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  • 4 change.m4a




Myranda was in her office doing her work and running her company like any other day.  Though every day, her thoughts were about her son, Sam. The tests told her that she would be waiting for a girl before Sam was born when he was born, everybody thought she was disappointed, she wasn’t.

The first thought that came through her mind was that this child is so pretty, too pretty for this harsh, cruel world. Myranda vowed to make him resilient and independent so that no one in this world could break him. Yet, no matter what she did, the soft, tender, and sweet boy never changed.

Still, Myranda had achieved her goal, and Sam was tough enough to take on the world.  She had to admit that one person in her life scared her for a while: Lisa. When Sam first introduced Lisa to her, Myranda could tell that he loved her but was worried that Lisa might be playing Sam and not loving him. At least, that’s what she thought at first.

Myranda had to admit that she felt jealous for a moment. To think that someone would come and steal her child from her didn’t sit right with her at first. But seeing how happy Sam was with her, she really couldn’t help but take a liking to Lisa. It turned out that Lisa loved Sam as much as he loved her.

It has been a week since she had last called Lisa. They had been planning on taking Sam’s boss down. Myranda would show him what it meant to mess with her son, and she wouldn’t let him get away with it. She wanted to call and talk to her son so badly but couldn’t. Myranda couldn’t ruin what was built over the years, no. She tried to keep Sam resilient and independent while she helped and supported him from the background.

She heard a knock on the door, and a second later, the door opened, and someone entered. Only one person in this company could enter her office without permission, her daughter Julia, head of the sales department. It wasn’t because she was her daughter, no it was because she earned it. If Sam had applied to work here, he would have found himself in a similar position. She knew her son’s qualifications very well.

“Mom, did you call Sam?” Julia asked,  taking a seat in front of her mom’s desk. Being a 29-year-old, Julia was four years older than Sam. She would call Sam Angel throughout his childhood and teenage years since he was nothing but an angel and was never a trouble maker.

“No, why would I do that? He’s an independent and great man. He does not need me to call him,” Myranda said using her mask, already exposed to Julia.

Julia knew that, under this strict cold mask, is an overprotective and loving mother who would do anything to protect her son. Julia knew how often mother would run to Sam’s room when he was having a nightmare only to stop just at the doorstep of his room. She knew that Myranda’s heart always tore apart every time she heard Sam cry but had to stop herself from hugging him and comforting him. It was upsetting for her to play the role of Sam’s father while leaving Julia to play the mothering role. But a boy needed a father to become strong.

“Sam is going to the hospital today; don’t you at least want to see him?” Julia broke the news to Myranda, who immediately started to panic. Julia could see the panicked look on her mom’s face. She wasn’t surprised she knew how much Myranda worried about Sam.

In her panicked state, Myranda immediately started asking a slew of questions. Is he ok? Why is Sam going to the hospital? Is he in any danger? Did Sam get in an accident? To which hospital will he be going? Can we see him?

Julia found it amusing how her mom could try to hide her worries about Sam, but she would start to freak out once anything happened to Sam. She could never handle the sight of Sam getting hurt.

“His life is not in danger, at least from what I heard.” Julia could see the relief on her mom’s face. “But he needs all the support he can get. Sam was diagnosed with GCS. I am sure you have heard of it, Gender Change Syndrome,” Julia explained.

Julia was shocked herself to hear this from Sam. She knew he told her not to tell their mom, but Julia felt she had to do so. Julia understood Sam’s reasoning, but she also knew that Myranda cared about him more than anything else in her world and would never forgive Julia if she didn’t tell her about Sam’s GCS. What Julia didn’t realize,  Sam hoped she would tell mom all about it for him.

“You mean that Sam is…...” Myranda tried to find the right word, but she couldn’t.  Myranda understood Sam’s condition, but it was an overwhelming shock for her. Her lovely son was changing into a girl.

“To make it simple, Sam is a woman already, physically, biologically, probably even mentally,” Julia explained, leaving her mom feeling guilty and mad at herself.

She shouldn’t have kept her son away, now he needed her more than ever, but she was not sure if he would ever accept her support or not.

“Where’s the Hospital? No, never mind that, if you know where it is, let’s go right now,” Myranda said, collecting her things in a rush, slipping on her heels which she had kicked under the desk, and started to put her coat on.

“Mom, slow down and stay calm. Sam still has to finish something at work.  Afterward, he will go to the hospital. We don’t have to leave right now. We only need to go in thirty minutes,” Julia said, trying to calm her mom a bit.

“No, I have pushed Sam away for long enough, even if I go two hours early, I don’t care,” Myranda admitted walking towards the door of her office.

“Fine, just wait for me to get my things,” Julia said, standing up and following her mom.

Once outside her office, Myranda informed her assistant of her leave. She walked to the elevator with Julia just behind her. Julia went into her office, telling her assistant of her departure and collecting her stuff before following her mom to the company’s parking lot. Inside their cars, both kicked their heels to drive better and started to go, with Myranda following Julia closely.


Lisa drove the car heading to the Forrestal corporation, where Sam worked. Sam’s mind was elsewhere, and he was freaking out on the inside. Sam would show up to work dressed as a woman and couldn’t believe it was happening. Sam, however, was ready to start his plan, but until then, he would have to play by the rules.

“Please stick to our agreement and try not to kill anyone, especially you know who,” Sam joked, looking at Lisa. It was his way of coping with everything that was going on. It was also something Lisa liked. He could make anyone smile even at their most depressing moment.

“Oh, but I didn’t agree to that, though. I agreed to try not to,” Lisa replied to his joke. She could tell from his quip how nervous and how honestly terrified he was, yet he didn’t show it. Sam effectively hid his fear and nervousness. Lisa knew him so very well that she knew how scared he was.

“Sam, I know, it’s scary, but let me make this clear, I have your back, one hundred percent. For years you always showed that you could protect me and our house. Now it’s my turn to return the favor,” Lisa said, looking ahead of her. She wanted to look Sam in the eyes as she said that but kept her eyes on the road.

“Lisa, you’re the only person I can trust in this world,” Sam admitted with a sigh. “If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t dress like this for them,” Sam said, pointing to his outfit. It felt weird not seeing a bulge in his crotch, even the pants of the suit were feminine, yet it felt comfortable, and he didn’t have a problem. Looking at his legs covered in black tights, he couldn’t help but see that they were unmistakably feminine. “My problem is with other people, not you.”

They arrived at the Forrestal corporation, and Sam showed Lisa where to park the car. Then with shaky legs, Sam left the car with Lisa beside him.

“Take this,” Lisa said, surprising Sam handing him a black leather handbag. Sam took the bag and looked at it in confusion. “I took the initiative to collect all your belongings, including your phone, the medical papers, and a couple of other things that you might need,” Lisa explained. She knew that Sam already had enough on his mind and couldn’t take care of all the details, so she made sure nothing was missing herself.

“Thanks, I don’t even know how I keep forgetting everything,” Sam said, blushing while taking the bag from Lisa. He hung the bag on his shoulder as they made their way into the building.

Sam and Lisa walked towards the lobby elevator.  Other people were already waiting, and some were in the elevator when the door opened. Sam could feel the looks of a male colleague on his back but tried his best to ignore it. Once the elevator stopped at the 13th floor of the company, both Sam and Lisa left the car.

Sam made his way through the offices, not daring to go to his own office while Lisa was with him. If Lisa saw the surprises left on his desk every day, he was sure that someone would catch hell for it. Instead, Sam went straight to his boss’s office with Lisa just behind him. A Hispanic woman in her early twenties sat directly outside of the office, wearing a red skirt suit, with her jacket and coat hung beside her.

“Morning, Lora,” Sam greeted her, walking to her desk. “Is ‘he who must not be named’ inside?” Sam asked, referring to his boss. Everyone in the department referred to him in this way. Women, especially, developed an intense disliking of him due to his harassment. However, no one liked him for being such an asshole.

Lora looked up from her computer with a smile at first, then her jaw dropped, and her eyes almost popped out of her head. She had to pinch herself to ensure she saw what was in front of her. Lora immediately knew that this stunning woman in front of her was Sam. Even if Sam looked feminine and beautiful, he was, as she knew him, a married guy, and she often heard him talk about his wife and kids.

“Sam? Is that you?” Lora asked, trying to make sure it was real and not some weird dream.

Sam blushed hard but nodded, it was very embarrassing for him to wear clothes like this, but there was no running away from it.

“Yes, Lora, it’s me, listen. It’s a long story, and I don’t have time to explain. Let’s say that I will live as a woman from now on, and it’s not my choice. That’s the reason why I need to see, ‘he who must not be named,’ is he, inside or not?” Sam stood there shaking as Lisa reached to hold his hand reassuringly.

Lora let out a giggle which caused Lisa to raise an eyebrow, clearly thinking that Lora was making fun of Sam.

“Yes, ‘he who must not be named’ is inside, and let me say you look absolutely stunning, just let me inform him, and I will let you in,” Lora explained, giving her boss a call and telling him that Sam wanted to see him. “By the way, Mrs. Walter is inside now. It’s your chance to say what needs to be said,” Lora hinted to Sam, who understood immediately.

“Thanks, Lora, but not now, another time maybe,” Sam replied as Lora gave him a polite smile. “Oh, I forgot to introduce my wife. Sorry, I am all over the place today. Say hello to Lisa, my wife, and this is Lora. She’s, he who must not be named’s assistant, and the one who suffers the most,” Sam said, whispering the last part. Still, Lora heard it and couldn’t help but smile.

Lisa couldn’t help but realize how neither Sam nor Lora mentioned their boss’s name the whole time. From their tone, it seemed they had a deep dislike for him. It was another reason for Lisa to strangle him to death.

With that, both Sam and Lisa turned to the office. Sam’s hand wavered as he raised his arm to knock on the door. A second later, a female voice told them to come in. Much to Lisa’s surprise, Sam opened the door and went in.

Once in the office, Lisa was surprised to see a lady in her early thirties sitting behind the desk while Lisa was expecting to see a man. “Jake, honey, why don’t you stop the foot massage and get up,” the lady calmly said. She looked at Sam and gave him a kind smile. A man stood up from underneath the desk, looking embarrassed and frustrated. Jake was a short man, and he was overweight and going bald. He also wore a cheesy mustache. Lisa wasn’t very impressed.

“So, Sam, I read your Email, honey. My lazy husband hasn’t bothered reading his Emails. Please accept my apology for that,” the lady informed Sam, making him smile.

While Lisa was shocked by what she saw, Sam was all smiles and grins. His thoughts were, “It serves you right, you damn pervert.”

“No need to apologize, Mrs. Walter,” Sam replied, regaining his composure. “By the way, this is my wife Lisa, the one I told you about before,” Sam introduced as both Lisa and Mrs. Walter shook hands ignoring Sam’s boss as if he wasn’t there.

“Well, I read your Email, my dear. My husband definitely won’t mind giving you a  couple of weeks off as a paid medical leave.  Isn’t that right, honey?” Mrs. Walter said in a calm but very authoritative tone. She was one of the largest shareholders in the company and had far more authority than her husband.

“But, honey... Ahhhh.” He tried to object but cut short when Mrs. Walter tightly squeezed his balls in her hand behind her desk. Of course, Sam and Lisa couldn’t see what was happening behind the desk, but they didn’t care that much.

“Isn’t that right, honey?” Mrs. Walter asked, clearly not happy with his answer again while still tightly holding her husband.

“Yes, honey, I am sure I can,” he said, blushing hard. He couldn’t believe he was being humiliated like this in front of Sam. He knew he would do anything his wife told him. Still, being humiliated like that in front of these underlings who worked for him, especially Sam, was horrible. He couldn’t even look at Sam since Sam’s beauty aroused him. Jake knew that Sam was now a hot woman, and he would be looking for some private time when his wife was not around to toy with Sam.

Mrs. Walter took a pen and a checkbook. A second later, she handed Sam a check for a thousand dollars. Sam stared at it and then back at Mrs. Walter, who just smiled at him.

“You make a stunning lady, Sam. Consider this token as my gift to you, so you can start building up your wardrobe. Since the man who runs this company is as stingy as ever, I doubt he would give you more than your salary, but at least I can guarantee your salary,” Mrs. Walter informed Sam, who was still confused.

Was he supposed to use a thousand dollars on clothes? Sam would never spend this much money shopping for clothes. This amount of cash was insane for its purpose, at least that’s what Sam thought. Still, knowing Mrs. Walter, he knew better to thank her and be done with it. He knew she wouldn’t accept the money back. “Thank you, Mrs. Walter,” Sam said before putting the check in the handbag on his shoulder. He then took out the paper he received from the doctor and handed it to Mrs. Walter.

“If you don’t mind me visiting you in the hospital, I would be grateful. I can also visit you once you are home.” Mrs. Walter inquired in a calm tone.

Mrs. Walter also liked Sam’s modest personality. She knew Sam as a pleasant and hardworking man, one of the finest minds in the company. She knew that the company should invest more in people like Sam, but that stingy CEO looked at things differently. No matter what Sam’s team achieved, he never claimed it for himself. Instead, Sam gave credit to his team, even if he completed most of the job by himself.

Sam was about to speak and tell Mrs. Walter that she didn’t need to do that, but Lisa replied first, not giving him a chance.

“Of course, that would be great, Mrs. Walter. We will be in the ‘Angel of Mercy’ Hospital. If you would like, I could text you the number of the room once they admit Sam,” said Lisa, not giving Sam a chance to refuse. She was eager to add others to her plan, and from the way Mrs. Walter had been so dismissive of her husband, Lisa could see that Mrs. Walter would be a valuable asset to help reach her goal.

Sam and Lisa walked out of the office, and Sam was very calm by now. Both Lisa and Mrs. Walter had exchanged numbers.

“That went well, much better than what I expected,” Sam admitted with a sigh of relief, then he remembered the check Mrs. Walter gave him. “What am I supposed to do with a thousand dollars? Isn’t that too much for shopping?”

Lisa couldn’t help but laugh a bit as Sam took the driver’s seat this time. “Oh, my beautiful wife, you know nothing about women’s shopping,” Lisa, teased making Sam blush a bit. She couldn’t help but reach to give Sam a kiss, who took part almost immediately.

“So, I am going be out cold for the rest of the day, huh?” Sam commented, starting the car.

He was driving to the hospital to take a booster shot made especially for GCS. This shot was designed to help Sam’s body change quicker, with less pain, but would leave him unconscious for at least 12 hours. Sam would be discharged from the hospital once he regained consciousness and the lab ran the necessary tests. He would then stay at home for at least a week to recover his health and rest.

“Don’t worry, Sam, I won’t leave you for a second,” Lisa said, massaging his thigh.



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