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  • 3 Clothes Gone - Make Your Words Count.m4a
  • 3 Clothes Gone - Make Your Words Count.m4a



Make Your Words Count


As both the door and the booth on the other side faded away, Eryk got up from the tree stump and wandered off down the country pathway, enjoying the feel of the soft breeze on his dress and through his hair as he chuckled to himself about Zack and Richard.

"Like we were going to go on dates with other guys!" Zack muttered, not noticing the booth disappearing from sight.

On their way back to Zack's mother's shopping, they began to feel a little uncomfortable and self-conscious, knowing that they were missing something. After watching some TV for the rest of the morning, Zack and Richard parted company.

Waking up in the morning, Zack groaned in misery; by now, he was used to waking up in his feminine nightwear. With as much reluctance as usual, he set about his reluctantly adopted feminine grooming routines, cleansing, moisturizing, and plucking away errant hairs from his eyebrows. With everything done, Zack then pulled out a funny-looking device and proceeded to curl his hair.

Sighing, Zack decided not to delay the inevitable. Taking off his nightdress, he pulled on one of the few remaining pairs of male underpants he had left. Feeling the change happening still crept him out as they fluidly moved over his body and became the familiar high-cut pants that he had worn since the first day of this nightmare, these ones in black satin. A moment later, Zack found himself picking up one of the three remaining thermal vests he had; he knew it would become a bra, just like the last time he put one of the thermals on. Knowing this, Zack felt a strange compulsion to go through with it.

Wanting to, but at the same time not wanting to, he slipped the thermal vest on, and it became a black satin strapless bra. Strangely enough,  he started to find himself liking the look of it, and before he realized what he had done, he had padded it out with a couple of pairs of his pants in each cup.

Trying to ignore what he had just allowed himself to do, Zack walked to his wardrobe to get out some clothes when he accidentally kicked over his shopping bag from a couple of days earlier. Picking up the clothes that had spilled out, he found himself compelled to put on these clothes. Soon he was dressed in the clothes that the girls he and Richard had met at the mall two days earlier had picked for him. After putting on the shoes, he stood up and caught a glimpse of himself in the full-length mirror. He again felt a small amount of pleasure at seeing the shape of his chest.

Zack, knowing that they would not see anything wrong with the way he was dressed, still felt thoroughly humiliated when he went down for breakfast. Zack sat down opposite his sister at the table while his mother made their breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head!" His sister greeted him as he sat down: "The bra and padding look good on you; it makes you look even more girlish than usual!" She said it cheerfully.

Detecting no intended scorn from his sister, Zack found he could not bring himself to yell at her. "Thanks," Zack said quietly.

When she came in, Zack's mom also commented on his stuffed bra: "You know, dear, if you like wearing a bra, that's okay with me, but I don't want you wearing anything too sheer over the top. I may have allowed you to indulge in your sissyish desires, but there is no way you are going to be a tart, okay?"

"That's okay with me, Mom; you won't catch me acting like that!" Zack said it truthfully.

In the meantime, Richard had finished with his preparations and secured his hair with an Alice band. However, Richard was very startled and alarmed when he pulled on his underpants as they became a white satin thong, and he felt the back slide deep into his ass cheeks, which nearly made him jump out of his skin.

"Oh shit!" Richard mumbled, looking down at the thong between his legs. Looking at his backside in the mirror, he was thoroughly humiliated as he saw the thin strip of material that was attached to the waistband emerge from his ass cleavage. "This is just what I need!"

Richard began to scratch at his chest uncomfortably, thinking something was missing as he once more delved into his drawers. Pulling out a T-shirt, dropping it over his head, and putting his arms through the armholes, he was momentarily startled when it began to rapidly contract and shrink. Unlike Zack, Richard had not previously worn a bra, but seeing the finished result a white satin bra with lace edging he found himself stuffing it and almost liking the result.

Richard began to feel a compulsion to put on the clothes that had been bought two days previously, just like Zack had. Richard pulled on the sleeveless slash-necked fascia top and black mini skirt and finished with the shoes that were an exact match for the ones that Zack had also bought.

That day, Zack and Richard had agreed to meet up in the nearby city of Cambridge; they were tired of all the people around here making fun at their expense.

Seeing each other with their 'enhanced' chests for the first time brought out a response both would regret later: "Fucking hell, you look like a right sissy whore with that bra on!" Richard exclaimed without thinking. With the insult uttered, another change occurred.

Watching in the scribing pool, Eryk chuckled. "They're just not learning! You'd think that even those two would be able to make a connection between what they say and each new change that comes upon them!" he muttered. "So let's make this change reflect the remark!" Eryk said, sprinkling some powder into the pool, "But only for 24 hours."

Eryk watched on in amusement as Zack and Richard found them going into various stores that catered to teenage girls. After a short time of wandering around, they just happened to bump into the three girls who had 'helped' them out last time.

"Well, if it isn't Zoë and Rachel!" The blonde said, "I didn't think we'd see you two again!"

"I see you wearing the clothes we picked out for you!" the black-haired girl said.

Eryk continued to watch in amusement as the trio took Zack and Richard, or Zo and Rachel, as they called them around a great number of stores, having them try on outfit after outfit; most were considered the 'in thing' for teen girls to be seen in; most were fairly respectable, but some were more revealing than they would have liked.

After a grueling four hours of being dragged around the shops, the trio of girls finally allowed Zack and Richard to take a rest and grab a bite to eat. Zack and Richard started heading to the nearest McDonald's. "Just where are you two going?" The blonde (who had earlier introduced herself to the two boys as CeCe) asked.

"To get some food!" Richard exclaimed.

"Not from there, you don't!" The brunette said her name was Diana.

"Girls like you need to watch their weight; you're coming with us to get a light salad and diet soda!" The black-haired girl (Christy) finished.

"But we were starving!" Zack said.

"That is the price we girls pay for our beauty!" CeCe said and dragged Zack away by the strap of the handbag he had gotten into the habit of carrying around as he had no pockets. Diana dragged Richard along behind her before he could make an escape.

Zack and Richard, seated with one of the girls on each side, munched listlessly on their salad. "So Zoë, how much money have you and Rachel got with you today?" asked Christy

"About twenty pounds each, " Zack replied cautiously as he and Richard finished their salad and diet cokes.

"Perfect, we have just the thing for you two to try before you go home!" CeCe said, and the two boys found themselves once more being led through the streets.

Richard's heart jumped when he saw where he and Zack were being led. "We are not going into that beauty salon!" he exclaimed.

"Of course you are, pretty girlie boys; you must look as girlish as you possibly can!" CeCe said, "We were going anyway, so we decided to give you the opportunity to experience a make-over yourselves!"

Entering the salon, the group was greeted by a very professional and feminine-looking woman. "CeCe, Diana, Christy, it's so good to see you!" She exclaimed, "Who are these two pretty girls with you?"

"This is Zoë and Rachel, a couple of boys we met recently." Diana said, "We thought they should experience a makeover."

"Boys?" she said, not believing it. "These don't look like boys to me!"

Zack and Richard blushed at the attention the woman was giving them. "Anyway, the usual, is it girls?"

"Yep, the works, for all of us!" Christy said as all five were led to seats where they could be worked on.

When they emerged, what little chance there was of someone reading Zack and Richard was gone. Each looked stunning and totally convincing, but each felt totally miserable and humiliated and decided to head straight for the train station and go home.

When they got on the train to go home and sat down, they began to get worried when a couple of boys sat down next to them and started to make passes at them. But what humiliated Zack and Richard more than looking like a pair of drop-dead gorgeous girls was the fact that they had somehow lost the ability to control their bodies; even now, their hands were wandering over the body of the boy who was sitting next to them.

Zack felt his beautifully manicured hand sliding into the trousers and into the underpants of the boy, encompassing the throbbing member he found there and stroking it. Inside, he was screaming, 'WHY AM I DOING THIS? WHY CAN'T I STOP?'

Richard was finding himself in the same situation as Zack; his hand had freed the member of 'his' boy and was working it to full erection.

Eryk chuckled in amusement as he watched Zack and Richard in their tangled and passionate embrace with the other two boys. Finally, Zack and Richards stopped, and they hastily untangled themselves, grabbed their bags, and fled the train.

"That was fun!" Eryk chuckled as he left the scribing pool.

It was now six weeks since the start of summer break, the Saturday before Zack and Richard were due back at school. The two boys had gotten used to living as girls now, mainly through their own careless comments that had induced many changes over the holiday period, some in body but most in mind and behavior.

In fact, all but the clothes from each of their wardrobes had been fully transformed into a female alternative, not to mention several outfits that had been bought from the shops, with the exception of their school clothes. Those were not the only changes though, they had now gotten so used to the girl's names given them by CeCe, Diana, and Christy that they had all but forgotten their male names (again, due to their careless remarks).

Zoë awoke that morning with a smile on his face left over from his dream and got out of bed. He now went about his morning routine, more from his own free will than the compulsions he felt to begin with. After applying the foundation and cover-up that gave his face a flawless complexion he applied a coating of deep pink lipstick, he finished with a coat of pink quick-dry nail varnish.

After putting on a diamante choker Zoë went to his chest of drawers pulled out a pair of plain white panties and slid them on, tucking away his somewhat shrunken manhood at the same time. He then pulled a box out of the drawer and from within it a pair of realistic-looking breast forms and applied the adhesive which securely fixed them to his chest. Using a little make-up he flawlessly hid the joint between flesh and silicone. Smiling at the bounce of 'his' breasts Zoë pulled out a plain white strapless bra and secured it without a second's thought or any problem.

Opening another drawer Zoë pulled out a red halter top and slipped it on, tying the straps of the halter behind his neck. From the same drawer came a paisley wrap skirt, which he swiftly put on and tied at his waist. For the finishing touches, Zoë put on a kerchief that matched his skirt. Finally slipping on a pair of cork-soled strappy sandals he made his way downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning sis!" Zoë said cheerfully as he went for a box of special K cereal poured himself a bowl full and added milk.

"You're cheerful this morning Zoë!" his sister remarked.

"Must have woken up on the right side of the bed I guess!" he said as he ate his cereal before heading over to Rachel's place.

Over at Rachel's place he was sitting at his vanity, he had on a blue, gypsy-style empire dress with a flower pattern, and his breasts formed snugly in a strapless bra. With his long hair held back with a hair band Rachel proceeded to apply the make-up that had become part of his daily routine, with foundation done he applied pink lipstick and a soft pink eye shadow as well as matching nail varnish on both his finger and toenails.

With make-up finished Rachel strapped on a blue girl's watch on his right wrist and three bracelets on the other, next, he put on a light blue beaded necklace. Rachel finished by slipping on a pair of white sandals and a silver ankle chain on his right leg.

Walking downstairs Rachel stopped for a moment to admire himself in the mirror, licking his lips Rachel smiled, savoring the taste of the lipstick. Arriving downstairs to make himself breakfast he found Zoë was waiting.

"Morning sleepy head!" he said, seeing 'his' best friend walk through the doorway.

Yawning Rachel turned to Zoë, "It's not that time already is it?" he said, "I must have overslept!"

After Rachel had breakfast he and Zoë decided to go for a walk down to the town centre.

On the way they chatted, "We may have a problem on Monday when we go back to school!" Zoë said quietly.

"I know we've gotten so used to living like this now that it has become second nature," Rachel responded.

"Pity all the other kids can't get used to us being like this and continue to hassle us, I can't see it finishing any time soon." Zoë sighed just as they reached the center.

"Well, let's just hope there are less people around that we know than usual!" Rachel muttered.

Walking down the high street Zoë and Rachel browsed through some of the clothing shops. In the first two shops, they ran into girls from their school, who like all the others had not tired of the spectacle of the two feminized boys, after all only six weeks ago they had been the terror of the school. They couldn't help but point out every girlish habit and mannerism that Zoë and Rachel used, not to mention their general appearance.

Zoë and Rachel continued their browsing, trying their hardest to ignore their antagonists as best they could. They just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they were not followed out of the stores.

Arriving in one more clothes store, which was much to their relief void of anyone they knew. They were treated just like the girls they appeared to be, which they were almost glad about.

Feeling more relaxed they began to feel more relaxed and started to have a look around at a more leisurely pace. Soon Zoë and Rachel found themselves giggling and chatting as they browsed the shop, looking at various skirts, tops, and dresses and gradually forgetting their worries about the coming Monday.

After spending an hour and a half down the town they decided to head over to Zoë's place, "I can't believe we did such a stupid thing!" Zoë muttered under his breath.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how we got into this mess!" Zoë replied, "Now every time I want to have fun I keep on getting thoughts in my head of going shopping or going to a beauty salon!"

"Me too, whenever I try to think of doing what we used to do my mind starts drifting towards more.

'Girlie' things!" Rachel said, "What's worse is I begin to find myself wanting to pursue those ideas!"

"God, your thoughts haven't been turning towards, you know, boys?" Zoë asked carefully.

"Thankfully no, I haven't developed any interest in boys!" Rachel said.

"That's a relief!" Zoë said, sighing, "It's one thing getting used to living and being like this, but it still gives me the creeps when I begin to think girlie things!"

"I just wish my interests hadn't changed so much!" Rachel moaned, "By the end of the fourth week of holiday I had discarded all my old posters and a load of other stuff." he continued, "I can't even watch action movies anymore, I just get bored with them, instead I have found myself preferring romantic films and the like!"

"Let's face it; our lives are never going to be the same again!" Zoë said as they got to his door.

Entering the house Zoë saw his mum just coming down the stairs, "Ah Zoë," his mum started speaking upon seeing him, "ten minutes ago a woman left a message for you. She said to ask you and Rachel to go round to her place to help her out with some things; she said her name was Lily Neunam. Is she a relative of your teacher or something?" she asked.

"Or something," Zoë said under his breath, "OK mum, we'll go in a minute, we'll just get a drink first."

Half an hour later Zoë and Rachel were nervously walking Don Eryk/Lily's garden path, they had had very little contact with their history teacher since this all began, not to mention the fact that the last time they were in this house was when they were ransacking the place. Approaching the door Rachel knocked on the door, they were more than slightly surprised when the stone automaton opened the door.

"Miss Zoë, Miss Rachel, please follow me and I will take you to my mistress," the Automaton said in its grave voice and led them through the house.

"I bet he, she, whatever is going to just rub our nose in it and tell us we are stuck like this forever!" Zoë whispered to Rachel quietly as they were led into the garden behind Eryk/Lily's house.

"Not at all!" Lily said from where she was lying on a sunbed and propped herself up on her elbow, "That is not at all the reason I asked you to come."

With a gesture of Lily's hand, a couple of chairs and a lawn table materialized by Lily's sun-bed, which had just changed into a chair. The image was dressed only in a pair of white panties and a bra, covered by a sheer leaf-patterned lilac dress, his blonde hair cascading over his shoulders.

"Then why have you asked us here?" Rachel asked hesitantly.

Lily just ignored Rachel's question, "Over the past six weeks during the course of your punishment you have been forced to endure the kind of mental abuse and treatment I had to endure all throughout my childhood," Lily started. "All because one supposed friend found out about Lily and told everyone in the school. This was before I learned the art and had no power to speak of; my life was sheer hell, as you no doubt have found out for yourself.

Eventually, I came to accept myself and as I was already outed I just continued with my life, but no longer feeling the need to hide Lily away I started to dress and wear make-up openly. The teasing never got any worse, eventually it mostly faded away."

With the wave of a hand, three glasses of coke materialized and Lily took a sip before continuing, "As punishment for what you did I made you live through what I had to, but I gave you the one thing that I never had during my ordeal."

"What's that?" Zoë asked.

"An understanding family!" Lily replied, "You may have found it hard for yourselves with your family members seeing no wrong in the way you were dressing and eventually acting. But imagine how hard it would have been for you if you had been ridiculed by your family every step of the way, as well as everyone else you knew!"

"We never thought of that!" Zoë said quietly.

"It's just the way we used to act!" Rachel said, voicing the exact thing that was going through Zoë's mind.

Before Zoë or Rachel could voice what was going through their heads Lily spoke again, "I know what you're thinking; you want to know why I asked you here. Besides telling you my tale!" she said, seeing that was exactly what they were thinking, "Well, I am satisfied that you have learned your lesson. You now have a choice before you, one that will affect the rest of your life." Lily said, "As of now the spell I have cast on you has entered its final stage, it will last until midnight tomorrow."

"You mean we'll be free of the spell!" Zoë interrupted excitedly.

"Yes, but just listen for now. In the final stage, you must choose whether you want to stay as you are or go back to male clothes. To facilitate this you will once more be able to put on male clothing without it changing.

If you decide to stay as you are the spell will change all school records and legal documents to match your current status, your names will legally become those that you use now. If you decide to return to boy clothes, well most but not all effects of the spell will be reversed." Lily explained. "When you have made your decision the spell will commence the final stage, but if however, you have not made your decision by midnight that night it will act as if you had decided to remain as you are."

"You mean we could make our decision now?" Rachel asked.

"No, not until about," Lily said, doing calculations in her head, "about mid-day tomorrow."

"And if, and I'm saying IF we decide to stay as we are, we wouldn't change into real girls or start fancying boys?" Zoë asked carefully.

"Not unless you really want to!" Lily said, winking.

After a few more minutes Zoë and Rachel left, deep in thought. Neither would admit it but both knew it couldn't be as easy a decision as both made it out to be.

It was now Sunday lunchtime, and Zoë had spent all day and the last half of the previous trying to make up his mind, right now he was sitting at his vanity staring at his birth certificate. On one hand, he wanted to return to the way things were, on the other hand, he had become relatively happy in his current role. He then stripped out of his dress removed his bra and falsies and then cleaned off his make-up Zoë went to the wardrobe and opened it; the only items left were his school clothes.

Taking a deep breath he pulled out his school trousers and pulled them on then followed the shirt, which he tucked in. Finishing with a pair of socks and his shoes he looked in the full-length mirror. He sighed as he looked at the flat-chested girl in the boy's school clothes, nothing looked right on him, and to make it worse the clothes were uncomfortable on him, his trousers itched and his shirt just felt wrong on him.

He also found he couldn't stand to wear those shoes either, they looked horrible to him, not to mention they had no heel! If he chose to go back to male clothes he would have to endure uncomfortable trousers, a detestable shirt, and horrid shoes.

Although Zoë knew that many of the mental changes would be reversed if he chose to go back and he probably wouldn't mind these clothes he just couldn't entertain the idea at that moment. He hurriedly stripped out of the clothes swiftly turned his bra and falsies back on and sat down to put his make-up on again. Zoë smiled again as he slipped his dress back over his head and smoothed it down.

However, there was still a small piece of his male mind left nagging at him to change back. Two sets of emotions in constant conflict within his mind, Zoë Vs Zack and it was taking its toll.

Putting his head in his hand Zoë began to weep, "I just couldn't handle going back to what I was, I just couldn't!" he said quietly to himself in a weak and wobbly voice.

Looking up at the mirror he saw his clock reflecting one o'clock, and then he looked at his birth certificate and read his name as Zoë and smiled. It looked like that particular problem was out of the window; he knew he had made his decision.

Looking behind him to where he had discarded his old school clothes there lay a purple three-quarter-sleeved top with a crossover neckline and bell sleeves; next to it was a black skirt and beige wedge-heel sandals. The rest of his male clothing was gone.

Over at Rachel's place, he was also making his decision, and much like Zoë wasn't happy at the prospect of going back to his now uncomfortable boy's clothes, breathing slowly Rachel looked himself in the mirror resolutely, his heart pounding "I want to stay as I am!" he said firmly but still feeling a bit shaky.

Picking up his passport that he had got out to watch the change come over it, he watched his portrait change to that of Rachel as he was now as well as the name changing.  Looking at his last set of male clothes he'd put near the door for going to the local charity shop he just saw a denim mini skirt and jacket, a white roll-neck top, and a pair of navy pumps.

"Looks like I won't be getting rid of them after all!" he chuckled and replaced them in his wardrobe.

On a Monday morning Zoë went to meet Rachel for school, wondering what his choice was.  Upon seeing Rachel and not Richard Zoë smiled.  "So, you couldn't go back either!"

"No, I don't know if it is the changes that have come over us but I just couldn't go back to how I was before.  I like me too much now!" Rachel said smiling as they set off for school, both wearing the outfits that their former school clothes had changed into.

Arriving at school there was still some teasing over their appearance, some left over from the holiday and some from kids who weren't around and had just heard about their change.  Zoë and Rachel just ignored them and walked on to class.  Their first lesson was History with Eryk Neunam.

"Hello Zoë, Rachel, I'm pleased to see you've made your decision," Eryk said.

"Can I trust that you'll be better students now?" they heard Eryk's voice echo in their heads.  Just nodding they found themselves some seats nearer the front of the class than usual.

The End.




I think there is room for a part 2 revisit

J Chimera

An excellent story with a nice ending.