She looked up and took an ambitious shot from the three-point line, only for it to fall painfully short.

"Huh?" she looked at herself confusedly, only seeing the state of her arms for the first time. They were slender and smooth, with barely any muscle definition whatsoever.

"My arms. They weren't always like this, were they?

Maybe you should just try shooting from closer up," Zach suggested, dodging the question. Both Liam and Zach had worked out endlessly to get the muscles needed to be competitive in their sport. In one quick message session, Liam's had completely disappeared.

"I guess so," Leah said, clearly troubled. She stepped up to the free-point line and took the shot. It looked clean and went straight in. Whoo!

You still got it," Zach said, glad that his friend was able to make Ashot. For the most part, it looked like his skill had persisted through this transformation; it was just his physicality that hadn't.




Leah should be careful dribbling the basketball with her now manicured fingernails and I think with all the changes that are taking place,If It were me I would check between my legs and see If I still had a penis.


An interesting exchange of concepts between two friends who are just starting their journey of discovery. Good to see that both aspects (male/female) are being explored with sensitivity and understanding. Looking forward to more instalments.🙏🏻💁‍♀️