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  • 12 MAID.m4a
  • 12 MAID.m4a




WARNING - This story is for 18+ years old only, containing mature, explicit sexual content.


On Monday, we woke up early. I knew I was excited to go to my first porn shooting, and Maria was excited to be working again. I dressed in my maid's uniform, but I knew I would be changing as soon as both Tracy and Mark were dressed to leave. Mark would go in early with Maria and me, following about an hour later. Tracy was coming along too, but she said she would leave earlier than Maria and I.

Once breakfast was served and Tracy was dressed for the day, I went back to my bedroom. Maria told me to dress comfortably as I would be mostly sitting all day. I decided to wear a short black leather mini-skirt and a dark red crop-top tee shirt that showed my belly ring off nicely. I also wore a garter belt, stockings, and four-inch heeled sandals. As soon as Tracy saw me, she asked if I was the porn star or was Maria.

Maria wore a pair of denim shorts, a tee-shirt, and tennis shoes. She knew she would be changing once she was in the studio. Tracy was as always impeccably dressed in a gray suit and four-inch heels.

Maria and I followed behind Tracy's sports car all the way to the studio. The studio was a complex of ten warehouses. We had to give our name and who we were going to see to a gate guard before Maria and I were allowed into the studio. The guard told us where to go and what roads to take to avoid other movies being filmed. I found out later that several production companies used this studio, and there were quite a number of porn movies filmed here each month.

Maria parked her car, and we followed Tracy into one of the warehouses. As soon as I walked in, I saw it was pretty different than I expected. One section of the building looked like a normal everyday house with a living room and kitchen off to one side. Another area looked like a basement room where there was all matter of S&M gear from a crossed beam affair to a pommel horse meant for tying down a victim.

In the back of the warehouse was a dressing room equipped with showers and anything a girl could need in the way of makeup. There were also several douche kits and a case of disposal enema kits. There were several costumes on a clothes rack to one side that had Maria's name on it. Most were made of leather though one or two were made of vinyl. There was also a rack for Sammie Weight and someone named Laurel Adams.

Though the tables were filled with all different types of makeup, Maria had brought her own. She said she always brought her own, so she knew she had what she liked. After placing her makeup bag on one of the tables, she took my hand and guided me back toward the entrance.

As we arrived at the living room of the set, a girl came running up toward us and threw her arms around Maria. They kissed deeply and hugged each other tightly for several minutes.

The girl was very feminine-looking and very attractive. She stood almost as tall as Maria, though she was an inch shorter than Maria's five-foot-nine frame. Her breasts were large like Maria's 36 D's, and her legs were thin like Maria's. Looking at her face straight on, you wouldn't know she was a boy but looking at her profile, you could see her true nature.

When they drew apart, the other girl said, "Oh Maria, I can't tell you how happy I was when Mark told me you would be working on this movie. I've missed you so much."

They kissed again before Maria said, "I've missed you to honey. Oh, let me introduce you to Stephanie. Steph, this is Sammie Weight; she's a dear friend and one hell of a party girl. Sammie, this is Stephanie."

Sammie and I shook hands before Sammie asked Maria, "Is she in the movie too? I thought the other t-girl was named Laurel?"

Maria laughed and said. "No, Stephie isn't in the movie; she's just here to watch how a porn movie is made."

"That's a shame she's really cute." Sammie told Maria, then she asked, "Is she like us? I mean, you know."

Maria giggled and said. "Yes, she's like as though she's just starting."

Sammie slid her arm around my shoulder and said to me. "Are you thinking about becoming a porn star like Maria and me?"

"I haven't thought about it," I told her shyly.

"Your very pretty, and I'm sure Mark would love to have you in his movies. The money's pretty good too; besides, where else can you have sex and get paid for it legally."

Before I could answer, Mark came up to us with another girl. This girl was also quite attractive with her beautiful long blond hair and full red lips. Her breasts were big like Maria's, and they were only barely contained in the tight tee-shirt she was wearing. I had a feeling this was the other T-girl, Laurel, but for the life of me, I couldn't tell if she was a real girl or a T-girl.

Once Mark and the girl stood in front of us, Mark introduced us to her. "Laurel, this is Maria and Sammie, your co-stars, and this is Stephie, a dear friend of mine. Now you girls get acquainted, and I'll send Patty over to get you girls ready for the first scene."

Mark left quickly as the girls started talking. Laurel had a slight British accent that I later found out came from the time she lived in the Bahamas while growing up. She was originally born in New York and moved back when she turned sixteen with her parents. I never found anything else about her, seeing she was very secretive about her past life.

The girls talked for several minutes, mostly about what movies they play in and where they were from, till another girl came up and told them it was time to get ready. This I assumed was Patty though I wasn't sure, seeing no one introduced us.

A few seconds later, we were back in the dressing room, where Patty started passing out outfits. Maria was handed a black leather corset, a pair of black translucent stockings, a white button-down long sleeve blouse, and a black leather skirt. From her makeup bag, she took out a pair of four-inch stiletto-heeled black leather pumps and a pair of black satin thong panties.

The other girls were handed much the same though Sammie's corset was red and her skirt was red. Laurel's corset was white, and her skirt was burgundy. Sammie and Laurel also wore leather collars around their throats, and the color of the collar matched the color of their corsets.

Before either of the girls could get dressed, each had to cleanse their bottoms. Though to me, this was an intimate task that I could only perform with someone I knew intimately. The girls didn't seem to mind as they did it in the bathroom together.

Once they were cleaned out, each girl started putting on her makeup. This was different as they highlighted different parts of their bodies with makeup. They rubbed rouge on their nipples and brushed blush on their penises and scrotums to make them stand out. They powdered their legs and bottoms to blend and reduce any shine. Patty helped anywhere it was needed, but mostly the girls took care of themselves.

Once the girls were dressed and made up, Patty took us to the living room set. There we met up with Mark and the two male co-stars. I was first introduced to Lee, who was a short blond pretty boy. He stood a little taller than I do though he was shorter than the rest of the girls. His five-foot-seven-inch frame came closer to Laurel's, but she stood three inches taller than he did in her heels.

Lee looked tiny compared to Max, who stood well over six-foot-three and was taller than the girls. He was more muscular than Lee was, and I would later find out he had a larger cock than Lee did.

I didn't know this at the time we were introduced, seeing both men were fully dressed. Lee was wearing faded denim blue jeans and a button-down blue shirt with a patch over one pocket that said Knox Cable Company. Max was also wearing faded blue jeans and a button-down white shirt.

As Mark started to explain the scene and what role each would play, Tracy came over and took my hand before leading me over to the set of director chairs. Once we sat down, she said. "You need to stay here while they shoot the scene, and remember when the camera is on, you must be quiet." Before I could say anything, Mark called for quiet, and the scene started.

Lee knocked on the door, and all three girls ran to the door. You could tell Maria was the one in charge, as she told the other two girls to behave themselves before she opened the door. When Maria let Lee in, he told her he was there to fix her cable line. Maria showed Lee to the TV before she left the room.

The other two girls stayed in the room while Lee went to work. Before long, Laurel and Sammie started kissing each other before long, and Lee, like any normal red-blooded male, couldn't keep his eye off them. Before long, Sammie and Laurel found their way to the sofa, where they took off each other's blouses and started sucking each other's nipples.

This went on for about ten minutes or so till Maria came back. She screamed that the guy was a pervert and smacked him in the face. This knocked Lee to the floor, and before he could get up, the girls jumped on him and stripped him of his clothes. Once he was naked and handcuffed, Maria told the girls to take him to the playroom.

Mark called cut, and I could see everyone relax. Lee was helped off the floor, and the handcuffs were removed. It took about an hour before everything was set up in the basement playroom. The lighting had to be just right, and more makeup was applied to the girls as well as Lee.

When they were set to start again, Lee was strapped down over the pommel horse still naked, and the girls had removed their blouses and skirts. You still couldn't tell the girls were anything but real girls due to the fact they were tucked back. Maria stood in front of Lee with a riding crop in her hand while Sammie and Laurel stood behind him.

As the scene began, Maria slapped the riding crop down onto the horse right in front of Lee's face and said angrily, "So you little pervert you like watching other people fool around?"

You could almost see fear in Lee's eye and hear it in his voice when he said. "No, please, Lady, I didn't mean anything. They're just so beautiful I couldn't help myself."

Maria smiled wickedly at him and said, "So you think my girls are beautiful, do you. Maybe you should show me how beautiful you think they are by licking their clits for them. I'm sure they would enjoy it."

"Whatever you want, Lady. I'll do whatever you want." Lee told her desperately.

Maria snickered and said. "Amy, come over and let this pervert lick your clit."

Laurel stood in front of Lee and slid her panties off. When Lee could see that Laurel had a penis instead of a vagina, he cried out. "I'm not licking that she a guy."

Maria grabbed a hand full of Lee's hair and shouted. "You said you would do whatever I want now; start sucking her clit, or I'll whip your ass till it bleeds."

"No fucking way, lady, I'm not queer," Lee told her defiantly.

Maria slapped Lee with the crop three times as Lee cried out with each slap. When she was done, she said. "I can hit a lot harder, pervert. Now suck her clit like a good little queer boy."

Lee told her no once more before Maria slapped his ass three more times. Lee then started crying, and at the same time, Laurel stepped forward and offered Lee her limp penis. The camera got a few close-ups shots of Lee sucking Laurel's penis before Mark called cut.

As soon as the studio lights went off, Tracy turned to me and said. "I have a meeting to go to. Are you going to stay, or do you want to come with me?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay," I told her though I sounded more like I was asking her permission to stay.

Tracy leaned over kissed me on the cheek before saying. "Of course you can stay, sweetie. Just remember to stay out of the way and be quiet when the camera is on." Tracy then kissed me again before she went over to Mark and kissed him goodbye.

After Tracy left, Mark called for a break. Lee was unshackled from the pommel horse. He didn't bother getting dressed; he merely wrapped a towel around his waist. Laurel didn't bother putting on her panties either.

Maria came over to me and asked. "Are you enjoying yourself? This isn't too boring, is it?"

"No, it is very interesting, but I was wondering. Doesn't it hurt when you hit Lee with that riding crop?"

"I hope not. I don't like hitting him, but it's in the script." Maria told me sadly. "Lee says it hurts, but he's used to it. He appears in a lot of these dominatrix movies."

Before I could ask anything else, Mark came over and said. "I need you, girls, a little excited for the next scene. I don't need you fully erect though I need some sign that you're becoming aroused. If you need a fluffer, let me know."

"Maybe, let me see what I could do on my own first," Maria told him.

After Mark left us, I asked, "What's a fluffer?"

Maria blushed and said, "A fluffer is someone that gets the actor excited. You know erect." I must have looked confused because Maria turned my head and said. "See that girl on her knees in front of Laurel; she's a fluffer."

I looked at the girl that Maria was pointing to. I had seen her around the set though she didn't seem to be doing anything until now. Now she was on her knees sucking Laurel's clit. As I watched, I could see the girl was quite good, and in no time, Laurel was semi-hard.

While watching the girl, I got the urge to do a little sucking myself, so I turned to Maria. By this time, she had her clit out and was stroking herself. She wasn't even the slightest bit hard yet, so I said. "We could go in the dressing room, and I could help you with that."

Maria smiled and said, "I would like that, but I have to stay here."

I couldn't get the urge out of my head, and before I knew it, I was sinking to my knees in front of Maria, and my mouth slid around her penis. As I started sucking, Maria took my head in her hands and moaned softly. It didn't take me long before I felt Maria starting to get hard in my mouth, and the harder I sucked, the harder she became.

I sucked her off for a while, but it wasn't until I felt her pull my mouth from her clit that I remembered where we were. At the same time, I heard Mark ask. "Are you ready, Maria?"

Maria kissed my forehead before saying. "You bet I am."

As I realized what I had just done, I looked around the room to see if anyone was looking at me. Either no one saw me, or no one cared, as the next scene was about to start. Though no one seemed to care, I was very embarrassed by my wanton display.

The next scene started with Laurel's clit once more in Lee's mouth, and he wasn't just sucking her off. Laurel was fucking his mouth at the same time. At the same time, Sammie was sucking Maria's clit, the same clit I had just gotten hard. Maria was finger fucking Lee's ass while Sammie was stroking herself in order to stay hard.

This scene lasted for a few minutes till Laurel cried out she was cuming. She pulled her clit from Lee's mouth and squirted her cum all over Lee's face. Once she was done cuming, Maria told Laurel to return the favor while Sammie took her place.

Laurel went to her knees under Lee and started sucking his cock while Sammie stood in front of Lee and slid her clit into Lee's mouth. At the same time, Maria slid her clit into Lee's ass. Lee complained somewhat, but with a swollen penis in his mouth, he couldn't complain too much.

By the time the scene ended, Sammie had come onto Lee's face, and Lee came onto Laurel's breast before Maria pulled her cock from Lee's ass and came all over his back. Once the scene was over, Mark called cut before telling everyone to take an hour lunch.

Maria Laurel and Sammie headed for the dressing room, and I started to follow, but Mark stopped me. I thought he was mad at me for going down on Maria, so I said. "Mister Mark, I'm really sorry I did that. I promise it will never happen again."

Mark smiled down at me and said. "I'm not mad at you, honey, but there are two things I need you to do. First, when we're not at home call me Mark only. Secondly, see that man standing over by the door. I need you to talk to him. You did bring your driver's license and social security card, didn't you?"

I always carried both though I didn't think I would ever use them again. When I told him I had the card and license, he kissed my forehead and pushed me toward the man he had pointed to.

The man was sort of on the chubby side and slightly bald, though with his comb-over, it was really hard to tell. He was holding several sheets of paper, and he smiled as I got closer. Though he was older than anyone else on the set, he was rather attractive. He was well dressed in a suit and tie. This was very uncommon for LA, and when you saw someone that well dressed, you just had to smile.

He smiled back at me before he took my hand in his and said. "Hi, I'm Mike Donavan; I'm Mark's accountant. I need to get a copy of your driver's license and your social security card so you can get paid."

I'm sure I looked confused while I said. "I already get paid from Mark and Tracy."

Mike chuckled and said. "I know that, honey. I make out that check too. But I'm referring to the work you're doing here."

Now I was even more confused, so I said. "I'm just watching. I'm not part of the cast."

"Honey, I saw you fluffing up Maria earlier. That's something we have to pay you for." Mike told me.

"I'm Marie's friend. I just did it to help her out. I don't expect to get paid for it." I told him.

Mike seemed slightly put out when he said. "Look, sweetie, I don't care if you two are married. If you do that on the set, you will be paid for it. If I didn't pay you, I'd have a walkout, and I don't want that. Now give me your licenses and SSN card."

I thought he was upset with me because he had to pay me, so I said as I handed over my card. "Look, I promise I won't do that again. Can't we forget about it this time? I don't want to cost Mark any more money."

Mike laughed and said. "Sweetheart, no one is mad at you. Mark sure isn't, and I'm not. You didn't do anything wrong in fact, you probably helped us out. We didn't have enough fluffers to go around, and god knows the actors don't want to do that." Mike took my cards and said. "I'll have these back before you leave today. I just need to make copies."

After Mike left, I went looking for Maria. I found her in the dressing room with a large plate of fresh veggies. She told us to get something to eat from the buffet table.

Once I had a plate of veggies and fruit, I went back to the dressing room and sat down with Maria. Once I was seated, I said. "I hope Mark isn't mad at me. They have to pay me for what I did to you earlier."

Maria chuckled and said. "If Mark was mad, you would already know it. As far as getting paid for fluffing me up, don't knock it; it's good money. Though now that you are on the payroll for the day, I'm sure he wants you to continue and not only with me. I'm sure if you really don't want to do someone else, he won't force you."

I tried to think about what I would do if Mark wanted me to fluff up someone else. I could see he would expect me to perform, seeing he was paying me, but could I do that with someone else. With Maria, it was easy, as I had done her so often, but what about other people on the cast.

As I thought about it, I could easily do one of the other girls. They are quite pretty, and sucking them would be very pleasurable. Max and Lee are so very handsome and seem quite nice. Sucking them would definitely not be a chore. By the time the lunch break was over, I had convinced myself that if Mark needed me to fluff someone, I would do it.

After everyone was called back to the set, Mark came over to me and handed me my cards before saying. "I'm sorry I should have told you what that was about. By the rules, we have to pay you, so don't think I'm mad at you. Also, I won't expect you to fluff up anyone else if you don't want to."

"I'm sorry I forced you into paying me. If I had known, I wouldn't have done it," I told. Mark touched the side of my face before I said. "If you need me to, you know, fluff someone, I'm more than willing."



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