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  • 29 dec.m4a
  • 29 dec.m4a




Sunday, December 29th: Good evening Mrs. Diary. You're going to hear a lot from me today.

Okay, I went by Samantha for the sleepover, just to spy, you know. The first thing we did was eat dinner. Her mom makes lasagna, which has to be one of the best meals on the planet. Her mom said I guess it was specially prepared for cute company. I didn't know if she meant cute, like handsome, or cute like a sissy fruitcake, so I didn't say anything.

Following that, we went into her room. Sam even closed the door, and I'm not allowed to do that at home. I guess her room is quite different from mine. She has this bed that has a sheet over the top on four columns. It's like a tent. Next, there's a picture of a girl doing ballet plastered on the wall. I thought that was weird because Sam doesn't even do ballet. She said she wanted to, though, so that's why it was up there. The girl in the poster wasn't in a tutu. Just a pink leotard and white tites. I wonder how they breathe in that; it looks so tight I would suffocate.

She also had a lot of stuffed animals and dolls. I guess it's okay; I have baby Amy; she is sleeping in her crib. What am I thinking? Back to my spying.

So, we changed into our nightgowns. However, not in front of one another; Sam has her own bathroom. Her bathroom is all flowery, it looks like flowers, and it smells really fine. We wore these cool nighties that were supposed to make us look like cats. It was easy to attach a tail, and Sam had fake ears we could wear. Sam and I are both the same size, but I'm stronger because I'm the boy. Her mother even drew whiskers on us. We were like little kids, but we were having fun.

The two of us played house; she said she hadn't played in a while but wanted to show me how it was like to play a girl game. I told her about Tonya and how her dad showed me how to change her diaper. She was like, all aww. I mean, it was cool, but why aww, so gross, girls sound so stupid that way.

Then she showed me her karaoke machine. We put on a show for her dad, sang Britney spears. I wanted to sing Eminem, but not allowed. My mom doesn't even know I listen to him, but I got it hidden under my bed.

Then we sang (the sun will come out tomorrow), her dad and mom clapped and whistled. We were like divas in the making, she said.

We were then hugged by her dad, which was a bit strange. My dad didn't even hug me when he was around. It made me a little nervous that I would like his hands or something. Thankfully, I didn't. It's bad enough that I look like a fruitcake, I don't want to start feeling like one too.

Thereafter, we did one another's nails. Sam's choice was a red nail polish that was ugly. If I had to choose, the pink one is better. That's not to say that I don't like it. I painted hers; she painted mine. It was close to bedtime by the time we got to lipstick.

It was going to be a shared bed. However, I wonder if her parents forget that I'm not a girl. Well, her mom carried her to bed, and her dad carried me. I guess it wasn't too bad. However, I was anxious. You probably wouldn't believe it, but I liked being carried just like a kid, but not like a girl. He put me in bed and tucked me in.

I like mom kisses, so I was happy to receive one from her mom. Then her dad came and kissed us as well. That was awful. I couldn't believe how wet and big his kiss was. I blushed as they laughed. Perhaps I blushed because I was feeling like a big fruit. This is not good.

Okay, anyway, we were in bed, and we hid under the covers with a flashlight. It was fun, like camping. We didn't do anything but talk. Then I told her how happy my mom was to have a daughter and how I like to make her happy. She said if my mom likes it so much, I should just stay this way forever. I almost hit her, but I was just like, no! She said too bad. Is she trying to ruin the night?

Well, we dropped the topic and talked about clothes instead. She wanted to know what I liked to wear. She laughed and said I would turn many heads as a girl. I didn't tell her I liked the overall dress or the tights for fear she would tell everyone. I just told her my mom liked the green dress, which was pretty nice.

Apparently, we fell asleep talking because I don't remember what we discussed next.

When I woke up this morning, Sam was holding me, and I was lying on her booby. I thought she was going to get mad at me. I didn't like to go there on purpose, but I could feel the fluffiness of it on my ear. I could even hear her heartbeat, which was terrific. Maybe I'll be a doctor since I like stuff like the heart. I just glanced up at her and she had a smile on her face.

That's when I realized I was sucking my thumb. Surely I was going to die. So I stopped sucking my thumb right away.

Her mom made us a bubble bath. No way, I thought. I had never taken a bath with a girl before. I don't even want to tell anyone. Now I know her mom knows I'm a boy because she helped me get undressed. She probably wanted to ensure I didn't prod at anything on her.

The water felt gritty and smelled nice and flowery. Her mom watched us for a little while, then just left. What's up with her? Why did she leave me alone with a naked girl? Wait, I mean she went her girl with a naked boy, doesn't she know what boys want to do? But that didn't even come into my mind. I didn't even try to sneak peeks through the bubbles.

We played with bubbles while washing. Her boobies stuck out of the water, though. I wonder if girls like having them or not. I mean, do they get in the way or something? I made some on me with the bubbles. I said I was catching up with her. I thought she would get mad and deck me. No, she said some girls take longer to start, and I shouldn't be embarrassed. Hello, I am a boy. I think she said that to make me mad.

It got worse because we got out when her mom returned after that. I looked away from Sam because, you know, I didn't want her mom to think I'm a bad boy, and I was afraid Mr. Willy would act up.

Winking at me, she said, "Don't be shy; we're all girls here." She turned me around, and I saw all of Sam. Well, I saw her, and she saw me all naked.

She whispered something to her mom, and they laughed. I think she said he is small, but he is closer to being a girl anyway. I think that's what she said, but I wasn't sure.

Once we were dried, her mom had us put on these fluffy and soft robes. Anyway, we both had our hair done in a similar way, although Sam's hair was long and curly. Her mom said I could get that way, but I would need a perm. I told her I would think about it.

We both got dressed together. I don't know; maybe being a girl for Christmas is more than I could handle.

Well, I wore white lace panties, that's what Sam calls them. However, they aren't real lace. They are just like hers with flowers. As for the fancy white dresses, they are ivory and white. Girls have 100 different white dresses; nothing is simple. We got white ankle socks and shiny white shoes. Our outfits matched.

Her dad said I have two pretty princesses as we went in front of him. Don't they know I'm a boy? I was just naked in front of her mom, and her dad called me princess! I didn't say anything though, just gave him a look, and he winked at me. Grr, this family and winking, I really hate it.

We went to watch a play in town.

These were some excellent seats. We were right in the middle, and everything was so close. However, it was a nasty thing to take me there. My eyes were wet, and tears were streaming. Normally, I don't cry, but here I was crying. Dresses make girls behave strangely, so they act stupid. It must be the dress effect, right. Because I bet if I was in pants, I wouldn't have cried. I was crying so much that her dad put his arm around me, squeezed me, and gave me a tissue. I was glad it was over. I mean, it was terrific, and I liked it. But I didn't like crying and people seeing me. I mean, its okay to cry if you get punched or someone kicks you in the bad spot, but to cry watching someone singing and dancing, I need to stab my brain and make it work again.

After we got out, it was 12, and we had a fancy lunch. The stupid waiter held the chair out for me and kept calling me miss. I guess I can't blame him, I was in a silly dress. I ate spaghetti and meatballs, and it was real neat. I didn't spill a smidge of sauce on me. I mean I hate the dress, but I don't want to ruin something so lovely. We then got ice cream. Just vanilla but still ice cream. It wasn't like a sundae.

Then we went back to the house. And started watching football. Her dad was like do you like to cheer? I was like, yeah, he said good and told me to go to Sam's room. I was thinking, maybe a boy toy finally like a football or a helmet. When I got into her room, her mom had set up two cheerleading suits. The good thing is I saw Sam undress again, I guess. I wonder why she won't wear a bra; I guess her boobies are not big enough.

At halftime, I was doing cheers that Sam taught me. It was fun, but after this is over, I'm going to have to burn you, Mrs. Diary, so no one can find out. I hope.

I then sat on her dad's lap after halftime. Sitting on men's laps isn't something I am used to. Now that I think about it, it seems so fruity, but I liked having him hold me and squeeze me. He said I was his good luck charm, and when are scored, he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and one to Sam too. We needed one more score at the end time, and I said, I hope you kiss me again. Oh no, did I sound like a total fruit? I didn't mean I wanted a kiss, well, he did kiss me, and it made me happy. I hope I'm just delighted because the out team won and I'm not a fruit.

After the game, we cheered. Do you know that when you jump in a cheer girl outfit, you can accidentally show your pants? Thinking of that while jumping, making my willy stand up. I thought I would be in trouble, but no one noticed. I don't understand my Mr. willy; when he should get big, but he doesn't, and when I think about my panties showing, he just pops up. I think it's broken. Stupid willy.

Okay so anyway, mom picked me up and saw me do a cheer girl outfit, and she clapped and was so happy and thought I was happy to be a cheerleader, but really it was because our team won. She stayed and talked to Sam's parents, and later they had tea.

Sam said if I came by again, we would play older games. I don't know what she really means. Well, mom took me home in the cheerleader suit that night so that I could cheer the Bucs game. We just got home, and the game is almost on.

But instead of cheering, I practiced changing Amy's clothes so I could be a better babysitter for Tonya and also practiced rocking my doll to sleep. Now, remember, Mrs. Diary, don't tell anyone that I liked some fruity stuff.



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