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He moped around waiting for his wife to arrive. Around 7:30 she came through the door carrying Chinese takeout. She knew better than to expect him to prepare supper. She seemed particularly happy to see him which was a pleasant contrast to the strange reactions that he had gotten from people all day. She kissed him passionately on the lips.

After she had changed into a pair of shorts and a scoop-necked blouse, they ate. He did not feel like talking about his day so she carried the conversation. She was working on a merger between two companies. For maybe the first time he realized how exciting her job must be. He looked at her with renewed admiration. After dinner, they retired to the living room to watch TV. He was still depressed, so he let her pick out a romantic comedy for the VCR.

They usually watched in separate chairs, but she pushed him toward the couch where she cuddled up next to him. She had been so loving since she got back from San Francisco. His mind wandered. He was really concerned about work. He tried to think of something to get back into Harry’s good graces. He wanted to work on cars not sit in an office all day.

Not once did he think about his situation with Sylvia. Thursday and Friday were pretty much repeats of Wednesday. So Mark was looking forward to Saturday because Harry did not work on weekends. He was a little miffed when the boss gave Tom Riley the key to open up. That had been his job for over two years. They arrived at the usual time of 7 o’clock. Things immediately took a horrible turn. Tom went into Harry’s office and plopped into the boss’s chair. He began reading the morning paper.

The rest of the morning Mark was left to handle the cash register no matter how many customers showed up at the same time. They had been working weekends together for almost nine months. They had always alternated. By 10 Mark was sick of it. When he finally got a break in the flow of business, he confronted Tom. “Get your lazy ass out of that chair!” “What are you going to do about it, girl? Go crying to the boss. He’d take that really well.” He had hit a nerve. With the way that Harry had treated Mark all week what could he do?

He had absolutely no leverage to make Tom do anything. He skulked back to the counter trying to get Tom’s big grin out of his mind. By 6 o’clock closing Mark was beaten. He had handled the shop all day with absolutely no help. He even had to sweep the floor himself. He had refused to get Tom’s lunch. But even that had been a hallow victory when Tom ordered Pizza which he paid for out of the till. Mark had to replace it with his own money to avoid a discrepancy in the receipts. When Tom locked up the shop, Mark was now dreading having to work on Sunday. He dejectedly walked home.

As he walked in the front door, he was ready for a shower. Betty came in from the kitchen and gave him a kiss as he headed up the stairs. He pulled off his clothes as he passed through the bedroom. As he stepped into the shower, he noticed a bottle of depilatory cream. He held it to his eyes to be sure. He headed for the kitchen with the bottle still in his hand. Betty was sitting at the kitchen table flipping through a cookbook. She looked up and whistled.

He blushed to realize that he was naked. “I was thinking. Do you know how you always use the fact that you can’t cook as a reason for not fixing meals? I thought that we might fix supper together so that you could start learning.” She had managed to distract him. “Sure, that sounds okay.” Then his eyes landed on the bottle. “What’s this doing in the shower?

Did you intend for me to use it?” “I was hoping. I’ve gotten used to your sexy smooth skin. I’ll make it worth your while later.” She was sitting there, batting her eyes. She was wearing a cute yellow sundress that had ridden up in the chair and was barely covering her crotch. The rising and falling of her chest made it obvious that she was not wearing a bra. “Won’t you do it for me?”

Mark was conflicted. The abysmal treatment that he had received at work had made him want to somehow assert his macho side. But he was having trouble tying that to the appearance of his body when she was looking so beautiful and offering herself to him. The more immediate return won out. “I’d do anything for you!” When he returned to the kitchen, Mark was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a tee shirt with his skin as smooth as a baby’s. His wife was already getting food out of the refrigerator. There was a stack of vegetables on the counter. “I thought that we would make stir fry. You cut up the vegetables while I handle the work.”

She explained the recipe while they worked so he would understand what they were doing. He actually found it enjoyable to be working with someone after his long day. Even though she had asked, he had not said much about work. “By the way I did laundry today. I wanted you to know that I washed your dresses and underthings.” He had completely forgotten about those. He replied meekly, “what?” “I found some of it in the sink last Tuesday and the rest was stuffed in a drawer. You really need to take better care of your clothes.

I assumed that you would want it washed with the rest of your dirty laundry. I was right wasn’t I?” Mark searched her eyes for the least sign of reproach. He did not find any. He kissed her on the cheek and replied, “Sure, thanks.” Fortunately, the tasks at hand kept him from dwelling on what had just happened. He would have to worry about it later. The meal tasted excellent, more so since they had made it together.

Betty talked about her day cleaning and shopping. After his day he was almost envious. They shared a bottle of wine so they were a little tipsy after they were done eating. There were a couple of close calls with the dishes as they cleaned up. As they hung the dishtowels on the refrigerator, Betty started kissing him, first on the lips and then on the neck. He led the way up the bedroom. She pulled his shirt off over his head. He slid the dress down her body to the floor.

She unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. He slid his boxers down right after them. She rushed to his arms and started kissing again. The momentum knocked him to the bed. She was all over him. He was surprised at how sensitive his hairless body was.

After about fifteen minutes she stirred. Climbing to her knees she murmured, “let’s take a shower together.” It was almost like they were on their honeymoon again. He used a nylon scrubber to rub body wash all over her paying particular attention to her breasts and between her legs. She returned the favor except that she pretty much ignored the expanding presence between his legs.

When they were done and had dried each other with towels she slid her red nightgown which had been hanging on the door over his head. He shivered as the nylon touched his skin. He gave her a puzzled look. “You deserve a reward for a job well done!” He noted that she had planned this ahead of time as there was also a baby blue nightgown that she put on. A hard kiss on his lips melted any resistance that he had.

When they reentered the bedroom, she handed him a pair of red panties matching his gown. He had relaxed enough so that she could push his obstruction between his legs as he pulled the panties in place. He wanted her to use her hand on the nylon to release his building tension. But instead, she kissed his lips and flicked his nipple which seemed more sensitive than normal. She pulled her panties on and hopped into bed.

He crawled in next to her. Since she had taken control of their sex life, he seemed to be aroused so much more often including now. Yet he was not completely satisfied. He fell asleep with her loving arms around him. When he woke up in the morning, Mark was surprised that Betty was up before him. She usually did not get up early on weekends. Now it was two days in a row. When he reached the kitchen, she already had a breakfast drink on the table for him. He had the same drink every morning since Sylvia had introduced them to him.

Since someone else was doing the work, he was not about to complain. As he sat at the table in his pretty nightgown, he realized that he had to go to work. How he just wanted to stay in that nightgown all day. As he was changing into his work clothes, Betty was sitting on the bed watching. “You know, you can wear the panties.” “Yeah, right.” “I mean it. I don’t mind!” He looked at her.

He did not detect any malicious intent, but he could imagine what Tom would think. “Thanks, but I think that I’ll go with my boxers.” “Okay, suit yourself.” She got up from the bed and came over to kiss him. Then she left the room to let him finish dressing. On Sundays, the shop did not open until 8. As Mark expected, Tom was content to sit back and let him do all the work. Fortunately, Sundays were never very busy.

Harry had considered not even opening but had decided since he had the help there was enough business to make a profit. In the afternoon things got really slow. At 4 an hour had passed without a customer. Tom called Mark into the back room. “Look I know that I have been mean to you all weekend. I want to make it up to you. Here are 20 dollars.” He laid a twenty-dollar bill on the desk. “What’s the catch?” “No catch.

You’ve just got to give me a blow job which I figure you like doing anyway!” Mark’s eyes widen as Tom walked around the desk unbuckling his pants. Too late Mark realized that he was cut off from the door which slammed shut with a resounding bang. Tom’s pants and shorts were to his knees and he was already extending at least six inches toward Mark.

As he tried to push past, Tom grabbed his arm and it was immediately obvious he was no match for the bigger man. With his free hand, he grabbed a shoulder and forced Mark to his knees. It was hard to say who was more surprised when Mark started crying. But Tom recovered quickly. “Isn’t that just like a little girl? Just think of this as practice for Mister Right.” The bell on the front door sounded. There was a customer. Flustered Tom tried to get his pants back in place. “Go get that.” Mark did not have to be told twice.

He opened the door of the office. Without stopping he continued right on out the front door. He did not look back. He took a long way home stopping in a neighborhood park. He did not want to explain to Betty why he was home early. After he got home and had taken a shower, he stood in front of the mirror thinking about how the weekend had gone.

He noticed that the red nightgown was on the back of the door. He slipped it over his head. He felt better. He rummaged through the dirty clothes and found the red panties. When he entered the kitchen, Betty could not repress a squeal. She rushed over and hugged him and kissed him on the lips. She tied an apron around his waist and they made a baked chicken recipe for dinner together. After dinner, they watched a movie.

As much as he longed for passionate sex, Betty was never in the mood the night before she had to go to work. That did not stop her from dangling his breasts through the nightgown. He did not understand why his chest had become so sensitive all of a sudden. She smiled as he would occasionally squirm away from her. She thought, ‘things are going nicely!’

As she kissed him goodbye in the morning, Betty left his breakfast drink on the side table. He was about to settle back into bed. The phone rang. He answered, “Hello?” “You better get your butt over here. We have a lot to do this morning.” The phone went dead. Mark realized that with everything else going on he had completely forgotten about Sylvia. He certainly had not thought of another way to keep her from telling Betty about Sara.

His relationship with his wife was the only thing in his life that seemed to be going well. He did not want to jeopardize it. He gulped down his breakfast drink and found the pink panties and bra in the drawer. He was about to forgo the gaff when he remembered the sting of Sylvia’s brush. It took about ten minutes for him to get dressed and make it over across the street.

He was out of breath when Peggy opened the door. “You know where the bathroom is.” Sylvia was waiting with a chair in the bathroom. She smiled. “Good I see that you are completely dressed.” He had no doubt that she was referring to the gaff. “I’m glad to see that you are taking care of your body hair. I’ll be extremely happy if you can get ready totally by yourself. Now sit down.” She leaned him back so that she could wash his hair.

She nodded with approval when she saw that he had obviously been shampooing regularly. She applied a lotion as she quickly rolled his hair. Mark was amazed at how nimble her fingers were. When she was done she put the hood of a hair drier over his head and went to work on his eyebrows.

He felt a familiar vibration start in his groin and start to doze so he did not notice Peggy come in and work on his hands. He must have been completely asleep because he was startled awake when the drier stopped. He stifled a yawn with his hand and then did a double take. His nails were now bright red ovals. To his surprise rather than a feeling of horror his sense of arousal intensified. Besides he knew better than to complain while Sylvia was working with his hair.

When the rollers were out and she had brushed his hair, she stood him up. As he looked in the mirror, he felt his mouth drop open. His head was a mass of curls. “What have you done?” “Beauty shops charge a lot of money for this buster.” He cringed while waiting for the sting of Sylvia’s wrath. “I didn’t mean, I think that it looks nice. I’m just not used to having my hair done.” Sylvia smiled at his reaction. “It’s permanent.

For the next month or so if you just wash your hair in the morning and then brush, it will look like this.” That meant that he had no choice. “Now, we are going to go through your makeup one product at a time. You’ll apply it and I’ll critique your technique.” It took him three tries, but he finally came close to what Sylvia wanted. She looked at her watch. “It’s already 7:15. We’ve left Peggy on her own long enough.

Hopefully, from now on you’ll come ready to work.” The day sped by. Mark particularly enjoyed feeding the babies with that vibrating sensation in his groin. After his week at the auto shop, it was a pleasant change. He briefly thought, ‘why to go back?’ But he made more money at the shop and if he ever got back to working on cars, it would be a boost to his male ego. When the final baby was picked up, he was actually feeling pretty good, a little tired but nothing like last week.

Maybe he was getting more efficient or maybe he was getting used to it or more likely a little of both. It was a quarter to six when he walked in his front door. He was startled to hear a noise from the kitchen. Then Betty stuck her head out the door. “I got off early today. Why don’t you grab an apron and help me with dinner before you change.” He blushed. He was still embarrassed to have her see him in feminine clothes although she seemed to hardly notice. He followed as asked. Soon they were fixing pork chops with a spinach soufflé. The vibration in his groin returned.

This was the first time that he felt it when he was not at Syl via’s house. It felt good and he started to hum. Betty smiled as she watched him out of the corner of her eye. When they had everything cooking, he went to take a shower. As soon as the water stopped, Betty walked in and handed him a pair of shorts, a tank top, gaff, and panties. “Here are some clothes to put on.” She immediately turned and left. They were obviously woman’s clothes.

What about his boxers and jean shorts? He tentatively pulled on the gaff and panties. As soon as the shorts were in place, the vibration started and he was hooked. After he pulled on the tank top over his head, he paused in the mirror. How did they make clothes do that? He did not remember his chest sticking out like that. The nipples were even visible.

He should not have cleavage. He heard Betty yelling from downstairs. Dinner was ready. After dinner, they carried the dishes into the kitchen. She turned to him and said, “by the way, I left a recipe for pot roast on the counter. Tomorrow if you put it on as soon as you get home, it should be ready when I get home. I’ll leave you to do the dishes. I have some contracts to read.” That sounded more like a command than a request, but she was gone before he could say anything. It did not take him long to finish cleaning up.

When he was done, he went to sit on the couch and flicked on the TV. Betty put away her papers and cuddled up next to him. They watched a news special on the childcare crisis. Betty continuously let her hands wander across his breasts. Combined with the vibration in his shorts he was having trouble concentrating.

He did not get much out of the program but after it was over, she leaned over and kissed him and said, “Aren’t you glad that you are doing your part.” He just nodded. “Let’s get ready for bed.” He did not even question it when she handed him a nightgown. Betty showed him how to use cold crème to remove his makeup. Then she applied some moisturizer to his face. As he brushed his teeth and saw his feminine form in the mirror, his sense of arousal made him realize how much he desired his wife. He fell asleep with her arms draped around him.



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