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  • 16 It wasn't my Fault - The chess club.m4a
  • 16 It wasn't my Fault - The chess club.m4a




The next day, we got woken up to a sneak attack by Sandra's cousins. I must say it's weird being woken up by a pillow fight, but I realized what was going on and grabbed my pillow and defended my club mates. I saw Jay, Ben, and Jeremey come to the door, probably drawn by the squealing.

Ben and Jeremey just stood at the door and laughed, but Jay grabbed a pillow and charged in, squealing like a girl to help his girlfriends. Once the battle was won, we headed downstairs for breakfast and were greeted with Britney cooking breakfast with Miss Robinson and Miss Sexton.

It was obvious that they hadn't slept, and by the way they worked with each other, you'd think they'd known each other for ages. Ben asked if there was anything he could do; they said to get the table set for everybody, which we happily did.

Ben then told the girls to sit down, including Jay, and then he and Jeremey started placing the plates with the cut fruit and toast on the table. Ben grabbed a tray and put the plate full of freshly cooked bacon and the plate of fried eggs that Britney gave him, then she told him to come back soon as she'd have more for him shortly.

As Ben did that, Jeremey had a tray with serving bowls, one with baked beans and one with scrambled eggs. The other bowl had hot porridge, and he was serving it to any girl who wanted some. Once everyone at the table was fed, Ben and Jeremey told the three ladies to sit down and eat, and Steph told the boys to eat as well. Steph said she'd start the dishes as soon as she was finished eating.

Even though Britney and the chaperones told everyone to leave the cleanup for them,

Everyone got stuck in, and it was done in no time at all. Once the kitchen was cleaned, Miss Sexton thanked everyone and told everybody to go get dressed and packed so everyone would be ready to be either dropped off or picked up.

She also told everyone there was a large envelope with their name on it at the front door to give to their parents about the ad campaign and a release form for the photos.

The club members didn't want to go home, especially Beth and Nikki.

Ben told Beth, My friends are your friends now, and they will look out for you as they are also my family like you, and if you want, you can always go to Stacy's and send me an email or just send me a letter. You'll just have to go to Stacy's to get my reply, as Mom will have a fit if you get a letter from me and she doesn't get one. Steph said the same thing to Nikki but added that she'll try and get home most weekends; she'll just be staying at Julie's place. Ok, Nikki liked that idea a lot.

Miss Sexton asked everyone in the club if they needed a safe place to go. Please come here, and to Ben, she told him that when he's on leave, he'll stay here.

That's clear and private, she said in her manager's voice, which she hardly ever uses. Ben said yes, ma'am, I will, then he told Beth he'll get four days off in two weeks, so I'll come back then and we'll spend some time together, ok, sis. They hugged, then he walked to Steph's car as she offered to drop him off at his barracks as it was on her way back to Cambridge.

Then Miss Sexton and Miss Robinson took us home. My mother was happy to see me, as I obviously had a great time. For once, I was talking to her about the fun and the salon visit and picking out the party dresses. Mom asked me to put them on and show her, which I happily did.

When I came back downstairs, Mum was reading the paperwork for the ad campaign and photo release, and as soon as I did a turn in front of her, Mum signed the paperwork and had me post it that afternoon. By the chatter on Monday, everyone's mother was happy to sign as well. School was normal, and we kept our eyes open for anything new from the mothers.

Jeremey taught us how to pick locks so we could open our mother's filing cabinets and offices any time we wanted.

Britney showed up at school one Thursday and introduced two fellow officers, Brett Kraft, and Josey Boot, to the club and told us they could be trusted, but after what our mothers had done to us, we didn't trust anyone older than 20 who we didn't know. They could tell from the start that we were unsure about them.

I was blunt about it and said, Why should I trust you? looking straight at the female officer. She stood tall, looked at all of us, and said, I'm trans, so I know what it's like to be treated like you're not a person. Her statement did surprise me, but I didn't show it. I then looked at the male officer and said, How about you?

He replied I was petrified until I was 18, then I walked out of my mother's house and never went back. She tried to threaten me to go back, but I wouldn't go. Luckily for me, my grandmother on my father's side took me in and let me stay with her as I put myself through college. Once I graduated with a degree in business and criminology, I was about to enroll in the police service, but my grandmother got sick, so I looked after her until she passed away. I became a copper after that.

I'm just lucky that my mother didn't try to give me hormones, seeing as she went to Cambridge College. We all looked at Britney, and she nodded, and Brett said, I'm on your side, as I understand some of what you're going through. Britney said there's another officer I'm going to introduce you to, but she's in court today.

Her name is Officer Maddi Crome. She doesn't like telling her story, but she's said I can tell you guys that she lost her brother because of a controlling girlfriend who forcibly feminized him and controlled everything he did, even who he talked to.

She even stopped him from talking to his sister. She was turning him into something he didn't want to be.

He finally couldn't take it anymore, and after his supposed girlfriend went to sleep, he took a shitload of pills and emailed his sister, telling her what he'd done and why he did it. She was working, so three hours after he sent the email on her first break, she got a chance to read it. She showed her sergeant the email while she called the ambulance.

Her sergeant called the operations room to send some units to her brother's address and to initiate a break-in as there was a suspected suicide at the scene. Sadly, he was dead when the officers and the EMTs arrived, but they found the girlfriend yelling and hitting his body, saying he wasn't allowed to kill himself without her permission.

She's being held on interfering with a body, as Legal is still thinking about what else they'll be adding to her charges, as she's denying she did anything to harm her boyfriend even though she had a key for a steel restraint Lachlan had on. Maddi's brother had a detailed diary, and he wrote everything down, including everything his girlfriend did to him, how it made him feel, and what she said to him, plus sometimes he was able to record her straight to the cloud. She was also studying psychology at Cambridge, and she moved out of Florence House to move in with Lachlan Maddi's brother.

I asked Britney if she pacifically went looking for Brett and Maddi; no, they found me, as Maddi can't work on her brother's case. She was looking into Florence House, and she saw that I was inquiring about Florence House as well, and she came and sussed me out as to why I was looking into the house. Brett was the same; the only one I went looking for was Josey, as I've worked with her before and I know her history.

Just to be safe, I've checked them all out with Ebony's backroom team, and they all checked out. So officially, we are looking into the new sisterhood political party, and seeing as the candidate and most of her staff are alumnae of Florence House, we have grounds to look into Florence House. Jay said, Will you be able to share what you find out?

Britney said officially no, but I'm sure any black hat worth his salt could hack my computer if they wanted. I should also be getting any information about Florence House from Lachlan's suicide/murder case, as they are still considering charging her with murder. Julie asked, Won't it look odd that three police officers are coming to talk to us at school?

Britney said it normally would, but we have a report of abuse of power and possibly child abuse, and we have to talk to the students. Miss Bright is shitting herself right now, as I've had to inform her of the allegations made against her, and she's asked me to keep it quiet as she may lose her job just on the allegations.

We all laughed at that. Britney asked if we still played chess in the center of Tudor Park on Sunday. I told her we did, and she said all four of us would see you there. Nikki and Beth said Steph and Ben would be home on the weekend.

That Saturday Mum took me and my besty shopping but we mostly got stuff for Jennifer on Sunday we met at the tables in the center of the park and shortly after that Britney and her team showed up and flat out told us everything and Britney told Jeremey to hack her computer just to make it look like that's how the information got out and she gave him a thumb drive with the names of everybody who's lived or worked at Florence House and told us that our mothers definitely knew each other as they either shared a room or had the room across the hall from each other also Doctor Miller had a room down the hall from your mothers as she was in her second year of medical school when your mothers started at the college.

Britney asked if we could go through the list from Florence House and find out what they are doing now, as Ebony thinks one of the owners of her company is an alumnus of Florence House. Also, can you find out which ones have sons who were either petted or got GSR?

She then asked us if we would mind sharing our stories with her team, and they shared theirs. The mounted unit showed up as four uniformed officers sitting with a bunch of kids, which did draw attention, but Britney talked to them and walked them away from us as Britney explained that they were part of a trial scheme of having officers in schools on a semi-regular basis so that the kids accepted them and felt comfortable talking to them.

After talking to her team, we felt more comfortable with them.

After listening to the officers, Steph gave photographic evidence that proved to us and Britney that the mothers definitely knew each other, as she had copied every photo in Florence House that she could find, and she also took photos of where they were.

She also told Maddi that her brother's murderer was well known for being a total militant feminist who believes men are only good for sperm donation and nothing else. Britney gave her the card of the investigating officer in Lachlan's case and asked her to contact her with that information, and she'd let her know that Steph would be calling her.

After that, it got uneventful for a couple of months, apart from the computer searches and what was happening to the sisterhood.

The Sisterhood Party was getting some bad press for being a male-hating feminist group, as Stacy had put the word out about them, and some of their members couldn't hold back and really told some reporters what they thought of men and what should happen to them. Britney took great delight in listing them as a hate group. A month after that, Steph had graduated with honors and was staying at Julie's place. The following Wednesday, we all decided to congratulate her instead of playing chess and talking things over in the park.

We were telling Steph what the militant feminists had been doing when Britney got a call from Maddi.

Britney then got Steph. Jay, Nikki, and I went together and told us what had happened.

Bridget Cutler's mother and my mother, Jenny Bea, were coming home from the Wednesday meeting, and they had a car accident. Bridget Cutler was killed instantly, but Mum was critically injured, and it looked like someone had run them off the road as Bridget Cutler had sisterhood written all over her car.

And Britney was going to take us to the hospital.

As we were getting into her car, I had an idea. I was thinking of how to get access to the storage unit instead of what happened to my mother. It may sound cold, but my feelings for my mother had really cooled over the last 2 years. I told Britney my idea, and she smiled and said, You're always thinking on your feet, Alex. She called Maddi and told her to go to the storage unit that FEMink.co owned and lock it as it's part of the deceased estate and no one can access it until the estate has been settled.

Then she called Brett and Josey and told one of them to go to the Cutter house and the other one to go to the Bea house and to not let anybody in except immediate family.

Britney drove us to the hospital, where I found out that my mother had been rushed to the hospital with a broken arm and two broken legs, as well as cracked ribs and a head injury. While I was waiting to talk to the doctors, I consoled Nikki and Jay. It was a weird feeling after what our mothers had done to us, but we still had some feelings towards them. I was upset that my mother was injured, and I wanted her to get better, but that was all I felt, and by the looks on Nikki and Jay's faces, they felt pretty much the same way. Steph had to identify her mother's body.

When she came back to us, she had a far-off look in her eyes. I hugged her and asked if she was alright. She realized where she was and hugged me back. All the club members had arrived and were waiting with us in the waiting room. So was Britney; she was holding my hand and hugging Nikki or Jay. She was like a big sister, always there to give comfort to us.

Maddi showed up to talk to Britney. Then, after they talked in hushed voices,

She cleared her throat and told us that Bridget Cutler was run off the road by a guy who was attacked by some of the militant feminists from the sisterhood party a week earlier. Apparently, they took great delight in holding him down and urinating on his face, then repeatedly kicking him in the testicles till he couldn't move, then throwing him in a canal.

The guy reported the assault from his hospital bed. This was his first day back at work after being cleared for work. Today's traffic was horrendous because of the bus driver's strike, so the truck driver was stressed out. Then Bridget Cutler passed him with her car made up of all the Sisterhood promotional material, and he lost it and rammed her car with his truck. He's a blubbering mess now that he realizes what he's done.

Jeremey was sitting on his laptop as usual, listening to Britney, when his phone pinged, then pinged again, and he called out to Britney and said someone had broken into Jay and Alex's house. Britney said, How do you know that?

Jeremey talked fast and told her that we had put cameras in all the communal areas of our houses, plus the officers of the mothers, and that he just got a notification that somebody was in the kitchens of Jay and Alex's houses. He pointed at his laptop, which showed a split screen showing each house's kitchen with a dark human figure in it.

Jeremey said they were moving towards the hallway. Britney said to Maddi, Call Josey, and I'll call Brett. When Britney got hold of Brett, she told him that someone was inside the house and to talk to Jeremey. She then handed her phone to Jeremey. Britney grabbed her radio, called control, and told them that there was a break in progress at two different addresses and that they had gained access through the back of the property with one officer already on the scene at both addresses.

Meanwhile, Jeremey and Maddi were talking Brett and Josey through where the intruders were.

Sandra and her mother walked into the waiting room right then, and Britney said, Ebony, give me your phone, please. Miss Sexton unlocked her phone and handed it to Britney.

Britney then called the operations room manager and told him what she was seeing on the computer screen in front of her, she also asked for a unit to check out the storage unit as it was part of a 40 million-pound estate that could be linked to these break-ins in progress.

The intruders heard the police cars pull up out the front, plus their flashing lights lit the house up with blue lights, so they went to leave by the back door but found it blocked by an officer, so they ran upstairs and jumped out of a rear window.

One was found in Jay's backyard with their legs broken. The intruder from Alex's house got away, but they cut themselves badly with the amount of blood they left at the scene as they broke a window and jumped through it, cutting themselves.

Britney talked to the senior controller, then she hung up, handed Ebony back her phone, and asked her, Can these four stay with you tonight? Ebony said, of course, they can.

Julie asked, Can I stay too, as Mum is working tonight? Ebony said, of course, darling. Britney told us all to stay here with Ebony until I got back, as Jeremey handed her phone back to her.

A voice from the back said, But we have to get back to Mom. It was then that I realized Josie and Jasmine, Sam and Tom's little sisters, were here. Sam and Tom told their sisters to shut up and do what the police officer tells you, or she can arrest you for failure to comply with a police directive. Britney thanked Sam and Tom for pointing that out to your sisters.

I'll be back shortly, and she was with two uniformed officers that she posted at the door and told us these two will keep you safely here. I'll be back soon. And she was gone. We sat and watched TV and waited for Britney or the surgeon, whichever came first.

It was Britney who beat the surgeon, but only Britney was about to say something but let the surgeon go first.

He asked which one of us was Alex. I put my hand up, and he told me that they'd fixed Mom's other injuries, but it was Mom's concussion that was concerning them, and that if Mom lasted the next 72 hours, she'd live, but they wouldn't know the damage until the swelling went down. I thanked him and turned to Britney.

Britney told us to sit down, then said Ebony. I'm glad you've got a big house, then she looked at Jennifer and said you'll have to stay with Ebony as we've charged your mother with breaking and entering and failing to yield to police. She's got a broken leg as she jumped out of a window at Jay's. We're still looking for the person who broke into Alex's house, but we know they hurt as they jumped through a window and got cut up pretty badly by the amount of blood at the scene. We're checking every doctor's office for an injured person. I asked, Did you check Doctor Miller? Britney said yes, but luckily for her, she's in London performing surgery.

And Alex, that was a great idea, as the officers I had sent to the storage unit disturbed two people trying to break into the unit; they got away, but they didn't use gloves, so we got some great prints, so if they've been arrested before, we'll get them, but if they haven't, the CSI's may come up with something. Right then, Britney's phone rang, and she excused herself.

We then heard her say, You're kidding, ok, get her to pack some clothes for a week or more, then take her here, and we heard Britney give Maddi Sandra's address.

Britney came back to us and said Beth flagged Maddi down. Apparently, Susan Waken had a very deep cut on her leg, and she wouldn't let Beth call an ambulance. Jest told her to get some bandages from the shop. So Beth saw all the flashing lights as she was walking to the shop and decided to flag a copper down to look at her mom's leg instead, and it happened to be Maddi.

So Maddi charged Susan Waken on suspicion and had her sent to the hospital to have her leg sewn up. Now I've arranged for transport for everyone, and one of these officers will drive your car home. Ebony and Pam will come to your place after her shift.

Sam asked Britney, Are you looking for our mothers as well? Britney said yes, the car we found at the storage unit is registered to your mother. Sam, so we're looking for Tom's mother as well. As the CSIs said, there were two people trying to break into the unit. Tom said I'd be looking for my mother too if I were you, Britney.

Britney told us she'd meet us at Sandra's house. I have to talk to the legal section.

I made sure the hospital had my phone number. Then we were all escorted down to a minivan big enough to take all of us. Miss Sexton gave her car keys to one of the officers, then jumped in front and told the driver the address.

We were a mix of excitement and disbelief at what had happened. I didn't know how I should feel.

We pulled up at Sandra's house, and Maddi and Beth were waiting just inside the door. I hugged Beth, then I asked Maddi if I could go to my house and get some clothes. Maddi pointed at a pile of bags. She explained that she had sent a female officer to our houses with orders to pack for a couple of weeks. Jennifer groaned upon hearing that someone had packed for her. Maddi said I made sure they were officers with a girly side, not a butch officer. That news made Jennifer happier.

Right then, Miss Sexton came in with her housekeeper and said, I'm sorry I have to do this to you girls, but the top floor of this house has been closed off for over a year and has only had the basic cleaning done, so we will all have to pitch in and get it clean; it should only take an hour or so.

Josie and Jasmine whined about having to work, saying that's what domestics are for, to which Tom answered them that unless you want to end up in a state-run orphanage, you'll shut the fuck up and do as you told me, as I'm quite happy to help out so I can stay here. Jasmine said you can't talk to me like that. I'll tell Mummy, and she'll punish you.

Sam said you were told to shut the fuck up, and when you see our mothers, you can tell them anything you fucking well like, but I have a feeling the next time we see our mothers, they will be behind bars. Josie said Sam's right Jasmine, if they cared about us, they wouldn't have tried to break into that unit thing; they would've been at home waiting for us.

Besides, we agreed to never tell Sam and Tom again since we found that journal in Mom's bedroom that said she was looking forward to your 18th birthday so you could get G.R.S. and she would get 15 million pounds, and seeing as you've completed the 3 stages of feminization, she'll get 6 million pounds a year for the rest of her life.

I asked, Did you read that recently, Josie? She said yes, but it was in an old journal. I looked at Maddi, who had heard Josie's statement, then called Sam and Tom over to her to talk to them. I found out later from Tom that Maddi asked where to look for evidence of their feminization.

We all got stuck taking the dust sheets off the furniture and airing out the top floor.

I had to ask Sandra how her mom ended up with such a big house. Sandra got a little shy about my question but answered me, It's been in our family for generations; you may as well know the whole story. Mum actually has a title, Your Ladyship Sexton, and someday the title will fall to me.

I'm told we used to have houses in London and Edinburgh, but now we only have this house and the estate in the country that Mom converted, so it's 90 percent farming and hydroponic plus horse breeding, so the crops and the breeding help support the family and not be a money pit like it used to be.

I said, Wow.

Sandra asked me to please don't act any differently around her as she's not stuck up. That's why she goes to public school and not a private school, as mom doesn't want me to become a stuck-up bitch like some of her school friends are. I said that was okay with me and got back to cleaning.

When we were finished, we were given our rooms, which some of us had to share. That's when I found out Maddi was staying with us. Jeremey and Jay stayed in the room they had last time, even though Jeremey didn't have to stay.

He wanted to be close so he could help, which I got to share with my best friend Jennifer. Nikki and Beth shared a room, as did Sam and Tom, their little sisters. Julie shared with Sandra Steph, and Pam Robitson had their own rooms. Maddi asked that three rooms be made up for Britney, Brett, and Josie, as they would be staying on a rotation basis.

Britney came back later that night and told us that she'd talked to the Chief Superintendent, and he'd spoken to Ben's commanding officer. Ben will be here by 9 a.m. tomorrow so he can make arrangements for his sister.

Jennifer said at least John can come back now. Jeremey said he would, but he's been talking to guys who were made to wear dresses by their mothers; he's also been talking to some women who were boys. From what he's told me, most of the men are very traumatized by their experiences; some were put into chastity devices as punishment, plus they had some form of corporal punishment done to them, and they feel humiliated about talking about their experiences.

It's the same story for the women, but they have the added trauma of being turned into women against their will, plus they have to deal with the emotional trauma of being forced to go out with males when they're attracted to females, so they don't want to have to deal with the humiliation of going public, as that's what will happen if they try to sue their mothers.

John is trying to get them to come forward, but it's hard, and he has to do this under the radar of the sisterhood as some of the women are still living with their mothers.

Jennifer said I hope he's being careful; I don't want anything to happen to him. Jeremey said I've told him to watch his back. I’d like to send someone with him other than a driver.




I have been following this story from the beginning. I feel confused by the amount of peripheral information. This volume of information seems to delay the progression of the main story. A good story, despite my complaint.❤️