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  • 2 AudioTapes Changed Me Into A Girl.m4a
  • 2 AudioTapes Changed Me Into A Girl.m4a




Chapter 4: A New Self-Image

On Monday morning, Alex was wearing a black blouse with his hair tied back in a ponytail and foundation carefully applied. "You're looking nice this morning!" Caroline said.

"Thanks; I try my best!" Alex said.

At school, many people noticed how clear and clean Alex's skin looked and commented on it. Of course, no one suspected he was using foundation because it never occurred to them that a boy might use it. Although a fair number of people noticed his slightly arching eyebrows and changing figure and had a bit of a laugh about this,

On Wednesday, there was no mistaking how feminine Alex looked. He was wearing an old multicolored jumper that he used to hate, his hair was in pigtails, and as well as foundation, he was wearing his lipstick. Most people who had noticed the changes coming over Alex just noted the change, shrugged and carried on with their lives. In a few groups, Alex's old friends among them viciously teased him. Seeing this and Alex getting upset, Caroline took him into a room off the corridor.

"Change over," Caroline said.

Instantly, Alex entered the trance and said, "Alex, from now on, you will not care what other people think of what you look like or do and will not get upset over it. You will just act as if the people who are teasing you are not here. Wake up." Alex awoke.

"I noticed the teasing; how are you feeling?" Caroline asked.

"Fine, it's their problem if they can't accept me!" Alex said.

By the end of the week, everyone had gotten used to Alex's new looks, and any teasing that occurred mostly dried up. Alex's schoolwork was still improving; he was now getting high scores in his classes. Alex's skin had also become soft, and his body shape was slowly changing. He now had a bosom of an average size for a girl his age who would need a bra within the next week or so.

Once more, on Friday night, when Alex was having a bath, Caroline gave him another tape to listen to.

Placing the tape in his walkman, Alex pressed play. Ten minutes into the tape, Alex once more went into a trance.

"On Saturday, you will announce that you want to change your name to a female one; you will not like any names that have a male equivalent. You will also throw away your male shoes; in your wardrobe, you will find a new pair of shoes. You will wear only female shoes.

As usual, you will not question their appearance. You will revel in your increasing femininity and changes in your body; you will be proud of your new figure when it develops, and you will want to show it off when it is appropriate. Now, think of your reaction to an attractive female; think of how a sexy woman turns you on. You now feel no attraction towards females at all, as you now see them as having the same sex as you. You are now attracted to males only; all the reactions and attractions you associate with women will now make you feel towards men.

Having a man in your arms makes you feel safe and wanted. When aroused, you will never again get an erection; instead, your nipples will become hard and sensitive. But you will only be this way after you see your new poster when your room is redecorated. All your movements and gestures will be totally feminine, and your voice from now on will be feminine too. And finally, you will be aware that the vitamins you have been taking are female hormones, and you will be grateful for your mother's help."

At breakfast on Saturday, Alex spoke to his stepmother, "Mom, I have come to a decision. I want to change my name."

"Oh, really, what did you have in mind?" Caroline asked as she was curious about what he would choose.

"I want to be called Amy from now on; Alex doesn't exist anymore, really!" Alex said.

"Very well, we can get your name changed by deed poll this week, and I can get the registers changed at school as well," Caroline said.

"Thanks, Mom, can we do some shopping today, buy me some new clothes, and redecorate my room?" Amy asked.

"Well, we still have a large amount of the life insurance settlement from your father, so I don't see why not; I'm sure he'd approve!" Caroline finished, 'but I'm sure he wouldn't,' Caroline thought.

Thanking her mother, Amy finished her breakfast and went upstairs to clean out her room. All the traditional male trappings were thrown out; most of Alex's clothes were bagged up to be given to a charity shop. Amy just kept a pair of trousers that barely fit her changing frame to wear to the shops.

After traveling for half an hour, they reached the Cambridge city center and parked. "There are so many shops; I don't know where to go first!" Amy stated.

Entering a clothing store that caters to young women Amy's eyes opened wide at the sheer choice of clothing available; she sprang to life immediately. Amy picked out five outfits: a short black dress with flowers down the left side and shoe-string straps; tight denim jeans, a denim jacket, and a purple satin blouse; a denim mini-skirt and a block-colored jumper; a beige jumper and a white mini-skirt; and finally, a lime green mini dress with a plunging neckline and front zip. I have got to try these on Mom; come on, come on.

Smiling Caroline said to herself, "Yes, she is much better as a girl than as a boy!"

Amy tried on the black dress first, and she emerged with a big smile on her face. "I just love this dress; how does it look on me?" She asked enthusiastically.

"You look really sweet in that dress; it really suits you!" Caroline said.

"Great! I'll try on the next outfit." With that remark, Amy disappeared back into the changing room. Amy tried on the other outfits one after the other, and Caroline decided that they were all good choices and suited her well.

When Amy was ready to pay, Caroline stopped her. "Hold on, young lady; you can't live with just this small selection of clothes; come with me.", Amy followed her stepmother. Amy ended up with several more skirts of varying lengths, numerous tee's, jumpers, and cardigans, as well as several pairs of shoes. After one more stop to get several sets of underwear, from bras to pants and everything in between, at the last moment, Caroline remembered to pick up a handbag, purse, and clutch bag for Amy. They then went to the checkout and paid.

After putting Amy's new clothes in the car, Caroline took Amy to another shop. "Where are we going now, mom?" she asked.

"We're going to get you some more make-up; you will need more than that small collection of yours," Caroline said as they entered another store.

"Hello ladies, how may I help you?" The clerk said

"Yes, were she to purchase some new make-up for my daughter? She is turning 18 soon and needs a new look." Caroline said.

"Of course, I know just the colors that will suit her." The clerk finished, disappeared under the counter, and reappeared with a selection of lipsticks, eye shadows, and nail polishes, among others. After an hour of trying on the various shades, Amy left the store with a fairly large selection.

"Just one more thing: you need your ears pierced. You also need some pretty earrings to wear afterward, as well as necklaces and bracelets." Caroline said and headed for a store frequented by teen-age girls for jewelry that also did ear piercing. After an hour in the store, Amy left with a jewelry box and a large selection of jewelry. "Right, we have enough to get you started. Let's see what we can find for your room!"

After a 10-minute drive, Caroline and Amy arrived at a DIY and housing store.

While looking at colors for Amy's room, she picked out some bright colors that Caroline did not like. "Change Over," Caroline whispered in Amy's ear. Hearing this, Amy entered a trance. "Amy, from now on, all your tastes will be totally feminine. You will only choose feminine colors for the decoration of your bedroom, which means pastels and pinks.

No bold or bright colors. This taste will also affect your sense of style; you will no longer wear slacks or shorts; in fact, you detest them unless they are form-fitting and cling to your legs. The way loose slacks and shorts feel on you makes you feel sick and nauseous. Wake up"

Amy blinked for a moment. "What was I thinking? That is a revolting color. I would much rather have my room in these colors." She said she picked out a pastel pink and a creamy white. When they left, they had a lot of stuff for Amy's room.

That evening, when Amy was relaxing in front of the TV in her pajama bottoms and a crop top, Caroline came in and said, "I thought we might do your room tomorrow if you like?"

Amy smiled at her mom. "Sure, mom, that would be great!"

By the end of the weekend, Amy's room appeared just like that of the average teenage girl, perhaps more feminine than most but not too frilly. The walls were painted a pastel pink with a creamy white ceiling. Gone were all the male clothing from her room; in her wardrobe, she now exclusively hung her skirts, blouses, dresses, and nightwear. Instead of male underwear, in her drawers were pants, bras, and all other types of lingerie and feminine underwear.

Gone from his top drawer were all the male-oriented magazines; it now just contains his cosmetics. The top of his desk was now covered with a lace cover; on top of this was a new desktop mirror, various pots containing various brushes and applicators of her make-up and hair, as well as her new jewelry box. Amy's bed had light pastel blue sheets and was covered with frilly pink pillows.

When Amy came into her bedroom on Sunday night to go to bed, she saw a rag doll on the pillows. 'Where did that come from?' Amy wondered for a moment when she first saw it and then accepted it as if it had always been there. Also, where once there had been a large poster of a naked woman opposite the bed, there is now a large poster of a well-muscled man in his underwear.

This was Caroline's addition to the room and a bit of a joke on Amy, who still assumed that her sexual preference would be towards women. When she saw the poster, her pulse quickened, and she felt an irresistible urge to play with herself.

Lying on the bed, Amy saw her nipples had become challenging and sensitive, but strangely, no matter how aroused Amy got, she could not raise an erection, so instead she played with her nipples. Coming to a shuddering climax, Amy came. After this happened, Amy realized that she was now drawn towards men as she was once drawn towards women.

Chapter 5: A New Friend.

On Monday morning, when Amy started to get ready for school, she sat down at her desk to apply her make-up. Deciding on minimal makeup, Amy applied a layer of foundation and a light pink lipstick only. Amy pulled a pair of white cotton pants up her legs and tucked her male equipment away and out of sight. Next,  she put on her new bra and fastened it. After a few tries, finally came a pair of tan-colored tights. Walking over to her wardrobe, Amy pulled out and put on the short white skirt that came to two inches above knee level. Next came the beige jumper. Amy once again sat at her desk and styled her hair and set it with gel.

When Amy appeared at the breakfast table, Caroline was pleasantly surprised by Amy's look. "You look very nice this morning; here, let me take a photo of you." Caroline picked up a Polaroid camera and took a few snaps.

"Aw, Mom, it's too early for that!" Amy complained, "Anyway, you know I don't like my picture being taken!"

'Well, we will have to see about that, won't we?' Caroline thought, "Change over." Once more, the trance came over Amy. "Amy, from now on, you will love to have your picture taken and shot on video. You will pose in nearly any way suggested, but you will never remove your clothes for a photo unless I tell you to. Wake up."

"Now, how about one more photo before you go?" Caroline said.

"Great!" Amy exclaimed.

"Now give me a sexy look!" Caroline said it with a smile.

Amy struck a sexy pose and put on a 'come hither' look for the photo. "Marvelous!"

"Thanks, mom. Anyway,  I better get to school; see you later." Amy left the house.

Caroline picked up a couple of the photos. "Denise will love these!" she said to herself.

When Amy arrived at school, heads turned, everyone noticed Amy's shapely legs, and she got several jealous glances from some of the real girls. Smiling, Amy casually walked down the hallway, enjoying the glances she was getting. Amy received very little teasing about the way she looked, as everyone had gotten used to her changing image and increasingly girlish image.

At lunchtime, Caroline met Denise in the staff room as usual. "Welcome back off holiday, Denise!" she said upon seeing her friend.

"Thanks, how is Alex? I have been dying to find out!" Denise asked.

"Her name is Amy now, and as for how she looks, see for yourself!" Caroline handed Denise a selection of photos.

"Oh my, she has changed, hasn't she?" Denis exclaimed.

"Yes, I have had her on a course of hormones for the last week. I chose a high dosage because I wanted the changes to occur quickly." Caroline explained.

"Nice, how is her schoolwork?" Denise enquired.

"Amy is getting excellent grades now, much better than Alex ever was!" Caroline said.

"What other changes have you made?" Denise continued.

"If you were to see Amy's room, you would not see any trace of Alex left; she is also attracted to boys now!" Caroline said.

"Did this happen automatically?" Denis asked.

"No, I have to admit I am responsible for that. I just don't want a lesbian for a daughter!" Caroline shrugged. "Anyway, that is something I wanted to talk to you about. How old are your two daughters now?"

"Stefi is 18 and Jami is 19, why?" Denise enquired.

"Do you think you could get them to spend some time with Amy and perhaps take her out to a club next weekend on her 18th? Besides,  she needs some friends to spend time with!" Caroline finished.

"I don't see why not; tell you what. Let's get together for a drink on Tuesday at a pub; we can introduce them there." Denise said.

"Perfect, I'm sure they will get along well!" Caroline said.

At dinner that evening, Caroline started to speak to Amy: "On Tuesday, I am going for a drink with Denise down at 'The Old Post Office' near the high street."

"That's the new pub that opened recently, isn't it?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I would like you to come along and meet Denise's daughters, Stefi and Jami." Caroline finished.

"I'd love to; I could do with some friends near my own age!" Amy said.

"That's just what I said to Denise!" Both stepmother and stepdaughter laughed.

When school finished on Tuesday and Amy got home, she excitedly rushed upstairs to get ready for the evening ahead. "What's the hurry? We have four hours yet!" Caroline called after her.

"I know, Mom, but I want to look my best when we go out!" Amy called back, walking into the bathroom. Amy began to run a bath and put in moisturizing bath foam.

In the kitchen, Caroline was preparing dinner. 'Amazing' she thought to herself, 'I would never have guessed the mental change would work so well; there must have been some suppressed transvestite tendencies there already!'

An hour later when dinner was ready Amy appeared wearing only a cotton night dress, having just gotten out of the bath. During dinner, Caroline started the conversation, "What are you going to wear tonight?"

"I thought I would wear my skin-tight denim jeans, purple satin blouse, and denim jacket, along with a pair of leather ankle boots," Amy said in between bites.

"You'll look smashing!" Caroline said it in an encouraging voice.

After they had finished dinner, there were two and a half hours left to go. "Well, let's get ready then!" Caroline stated, "We can wash up tomorrow."

After putting the washing up in the kitchen, Amy and Caroline went off to get ready. Two hours later, both women were ready to go out, half an hour ahead of schedule. 'I wonder what the original Alex would think of his change,' Caroline thought. 'Why not find out at some point?'

"Hey Amy, how about some more photos?" Caroline said to her

"Great, just let me strike a pose, Mom," Amy said.

After taking a few snaps with her ordinary camera, Caroline spoke, "We better get going; grab your handbag, and let's go!"

Arriving at 'The Old Post Office' pub, Caroline and Amy found Denise and her daughters and joined them. "Hi Denise, hi girls."

"Hello, Caroline," Stefi and Jami said.

"Amy, this is Stefi and Jami," Denis said.

Amy sat down next to the girls and asked, "Hi, how's it going?" Gradually, the three girls got into conversation and became oblivious to their mothers.

Caroline started to talk to Denise. "I was right! They are getting on well."

By the end of the evening, Amy had become good friends with Stefi and Jami, and they had agreed to go to a club in the Cambridge city center on Saturday.

When Caroline and Amy got home, they walked through to the lounge and said, "Thanks for helping me out during my changes, Mom!" Amy leaned over and gave her stepmother a hug and a quick kiss.

"You have certainly changed for the better; did you tell Stefi and Jami that you used to be a boy?" Caroline asked.

"Thanks, but no, I thought that may not be a good idea just yet," Amy said.

"That was probably a good idea." Caroline said, "Which reminds me, when you go to the club, I want you to be careful. When you get out, I will pick you up. Remember, you are still male down there, so don't let anything go too far."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful, mom!" Amy said, "Anyway, I think I will hit the sack now. Good night"

On Wednesday, Amy dressed in a black mini-skirt with gold detailing and a silver blouse made of crushed velvet. Her makeup was tastefully applied. When Amy got to school, she found Brian and his friends blocking her locker. "Hey, look who it is; it's Alex the sissy!" Brian's friend laughed at this remark.

"Out of my way, shithead!" Amy growled and pushed her way to her locker. "And my name is Amy, not Alex."

"OK, Amy," Brian said in a patronizing voice, "why don't we have some fun?" Brian's friends were laughing hard at this.

Brian started to grope Amy's breasts. "Hey, these are real!" he exclaimed. "The sissy has real breasts!"

Just as Brian was about to move his hand elsewhere, his face suddenly showed great pain, and he doubled over. Standing behind him was a girl with black hair dressed in jeans and a tee and an Irish accent. "Back off shit for brains, unless you want more!" she said coldly. Surprised at such a vicious attack, Brian and the others left the two girls alone.

"What an asshole!" she said. "How are you feeling, Rae?"

"Fine now, thanks, Rae. I don't know what would have happened if you had not come along!" Amy said, looking relieved.

"The name is Amy," Amy said.

"Hi, I'm fairly new here. I heard a rumor that you're male." Rae said.

"It's true; well, I was male. I'm more or less a member of the 'fairer' sex now!" Amy said, "You're not going to hold it against me, are you?"

"Nah, my uncle had a sex change last year, so I'm pretty broad-minded," Rae said.

"Which is your first class?" Amy asked

Rae checked her timetable. "History, just my luck!"

"Me too; it looks like we were in the same class. Don't worry; I'll fill you in on what has been happening later." Amy said.

"Thanks, let's go." Rae and Amy left for class.

In the classroom, Caroline noticed Amy coming in with another girl whom she recognized as the new student. During class, Amy and Rae sat together. "The teacher is my stepmother," Amy quietly said to Rae.

"Really, that could be useful." She whispered back.

"I don't get any preferential treatment if that is what you mean." Amy finished and returned to work. After class, Amy and Rae walked over to Caroline and said, "Hi Mom, this is Rae; she's new here."

"Hi Rae, pleased to meet you. I hope you managed to follow the class. Caroline said.

"It was a little confusing, but Amy has offered to help me catch up," Rae said.

"That was very kind; how did you two meet anyway?" Caroline asked.

"I had been trapped by Brian and the others; I suspect they may have been drinking, as they usually don't go this far. They pinned me to the locker, and Brian started to 'touch' me until Rae helped me out." Amy explained.

"Thank you for helping Amy Rae; it has been tough for Amy recently," Caroline said it cryptically.

"Yes, I know, with all the teasing about her change. Amy has told me about it." Rae said, "It's no problem; as I told Amy, my uncle had a sex change last year, so I have no problems with her having been a boy."

"If only more people were as broad-minded, huh, mom!" Amy said.

"Indeed, anyway, you better get to your next classes. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Rae." Caroline finished.

Leaving the classroom, the two girls compared their schedules and found they weren't together in any classes till after lunch. "See you at lunch, Rae, and thanks again for your help."

At lunchtime, Amy met up with Rae and asked, "Hey Rae, how did your last two classes go?"

"Great, how about you? Any trouble?" Rae asked.

"Nope, it's only really Brian and the others that cause trouble," Amy said. "Believe it or not, but I used to hang with them. That is probably what has made them so vicious towards me for some reason."

"I can't believe it!" Rae said.

"No, it's true. That is why I have had a hard time these last two weeks because no one liked me much." Amy said.

"Well, you have a new friend!" Rae said it warmly.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Amy and Rae met at the end of school and started to walk together. After chatting for a few moments, Amy found out that Rae lived just around the corner from her. When she got home, Amy found her stepmother making dinner. "Hi Mom, I'm home."

"Hi honey, I'm just preparing dinner." Caroline called through, "So you have a new friend; you obviously told her about yourself."

"Mom, she had heard rumors and asked me if they were true; if I denied them, it would have been worse later on when she found they were true!" Amy replied.

"Well, there is that. Anyway, you were lucky that Rae is so understanding." Caroline said.

"I know." Amy finished, walking through to the lounge. Amy picked up the phone and called Stefi.

"Hi Stef, it's Amy."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you and Jami would mind if my friend Rae came clubbing with us on Saturday." Amy said, "Yeah, I'll wait a minute."

After a few moments, Amy heard Stefi pick up the phone again. "Yeah, that's great. Trust me, you'll like her!"

"Bye," Amy said, putting down the phone.

The following morning, Amy called at Rae's house on the way to school. She was wearing another of the outfits she chose at the weekend, a denim mini skirt with block-colored jumpers, black tights, and black pumps. While waiting outside, Amy started adjusting one of her pumps that had started to come loose when Rae appeared.

"Looking nice, Amy! Jeez,  I still can't believe you were ever a boy!" she said.

"I know, it seems like a lifetime ago, but it has only been two weeks. And my mom has been so supportive and helpful!" Amy said.

Starting the walk to school, they continued their conversation: "How did you develop so fast?"

"My mom got me a course of female hormones, one strong enough to rapidly make the changes for me!" Amy explained.

"You're lucky to have such an understanding stepmom," Rae said seriously.

"OK, enough talk of my change." Amy said decisively, "Me and a couple of friends are going to a club on Saturday evening. Want to come?"

"Sure, if it's OK. Special occasion?" Rae asked.

"It's my 18th birthday, and I cleared it with them last night. I'm sure you'll get along well with them. Just one thing though: they do not know about me having been male, and I am not ready for them to know yet." Amy said.

"Sure, no prob." Rae finished as they arrived at school.

The rest of the week flew by for Amy and Rae, who were both looking forward to Saturday night.




So do I. This story may enter my personal top 10 easily even as there are many nice stories on this channel. But I am just wandering if Chapter 3 is missing or if just the number 3 was skipped in the sub headlines?

Annah Rourke

Too bad Stepmom is so 2 faced. Forcing the change then forcing her choice of orientation preferance. Somehow I think this might become a hot point